Saturday, August 20, 2011

A week ago, Caleb and I ventured to Bowling Green State University for my Regional Staff (staff from Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania) for InterVarsity.

It was a G R E A T time. I loved being with other staff. They are my favorite people on earth, and I cannot believe that I get to work with them. It was an amazing place to hear from God, to be challenged and encouraged and to laugh. Regionals is one of my favorite "work requirements."

I would LOVE to share with you what happened during Regionals, in detail. We spent lots of time in prayer, and studying Hebrews. It was so refreshing in so many ways.

Last year I brought Caleb to Regionals and it was so fun to show him off to everyone. It was also hard, because we were sharing a dorm room together, which meant I heard every noise, had no bathroom and had to figure out how to make bottles and wash bottles out of the nearest water fountain.

Oh this year was going to be so easy. I could feed him whatever he wanted, he walked, he didn't require the huge travel system. Life was going to be easy. I could simply bask in the "oh, he is so cute. He is so big, I love his hair cut, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Don't worry. I hit reality really fast. About 25 seconds into moving into our dorm room, I realized that life can be harder with a toddler. I had a meltdown.

"Mom, it looks like you need some help. Mind, if I put up my own bed?"

"ok, so this is harder than I thought. Mom, why didn't we bring daddy.?"

"Got it. I can sleep like this all week."         

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