Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 26

26 Days of P90X completed! I never thought that I would do a work out this intense, always thought I was too weak, or "not the work out type."

Truth be told: I LOVE IT. I am shouting from the roof tops. Definitely my favorite work out thus far.

It doesn't mean that I enjoy 90 minutes of sweat yoga. Or Dreya rolls. Or SuperMan Banana. BUT...I love that I am FINALLY taking over my body, taking good care of it, pushing it to the extreme. I love that I can feel myself getting stronger, that my clothes are fitting better and I feel better about myself. I love the common ground that it gives Jon and I and sometimes, yes sometimes, we work out together. Never thought I would see the day.

I laugh. If you only knew my crazy insecurities. I remember when we were dating in high school. I had a pass to a local gym. One time Jon called my house (oh the days of no cell phones. G A S P.  A teenage boy calling his teenage girlfriend's house?!?! What? No texting? No cell phones?) My mom told Jon that I was at the gym. I was so mad. I didn't want him knowing I was working out. I thought he would laugh at me. And now...I actually look forward to working out WITH him.

A few surprising things: I never thought I could work out so much, eat so well, clothes fit so differently (in a good way) and not lose much weight. Seriously frustrating. All this work on not a lot of weight lost. It is crazy. Depending on the day, I have lost anywhere from 3-7lbs. I really was expecting more. Another surprising thing....I actually love the work outs. Don't get me wrong, it is hard to motivate myself, and get out of bed early, but once I do....I LOVE IT. Fun stuff.

What are you doing to get in shape this winter?

1 comment:

Arlona said...

I'm trying to get in at least 10,000 steps and up at least 10 flights of stairs.