Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Dear Sweet Cheeks,

I don't really call you that. Sometimes I do. I get to call you whatever I want, because I am the mom and right now I am thinking about the day that you won't let me kiss those pudgy cheeks, so for's sweet cheeks.

Or Batman. You have no idea who Batman is, but you got some sweet Batman pajamas for Christmas and you insist on wearing them and going by "Batman." When I went into your bedroom this morning, you said to me. " Sleep. Where Batman go?"  I am not sure what that means, but Batman is on your mind.

Enough stalling. I have been stalling on writing this post. Somehow if I don't admit to the blog world that you are two, then you are still my baby. I am afraid that soon I will forget all of the details, so I must write!

You are two!! Do you know how old two is? Two is old, let me tell you. It is old enough to shout "Merry Christmas" in the middle of your sleep. It is old enough to put 5-6 word sentences together. It is old enough to tell me that you want a "Samich and diet coke" for a snack. It is old enough for you to throw tantrums like a crazy man and then put yourself in time out. It is old enough for you to snuggle and give kisses and hugs and brush your teeth. It is old enough that when I pull out a camera, you say, "Smile and Cheese."

I am loving two---even the tantrum throwing stubborness. I am loving that you understand so much, and can communicate so well. I love that you have an amazing imagination. Just this evening, you put a blanket on the floor and started jumping on it, exclaiming that you were indeed jumping in the water and splashing.

You have a massive slight obsession with  Thomas the Train, The Jonah Veggie Tales movie and anything with a motor (cars, tractors, trucks, airplanes.). You LOVE oatmeal. I cannot understand how you can pack away so much oatmeal, but it is most definitely your favorite food. You still sleep with your puppy and pacifier (pacer). We might have to get rid of the pacer. You demonstrated some serious addictive behaviors today.......

Daddy is the coolest guy on the planet, and Lila our dogbeast is pretty much your best friend. I am trying to make Malachi be your best friend, because his mommy and I are best friends, but it's a slow start. At least you have stopped hitting each other. (And by stopped, I mean you didn't hit last time we saw him.)

You are an amazing sleeper. Thank you!! No, seriously. Thank you. You sleep 10-12 hours at night, and a 2-4 hour afternoon nap.

Every night, daddy takes you up to bed and prays for you and with you. It has become such a habit that you do not go to sleep unless "daddy pray." If Daddy is not home to pray, I am glad to pray for you buddy, but we know that you love it when daddy prays. We are praying for you to grow big and strong, praying that you would come to know Jesus as your Savior, that you would walk in the light of His word, that you would be a man who studies the Bible and lives a life worthy of the Gospel. 

I love you so much. I am so incredibly blessed to be called your mumma. I cannot even imagine what life would be without you. You are my sweet Caleb boy.

For your second birthday we had a giant party and Mima Kath's and Papa's house. Guess who came to celebrate?!??! Gramps, Nani, Uncle Jason, Uncle Joe, Aunt Kim, Aunt Jenna, Aunt J, Great Aunt Denise, Great Gramma W, Great Gramma S, Great Grandpa S, Aunt Angie, Uncle Jose, Noah and Sophia. It was a Thomas the Train theme, and the cake dyed everyone's lips blue. We had a great time celebrating you!!!

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

He is so sweet. And SO smart. I love how well he speaks and communicates too. What a grown up boy.

And really, what a sweet lens, right? I haven't seen much of your pictures lately. Loving these. :)

I think it is a super great sign that Malachi turned the toy computer on for Caleb yesterday. And didn't poke his eyes in the process. Or body slam him or anything. Or pull his hair really hard. Progress.