Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sorry, I don't eat

For the past week, the students and I have been passing out candy and flyers, inviting the campus to our Bible Studies and prayer meetings. We have had several people that are interested, which is encouraging, but throughout the week, there have definitely been some funny things happen.

For instance.....I was passing out flyers and a female student motioned at her phone, saying that she couldn't talk because she was on the phone. As she was saying that, her phone actually rang! Liar! You were just trying to get away from me.

Another funny story. Yesterday, we were inviting people to our Hot Dog Bash today. There were a lot people, that said "Sorry, I can't come, I don't eat meat" But one strange guy said, "Sorry, I'm just one of those guys that don't eat." Really. You have lived for 20 some years withtout eating? mmmmm. The joys of NSO.

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