Saturday, September 1, 2007

NSO Thus Far....

The fall is typically the time for New Student Outreach (NSO), though I am hesitant to label it only as a fall activity, because we want to continue the attitude of bringing new students into the chapter throughout the year.

A brief review of NSO activities thus far:
-Chalking campus to welcome freshmen and new students to campus
-Passing out candy and InterVarsity flyers every day the first week of school
-Free Hot dogs, during "Hurricane Albion." We had planned to give free hot dogs to anyone who would come, but as soon as we put the dogs on the grill, a horrible, horrible storm ripped through. Luckily, we ran inside, soaked hot dogs and all, and continued to serve and continued to meet new students.
-Briton Bash: Albion's student organization fair. We were able to have a table up and talked to 20 people who were interested in InterVarsity. It was hot hot hot. They crammed 2,000 + students into the indoor track area, with no air conditioning!!! Needless to say, I was very sweaty towards the end of the night.
-Cookie Follow-up:The names that we received either at Briton Bash or the hot dog bash, or any other various way. It was a great time, though I was not ready to experience the Albion red-tape that I did not have at Central. I couldn't just go deliver cookies, I had to be with someone who lived in that dorm. There is a key card at each door, and you can only get in if you live there, which made it pretty hard.
-For the next few weeks, I will be continuing follow-up. I would like to meet each and every student, take them out to lunch or something and get to know them better and invite them to be a part of the chapter.

-Matt, a new small group leader!!! Pray for him...He is a junior and has just committed to co-leading a small group with Kwame in one of the freshmen dorms. I am so excited that he is stepping up into leadership. It is a great man of God, as well as a man with connections. He is an RA in the International House :)

Things are happening!

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