Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Whole lot of new and I think I like it.

Do you recognize these girls? They (we) are the women behind Ordinary Miracles Photography. We are in business and now have our website up and running!!!! Please check it out, let me know what you think. What do you like about it, what would you like to see changed, etc? 

This is new. 

A new busy. A new busy filled with photo shoots and then hours of editing after said shoots. It is a new busy trying to balance the rest of life with this new, grand adventure. 

We have been busy with photo shoots. It is awesome and so life giving. I love it so much. I experience God behind the camera and through photos. I get excited and energized. 

Now that it's official, I am waiting for YOUR business! Who's next?

And then there is a different new. 

The new of having a toddler. A full blown, emotional, stubborn, independent, loving, affectionate, stubborn toddler. Some think he may have gotten his stubborness from his mother, but I have no idea what they are talking about.

This is so new for me. I never thought I would love an 17 month old. I mean, come on. Who falls in love with that tantrum thrower in the doctors office? Oh, how I love him. He is so fun. What a great age.  And all the while I am completely in shock that I love this age so much. This is a whole love of new. 

And then there is the newness of my job. Each fall the Michigan Division of InterVarsity holds a fall conference. We are anticipating over 600 people in attendance (students, staff and volunteers). During the conference the students pick a track to be involved in. We are expecting about 50 students per track. Because of the growth, we have had to add new tracks. Enter me.

I am in the process of developing a curriculum for this track time as well as directing the track during the conference. I am so so so excited for it. I am excited to dive deep into scripture, to work with staff and to help students experience God in a trasnformational way through scripture. The track is going to be called, "1 Samuel: Hey, I am talking to you!"

This is so new. I have never directed a track, let alone writing all of the curriculum for it. It is going to be stretching, and challenging. I am going to have to depend on God for strength and direction. It is going to be so good. 

Because sometimes new, is good. 

1 comment:

Krista said...

Awesome website! It's so beautiful and joyful!

Haha... I clicked on the "seniors" section because I think I could see cute pictures of older people... surprise! :)