Friday, October 28, 2011

I don't

I saw this idea in a blog that I read and thought I would copy it. Often we ask people what they do, here, you get to find out what I don't do:)

I DON'T.....

-like flowers as gifts

-like people complaining about how busy they are

-understand why slavery still exists

-keep my bedroom clean

-wash my pants every time I wear them

-think tea is a substitute for coffee

-start my morning without coffee

-know why God wants me to partner with Him in ministry

-know what I would do without amazing neighbors

-know how to be what I want to be

-eat food and drink at the same meal if I am at home

- like kid's character's on clothes

-have a clean house and it drives me crazy

-understand all that God is doing, but desperately want to follow Him

-have great female relationships in my life

-listen to Christian music (very often)

-ascribe to a denomination

-think people should dress up as cultures for Halloween (see this article)

-understand or enjoy Christian culture

-mind wiping snot from my child's nose every 3 seconds

-want my life to be wasted

-want to suffer from depression or anxiety anymore

-want to forget what I am passionate about

-want to stop dating my husband

-want to be uncomfortable in my own skin

-follow through as quickly as I make goals

-forgive easily (the Lord is helping me on this one)

-give enough of my money and possessions away

-have ice in my freezer

-have a top sheet on my bed. We sleep with a bottom sheet and separate blankets. No blanket hogs here!

-burn things in the kitchen as much as I used to.

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

a) Lots I can relate to in this list

b) Sorry about all of the times I have talked to you about how busy I have been lately... :)

c) Not a fan of kids characters on clothes either.. just recently caved when star wars shirt was given to Jay...