Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lord, hear the cry of my heart

The cry of my heart is to be a mommy
A mommy to beautiful, sweet Noelle Grace
To be born soon

The cry of my heart is to bring her home soon from the hospital
To wrap her in my arms
To give her more love than she knows what to do with

God, you know the cry of my heart.....

We were told today to plan on the birth mom not going through with the adoption. She has been MIA for 3 weeks and she is supposed to check in weekly with her counselor. They have called her, the phone is disconnected. They have gone to her apt, and left a letter on the door. They have called her mom, and her sister. Still, no luck. Their only guess is that she has changed her mind.

Tonight, the cry of my heart is that we would get a hold of birth mom. That we would be able to talk with her, and walk through this process with her.

Tonight, the cry of my heart is that Jon and I would both sleep well, and while we are sleeping that the Lord would be working in G's life (birth mom).

Tonight, the cry of my heart is that God would give us peace.

Tonight, the cry of my heart is to know the heart of God.

I am not even sure what to pray for, but would you pray with us and for us?

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