Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Not protected from the Glory of God!

A few weeks ago, Beth Moore (a Bible Teacher/Woman's Speaker) was giving a talk about not praying that we would be protected from God's glory. That has been my prayer. I don't want life to be easy just so it will be easy, I want my life to bring glory and honor to God, come what may. I know that this will open up a whole bunch of stuff, and gives permission for life to well....ahem, suck. Sorry for the language, but it's true. Sometimes that is where we are in life.

In adoption....I was protecting myself from the thoughts of the adoption falling through. I refused to get excited, to get the nursery ready, to do any shopping etc. Finally, God threw me through the wringer, and told me to quit!! Quit feeling sorry for myself, quit feeling like God is out to get me. I believe that God has good things for us, so if this adoption falls through (hoping it doesn't) then we know that God will be ultimately glorified. So....we have a pink and purple room, a full nursery and acquiring more baby things by the day. We have named our beautiful Noelle Grace, and are excitedly and without shame anticipating the day we meet her!

In finances....Jon just lost his job. Too long of a story for a blog...but wow. God will STILL have the glory.

Lord, keep me eyes on you, and only on you.

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