Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Diaries of a White Mamma

As I journey along this road of being a white mamma to a black boy, I thought I would share some of my experiences with you.

This week, my husband took Caleb for a walk in the park. It is so funny to me that the white kids come up to the stroller and ooo and ahh over this boy, and the African American kids (ALL ages, even college students) say, "Why do you have that black baby?" Or..."Do you know he is black?"

When you 51/2 month old decides to put his hands in his mouth while eating cereal, leaving tons of cereal in his hands, and then like all babies, rub his hands through his hair.....Black hair is so so so so much harder to clean cereal out of than his white counterparts.

Oh Jesus, teach me to be this mamma that this baby needs.


Kelli said...

My 1 year old niece is mixed, and I remember asking my sister, in a totally serious way, what do you do with her hair? Cause I am very afraid I will have to watch her someday, and she will make a mess in it, and I will be clueless. Its gorgeous, and I don't want to mess it up, haha.

I think it sounds like so far, you are doing an amazing job at being that boy's mamma. =0)

Rachel said...

Ok seriously, your title is HILARIOUS!

It is so interesting that you would be asked "Do you know he is black?" like maybe you had no idea!

We get a lot of weird looks and I often see people looking at Matthew, then at me, then back at him as they try to figure out why he's Asian and I'm not...but surprisingly we haven't had too many comments (yet). I pray too for wisdom in raising our little one.

Melissa Jaakkola said...

To all of you moms who have stepped out of the comfort zone and the "norm" to raise your babies of different race, I applaud you for your courage, faith and grace. May God Bless you with the strength and knowlege you will require now and always...and may stupid people learn to keep their mouths shut!

alo 89 said...

The first foster baby we had, the lady at the K-mart said he looked like me and I said Thanks. I mean, I'm kinda dark and he was kinda light and we both had thick hair.

Kala said...

Hmmm... you never know what comments will come out of everyones mouth's. You such start coming up with clever answers!!

Amy said...

(sorry to leave a totally random comment on an unrelated post...I would have just sent you a personal email in response to your comment on my blog, but couldn't find your email address listed anywhere on your blog.)

as far as a Traverse City area wine tour is not really my thing so I don't know for sure, but my impression is that it would be a great area to do that. I have a brochure about the "Leelanau Peninsula Wine Trail" and there are almost 20 different wineries listed all within less than an hour's drive of each other! I don't know what the weather is like up there in October...I'd want to check that it wouldn't be too cold; I imagine they could be getting snow that early...but in May it was absolutely gorgeous, weather-wise and scenery-wise.

anyway, the website listed in my brochure is - might be a helpful resource for your sister.

and a side note...should I know you? how did you come across my blog? your picture looks pretty familiar...I can't figure out if I know you from somewhere and just don't recognize the married name, or if you just came across my blog through random blog-land travels (which isn't weird to me at all...just wondering!).

Amy said...

oh - and your new son is adorable, congratulations :)

Amy said...

yup, KBM, that's it! I was summer staff in '03 - but wasn't involved with the TLI stuff much other than helping with lunches, so I didn't get to know the students very well.

thanks for reading my blog. and I'm totally impressed with your hubby's mad cupcake skills :)