Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Brain dump

Right now--- I am sitting on the couch, watching Modern Family, knowing that it is time for a blog update, it is time to prep for Chapter Focus Week, time to clean my house and finish editing some photos. 

So it seems all I have the mind for is the Basic Blog Brain Dump. 

1. I am itching to have some more photo shoots this summer!! So, tell everyone you know. I have some fun creative ideas and dying to try some new things. Visit to check out the work. 

2. I love shooting photos of newborns. Love it. 

3. If you have been around me at all, I ask a lot of questions. It is great way to get to know people and to figure out what is really going on in their life, because no one really answers when you ask, "How are you?" One of the questions I always ask, is "What are you reading these days?" I love this question, because it helps me to know what people are thinking about, wrestling through and interested in based on what they are reading. It occurred to me this week, while again asking that question, that my answer has been the same for about a year, just with different titles. For the last year, I have been reading books about women, specifically the theology for an against women in ministry, and the role of ministry. It has been a journey. I think I should stop asking that question until I have different answers:) 

4. I am so excited for Chapter Focus Week next week. 15 students from Albion are attending. I am so excited to spend time in prayer, to plan, to train students and to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of college students. 

5. Almost licensed for foster care. Just a few more things and then the adventure REALLY begins. 

6. May 11--Jon and I start p90x for a second time. 

7. I want to ride my bike. Now. Except that I don't think there are air in the tires. 

8. Caleb asks for a nap during the day, almost begging for a nap. When bed time rolls around, he could stay in his bed and talk and play for hours. Literally. His bed time is 8:30 and he has talked to himself until 11:30. 

9. I am LOVING being a mommy of a two year old. I never thought I would see that day. Two has been SOOO hard. I have never seen a more strong willed child. In the past few weeks, he has calmed way down. he has learned to communicate. Before he does anything, my sweet, cautious boy, says, " Can I do ______, Can I have_________, Can I eat_______________." I love that he is able to communicate. Frequently, he says, "I want my mamma." Be still my beating heart. I love when he says that when it is just he and I together. He could just jump up in my lap and let me snuggle him, but instead he says, "I want my mamma." Ok baby boy, you get whatever you want:) 

10. The two year old had a little run in with the pavement and received his first "big boy owie". He has shown everyone and it is his claim to fame. 

11. I hate how Caleb's Sunday School curriculum portrays Jesus as a white guy. Seriously? Who is not aware the Jesus is from the middle east? Each week when Caleb brings home his papers, we talk about what he learned, and read his stories, and say, "caleb, Jesus doesn't actually look like this. In fact, we don't REALLY know what he looks like, but you can bet that he is not white with blue eyes." And then he looks at me like I am crazy. 

12. My husband really loves me. Really. And he has been  showing it lately. And he bought me a laptop. And some Arnold Palmers. And he talks to me while I edit photos. And, I know he loves me:) 

What's on your mind today? 

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