Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 08

Jon and I just returned from a thanksgiving service at our church, and I decided....Let's spend the night thinking about all the things that I am thankful for this year. The Lord is Lord, all the time, and God is good, even when life is not. Hold on tight as I think about the past year, and rejoice with me as I remember what I am thankful for, both the small and big things!

-My husband. I will forever be thankful for the love that he gives me. He is the love of my life and never ever want to do life without my best friend.
-Ending my first year on staff at Albion well. It was a hard year, but God was faithful.
-Affordable housing, the ability to pay our bills, give to the expansion of the Gospel, and even splurge our ourselves
-a great new friendship with Melissa, and a new nephew :)
-the mere thought that Jon and I would be able to buy a house
-my cats, yes, I know that I am cheesy, but I love cuddling with them
-pumpkin spice creamer
-experiencing the healing of the Lord as I deal with anxiety and depression, and waiting in great expectancy of the Lord's renewal and healing
-a great Compelling conference with InterVarsity students from the state of Michigan. It was a great time to have the Lord move and work in the lives of students. It was so encouraging to see them catch the vision and to care about kingdom values.
-Sweet staff team during SLT. Seriously, best staff ever! Let's do it again.....
-God being faithful, answering prayers and sustaining me during SLT
-family.....family that will love and support us, make us laugh, come to Albion to look at possible houses
-cell phones....makes it great to talk to my family on a daily basis. What? I love them. Deal with it.
-FACEBOOK! Seriously, what else could be so great in stalking all of your friends and keeping tabs on them!
-God's word. My love for God's word has been renewed. I love studying scripture. I love teaching scripture. I love learning more about scripture. EVERYTHING. LOVE IT.
-My bed. I love my down mattress, and down blankets, it makes it so nice to stay in bed all day.
-The peace I feel with my journal, and the ability to process all of my feelings on the pages of a simple journal
-The Meyer's Briggs Personality Inventory, it is so helpful in dealing with people, learning that we are all different, and have different ways of viewing things, and making decisions.
-Finding a home church. It has been such a process and a hard road, but God has led us to First Baptist, and we absolutely love it and feel at home.
-My students this year. I have had so much fun getting to know them and see their potentional.
-The Lord keeping me safe while my van was totaled by a UPS truck.
-A husband who walks through life with me, helps me, stands by me, gives me selfless love.
-The people who continue to support me in ministry through prayer and financial support. I want you all to know that you are part of my team. I love you dearly and could not do ministry without you.
-Coffee Tumblers
-Ice Cream
-A visit from Krista when she came back to the motherland :)
-God's forgiveness, redemption and reconcilation
-God allows me to feel how I need to feel. I am able to come before Him in complete brokeness and He brings reconciliation.
-The Holy Spirit's leading and guiding.
-A kitchen table that expands so that we can have people over and eat.
-A husband that cooks so we can have people over and eat.
-A good glass of wine.
-I am thankful that I can sing a joyful noise unto the Lord, even if it isn't joyful to anyone else.
-My camera and the joy that it brings me to take pictures
-The amazing training that InterVarsity gives its staff
-A great breakfast chat with Amber today.....cheers to a new friend
-God's provision
-The love that I have for my students
-Guilty pleasure tv shows
-Enjoying time up at the lake this summer, where Jon experienced many firsts with my family...even though he has been a part of the family for about 8 years.
-the power of prayer
-air conditioning
-Cedar Campus.....well, looking at it through a window
-greeting cards
-indoor plumbing
-getting to go shopping with the missions folk at First Baptist. I felt so blessed and cared for
-Getting super cheap copies at Crossroads.....and Sarah......sacrificing her time. Thanks SARILOU!
-Late night conversations
-The way that music ministers to me

Have I missed anything?

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