Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thoughts from a mom (a continuing post)

-Every public restroom should have a diaper changing table, both the men's and the women's. My husband takes the baby places, shouldn't he have to change a diaper?

-I really like the slings/highchairs/holders for infant carseats at restaurants that we have been to

-There should be clothes that repel infant drool and spit up

-New moms should get free coffee

-Just because I say I went to bed at 9pm does not mean I got a good night of could mean that I was up every 30 minutes with a needy boy.

-Winnie the Pooh should be outlawed from baby clothes

-Boppy pillows are pretty much amazing

-Dr. Brown bottles are worth the hype

**This will be an ongoing and continuous post. Please comment and I will add your ideas to my next post. **


Anonymous said...

While your baby is brand new and sleeps all day, go to the theater and see a matinee. Trust me, s/he will sleep through the whole thing in either the carrier or baby bjorn. If you miss this opportunity, you will not get another change to see a movie in the theater for years. Trust me, David is two and a half and I can't remember the last movie I saw in the theater.

Kala said...

cute idea. I agree although I can't add any comments yet :)

Rachael Kuffa said...

Get him on a VERY STRICT nap schedule! the little girl I nanny was on one (everyday after lunch) and she took naps until she was 5 for 3 hours at a time!!! And then when she started going to school for 1/2 days she took 2 hour naps until she entered full day school at 6 1/2. Not only was I happy but so was she. Most kids start to grow out of long naps around 3 1/2 or 4. Sometimes she would even ask for a nap and she very rarely complained about them.

Not a real mom, just a part time one (I nanny M-F).