Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today I am....

READY to start back to work. I feel refreshed from a great weekend away, and last week was a great week with my colleagues! 

WISHING that I had more dedication to losing weight. It is a constant battle.

EXCITED to use my new camera that came in the mail while I was gone this weekend!

HAPPY that my boys are peacefully sleeping and I get some much needed alone time. 

PROUD of some of the Christian leaders in my life, including pastors and InterVarsity staff. 

REALIZING that I am going to have to have a consistent schedule this school year in order to get things done, my house is a mess, and my to do list keeps getting longer. 

FINALLY ADJUSTING to getting up early in the mornings. I love being up by 6 now! Ofcourse, didn't happen during our vacation weekend, so we will see how it all works out tomorrow!

NOTICING how hard my husband tried to make this past weekend away glorious! 

SPENDING more money on cameras and lenses. Which means....other things to go, so I can have more cash. Soo....thrifting anyone? 

HUNGRY for the most delicious watermelon you have ever tasted.....mmmmmm......

LOOKING FORWARD TO really starting the adoption process again, via foster care, looking forward to school starting, to playing with my new camera and for Krista to be back in the country so I can write her letters:) 

THANKFUL for God's Word.          

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

So many great things going on! Can't wait to hang out some time and talk about it all. :)