Monday, September 6, 2010

We were so excited to spend the holiday weekend on the lake. We had lots of boating and tubing to do. We had lots of sun to enjoy, were hoping to have a great end to a fabulous summer, the best summer thus far:)

Well, it was fabulous. It was great, but definitely not as planned.

Do you see anything wrong with these pictures? 

Did you figure out what is so wrong with these pictures?

Maybe the fact that we had far too many clothes on for Labor Day weekend?

Maybe the fact that Caleb had a snow hat on.....because it was sooo cold?

Or because we had to play with the tube on the grass and not in the water?

It was a cold one, but definitely a great Labor Day Weekend!

1 comment:

Krista said...

What a bummer about the weather! I do love the picture of Caleb in the stroller, though. Nice photography!