Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Operation: Weight Loss (2 Month Low Carb) Day #1

2 Months, Really? Ok. Deal.

Starting today, Jon and I are embarking on two months of no carbs.....er--- two months with no bad carbs. We are not eliminating fruit from our diet, and we will have whole grains on a limited basis. Mostly though, lean protein and veggies for the next two months.

We both have pretty huge goals to lose weight. I keep talking about it, but it is time to do something. Jon has been working out very consistently and has lost quite a bit of weight, but is looking to lose more as he controls his eating.

Me...well I am a bunch of talk and struggle heavily (pun intended) with follow through. So friends, ask away! Keep me accountable. Feel free to hang out with me, and NOT ask me out for ice cream, but to go on a walk or bike ride instead:))

Welcome to our journey.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yay Kristin! Way to take control of your health. I'm also doing a health-makeover. While I'm not focusing so much on food intake (I'm limited in what I can do there while breastfeeding), I am focusing on being more active and starting a home-workout routine. Keep up the good work! You can do it. I'll be praying for you as you go along.