Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The sun DID shine a little brighter on Saturday November 21, 2009

We know that she has been born. We know that our baby girl has been born!!! Even if we never get a chance to meet her, she is still our baby, someone that holds a very special place in our heart. We are trying to figure out what this means.....she was born on Saturday afternoon. Most likely at this point, the birth mom has decided to keep the baby. We are unsure, we will keep you in the loop and ask for your prayers.

How can you pray?
-For our agency to connect with G
-For the baby to be healthy for G's recovery
-God's peace for all of those involved
-Pray that we would know what is happening soon. Obviously our hearts desire is to raise her and have her in our arms, but mostly we are in love with this girl and want her to be in a loving home that will let her know the love of her Father.
-Pray that our sweet girl would be provided for
-Pray that there would be closure. Yes, I said it. I have been avoiding it for so long, because with closure means that all hope is gone. But, with closure means that my sweet Noelle won't be living in limbo anymore. So pray for closure for the sake of the baby.
-Pray for my broken heart. May it be filled with the joy and peace of Jesus, the love of friends and family, and selfishly, with Noelle.

Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you guys in this process. I'm sure it is excruciating.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you guys in this process. I'm sure it is excruciating.