Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Good thing we have a God that can handle my emotions, that can handle my tears and comforts me during sleepless nights. I am so thankful for the Lord who is so much bigger than me.

Why am I losing my mind?

Birth mom has rand out of minutes on her cell phone....

which means---

-we can't get a hold of her to go to her doctor appointments with her
-we can't get a hold of her to hear how she is doing
-if there is an emergency, she has no phone
-that I am going crazy wondering...

-how is my baby?
-is birth mom ok?
-has she gone into labor?
-is she healthy?
-does she need money for other things? like food?
-has she changed her mind about adoption? Is she hiding from the adoption agency?

Adding to our caseworker's caseload is a frantic mom to me (me) calling and emailing all day long trying to hear how my baby is doing.

Here is the message I received from her today:
No Kristin. We have not gotten a hold of (birth mom) during the past week or so. Karen and I are going to go over to her house and try to catch her at home today or tomorrow. I promise to update you after our visit.

I PROMISE.....I am waiting for that promise....I am waiting to find out.

Think of my sweet sweet baby girl tonight.

1 comment:

zegron said...

Sarah and I will be praying!