Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's days like today...

that I LOVE staff work! I love students and I love being on campus. I spent the morning in prayer and committed the day to the Lord. He sure came through and did some amazing work and I am privileged to be used by Him.

I had some amazing conversations with students. With one student, I really feel like God was using me to bring healing to her life. I could not believe that God was using me to help with her along in her healing process. We are all hurting, broken and need healing...and she gets to begin that process!

GIGs......GIG's are groups investigating God. It is a time for a believer to meet with their seeker friends and share with them the truth of Jesus. I met with two students today that want to co-lead a GIG together and have 3 friends in mind that they want to invite! Praise Jesus that His word will be studied among seekers! Pray that these students would turn to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.

There is a freshmen that is would like to co-lead Bible Study with me! Woot, woot!!! I can't wait to train her up in this. She will be great!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going so good! I love hearing about things because it seems to be going so good. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Have the GIGs started yet?