Friday, September 14, 2007

This week was great, a true reminder of why I am in ministry. I am currently meeting 6 students, 4 of which are new. I am reading "Discipleship Essentials" with 2 freshmen and reading "Knowing God" with another freshmen. I am really excited for these. The girls that I am discipling are really interesting and have great potential for great influence on campus.

I am really looking forward to reading "Knowing God." I have never read it, and have started reading, and it is already truly challenging me in learning about God in an intellectual way.

Great news in funding!!! I was given a $3000 matching grant. If someone were to support me monthly, their gift would be doubled!!! YEAH!!!! Please pray that God would would provide people to support me.


Anonymous said...

A matching grant?! That's wonderful!

Tiffani said...

Knowing God is one of my favorite theology it possible to use the words "favorite" and "theology" in the same sentence? it's a really good one. might be a Calvinist by the end of the book, though. (wink.) You'll have to let me know some of your thoughts as you read it.