Friday, August 20, 2010

I just wanted to spend some time with him before my crazy schedule started.

I thought it was a great idea, taking Caleb to my all day staff meeting on Wednesday.  My colleagues could see him, and more importantly, it would be a few more hours  I could spend with him before the busyness of a new school year started.

It was a great idea. In theory of course.

He cried, a lot. He threw a complete tantrum when I tried to feed him lunch. He refused to nap with people around. He cried more. Screamed actually.

Somewhere on the campus of Michigan State University he lost his favorite pacifier.

So there were more tears, but at least we have puppy. ( I really should make a post on "puppy".)

In the midst of this, I realized that not only was life stressful as a mom on Wednesday, but I was at a staff meeting...and missed...a . lot. 

I am grateful for the grace that my colleagues offered me.

It was a great idea, but a very hard day.

And was a good day. Always is, with such a beautiful boy in my life.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am smiling because I have totally done this...not to a staff meeting, but taking Matthew along and thinking how great it will be...sometimes it just doesn't work out like that, does it??!?! :) I feel like I am sometimes saying, "Well, he usually isn't like this...!" :) Yes, they keep life interesting don't they?