Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Top 100

Every year at thanksgiving I like to write a list of 100 things I am thankful for. Sometimes it happens in my blog, sometimes it happens in my journal....Enjoy!

1. The hope that passes all understanding that comes from Jesus alone.
2. The way that God has prepared me for this mourning process (Note: I CANNOT believe I actually typed that! Another whole story in and of itself!)
3. God continues to be glorified
4. A new house
5. GREAT GREAT GREAT neighbors! Shout out to the bumpy green house.
6. Mom who helped me do some yard work this year....more to come next year mom, promise!
7. Jon's dad and brother who have helped us so much around the house
8. Folks from the church moving us in! What a load off! Amazing move in crew.
9. Finding a local church to belong to.
10. New friends.
11. SPEW meetings. I have so enjoyed watching students come together in fellowship and prayer.
12. Friends who have prayed with me and for me.
13. Friends who are not afraid to be quiet, give me a hug and cry with me.
14. My husband's unconditional love and support, even when he gives me 'the look' of "What in the world did I get myself into by marrying you?"
15. I was hit by a UPS truck, totaled the van I was driving and the only damage...spilled coffee, and I walked away with a new car.
16. God's constant provision in our lives.
17. A washer and dryer in our new house.
18. Listening to little kids pray
19. Time with a sweet 2-3 year boy each week.
20. Beth Moore and the way she has ministered to me this year.
21. People who financially support me and pray for me.
22. Thoughtful gifts.
23. A pastor who is passionate about preaching the word.
24. Coffee
25. Diet pepsi
26. Meeting a student at random event......which launched a whole new area of ministry
27. The opportunity to reach the nations at college campuses
28. Seeing my dear friend Krista get married this past summer
29. Seeing my sister's excitement to be engaged and plan her wedding
30. The joy it was to take my sister's engagement photos
31. My camera
32. The opportunity that people have given me to "practice" photographing them
33. A good glass of wine
34. A new walk in closet
35. The joy of having baby clothes in the house
36. I am thankful for what I have learned about adoption.....the heart wrenching emotions we have gone through makes it certain that adoption is real, it is really loving someone into your family, the attachment is the same
37. The truth of scripture
38. The time and desire to memorize scripture
39. Crock pots
40. Chili
41. Date nights with friends
42. Watching Jalissa, my 14 year old sister grow up
43. Facebook...keeping in touch with friends
44. Watching my friends grow up:)
45. TimerWolf ---where I staff a training event with students....that is my kind of camping ya'll.
46. The desire that I have to learn to cook
47. The way that my husband has taught me to be more hospitable( yes, yes, he has the gift, I don't, end of story)
48. The opportunity to lead several women from church this past summer into a journey of prayer and scripture!
49. How there are just some friends in your life that you can go for a long time without talking on the phone, or in person and when you do, it is like you have never left.
50. Christian faculty on college campuses.....specifically one of them who is now my neighbor.
51. Cuddling with my cats, relaxing.
52. Sabbaths--praise God that rest is good!
53. The DVR. What a time saver for real!!! I no longer need to sit in front of the tv...I can record something and then watch it later, with no commercials and save time.
54. Cleaning products
55. Wood floors
56. World Vision
57. Those who have adopted
58. Candles
59. Hot water
60. Clean water
61. The ability to have food on my table every day....whether or not I chose to make it
62. Different ways we can worship God
63. Watching my husband pick up his guitar again and lead people in worship
64. A dishwasher
65. The ability to decorate my house (both creativity and a lil money)
66. The joy of buying gifts for others
67. West Michigan road trip with my family this past summer
68. Wireless I can connect with almost anyone, almost everywhere
69. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship-this should not be so far down on my list since it is my job and all, and something that I love and am passionate about.
70. InterVarsity's Urbana Conference and the window to the world it gives students
71. Down blankets
72. Down matresses
73. Good health
74. God's continued healing of depression and anxiety
75. Seeing family regularly
76. Watching a church family train for the 5k and follow through (which I did not and feel super lame for, but what an encouragement to see if from them)
77. AMAZING Michigan weather in the fall
78. A great ladies retreat with folks from church in Frankenmuth
79. A church that cares about missions
80. InterVarsity's training
81. Small Group Leader's Training
82. The impact that Dave Ramsey and his ministry is having on folks from church
83. The ability and joy of tithing
84. Milkshakes with two friends after an emotional night
85. Sleeping through the night most nights
86. Cookie dough from members of the church to give to college students
87. A college student who wants to learn more about evangelism
88. Students that want to be trained in leadership skills
89. A job that I love
90. Pumpkin flavored things
91. Guilty pleasure tv shows
92. My husband's drive to work hard and provide for us
93. A heart for adoption. It is truly a heart after God's heart of adopting us as Gentiles into His family.
94. My vacuum cleaner
95. Free books from IVP
96. Some time to read those books
97. A staff team that I love
98. Creative ways to pray
99. His joy and peace
100. Jesus' desire to reconcile broken people to Him


Rachel said...

Great list! So glad to see all your thankfulness.

Hey next time you are in town call me, we will swing by Culvers and I'll get you a Pumpkin Spice Milkshake! Oh, so delightful! :)

Thanks again for the pictures I posted them on my blog today. I really love them!

Deanna May said...

I take it the "practice" in quotations is directed towards me. HAHA You've been doing a great job!!