Friday, March 16, 2012

She gets it.

All of my life, I have struggled with relationships. I don't do healthy relationships well. I don't trust, and when I finally start trusting, people will be human, and fall, sometimes breaking the trust, other times not, and I simply walk away.

Luckily this pattern was challenged in college. I met Krista and it felt like I had met my other half. It felt like some finally "got it." She understood that I would rather be in a coffee shop than outside in nature, she understood things in my heart by a simple look, she understood that I needed space, both to process and to wind down, she understood a passion for ministry on college and university classes, she understood the value of a good massage.

She got it. We worked well together, because we understood the things on each other's heart.

This week I have been exceedingly thankful for the women (and men) in my life who "get it." Sometimes I arrogantly think I am "all alone." "I am the only one who thinks this/cares about this/doing something about this," and this week, I have been blessed to have my pride cut and to talk with other women who get it.

Who get the importance of being a part of community, to see full redemption come to a broken community.

Who get that, though there may be hope, there is still a lot of hard work.

Who get that marriage is hard, and can be ugly, but worth every single step.

Who get that when we say we are a christian, obedience to Christ is not an option.

Who get the need to wake up before children, to have time with the Lord in word and prayer.

Who get that sometimes I just need to laugh and talk about nothing.

Who get that it is worth it to keep kids in public schools to be a witness, to build relationships and restore hope, even when it feels like too hard of a sacrifice

Who get that prayer is powerful

Who get that if you make over $60,000 a year, you are in top 1% of the whole world, and that having a family in 5 in a to bedroom house is totally do able

Who wrestle with money and excess. Because we have a lot of it in this country .

Who get that being green is a part of following Jesus.

Who get that sometimes, neon hair extensions are fun:)

Who understand why there are crumbs on my floor and spilled milk on the table.

Who get that adoption and foster care is hard. And sometimes we don't feel like it. But it's obedience.

Who get that I need to wrestle with a lot of things, before coming to a conclusion.

Who get that living in Christian community is so good, so fruitful and so hard. I mean really, who wants to confess sin and work through hard stuff with each other?

I am thankful for those in my life who have challenged me to wrestle with adoption and foster care. I blame my brother in law and his roommate. Because of them, and God using them, I cannot stop thinking about, praying for, weaping  and pursuing orphans. It has always been on my heart, but in the past few weeks , it has been my heart beat and motivation for waking up. Treat an orphan poorly, care about them haphazardly, and my "mamma bear-ness" rises and fights. And prays. And weaps. And then runs to my husband. So sorry, Jason, but you are in the post entitled, "She gets it." Maybe I should re-name it.

I am thankful for the families who are pursuing foster care and adoption. Even in the midst of trials. No one said it was easy.  Being obedient is hard.

I am thankful for World Vision, because they get it.

I am thankful for the InterVarsity staff who get it. Who get the joys and struggles of college ministry. Who get what it means to be a part of a para church, and what it means to be in the trenches, the valleys and mountaintops.

I am thankful for the men and women who have processed, wrestled through, studied well the issues of women in ministry and for the fruit they bear. I am glad they get it.

Thankful for my hubs. He gets it. He gets me. Even when he doesn't get me, he gets me.

Today I am blessed. Blessed by those who have gone before me and who are coming alongside of me who "get it."

1 comment:

Krista said...


I just saw this post and was honored to be in it. :) I totally agree when you talk about finding your other half. We're cut out of the same cloth and fit the same mold in some ways. I'm so thankful for you and am blessed by our friendship!

:) Krista