Sunday, March 11, 2012

Detroit Urban Plunge in numbers

-3 Schools (Grand Valley State University, Michigan State University and Albion College)
-3 InterVarsity staff
-48 students
-6 days
-7 organizations that we partnered with
-7 people are able to fit in my NEW car
-52 loaves of bread bought
-4 grocery store trips
-13 pizza's
-1 trip to Urgent care for stitches
-1 house construction for Habitat for Humanity
-1 urban farm
-1 shower, 50 people
-3, the number of showers I had in 6 days
-1 student making a decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior
-6, roughly the number of hours of sleep I had each night
-1 crazy, getting lost experience in Mexican Town, that almost had us in Canada
-600 pieces of fruit, to be eaten (and all but 10 or so were consumed)
-3, the number of toasters we used, to split between 50 people. (We had toast and fruit every day for lunch).
-300, the number of bagged lunches made every day
-1 rap created to encapsulate the trip
-2 sheet cakes
-12 pies

Overall, it was an awesome trip! We served the city of Detroit, learned about injustice and what the Gospel has to say about it. We dealt with poverty, racism and plain brokenness. Loved wrestling through this with students!

I love my job!

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