Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Proof that I am a mom of a boy

I never thought I would have a boy. Never. I am a pink girl (take notice of the shirt I have on). I love girly, frilly, pink things. I don't enjoy being outside where I there is dirt, bugs and dare I say....snakes! There is nothing about me that says stereotypical boy.

Slowly but surely the reality that I am the mom of boy is hitting me.

When I hear a loud car I start making those noises (sometimes with Caleb and sometimes, ahem, by myself).

I see puddles and wondering if he is too young to go jump on them.

I think about the "weapons" that he is going to use as he spars with friends, trees, anything in his way.

I am constantly wiped out because this little guy DOES.NOT.STOP. He is a busy boy, and he is on the go.

I can sit for a long time and watch cars go by (both on the couch looking out the window and out the front porch)

When I go into stores, I can (with some willpower) sweep past the pink stuff and into the boy dept.

I think about "Boy birthday party themes" and "Boy bedroom and themes" and most importantly, boy scrap booking ideas.

I am in love with this boy. Is there any other proof that I need?

If there is....I was talking with someone today and they asked if we were going to adopt again. I quickly told them yes. They asked if we wanted a boy or girl. Without hesitation, I said, "I would love a girl, but there is a huge need to adopt African American boys. That's where the need is, that's where our heart is and that is probably what we will do." 


Did I just say I wanted MORE boys in my house?

Not today. But I am saying yes to where God leads.

Even if that is with a household of boys.

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I could have written this post. Pink? YES! Frilly? YES! Make-up, manicures, dresses, heels? That's me.
A house full of boys? IN LOVE!! ;)