Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday #18

I am thankful this week for:

-Electricity......we have lost power a lot this week, and I kept going around the house, turning on lights, and the radio and such, and's important and i like it
-FRIENDS.....I am increasingly aware of how bad i am at relationships and i am happy for the people who stand beside me
-a new cell phone that works when I call my husband
-God answering prayers that i have prayed for ministry on campus
-a great time with Kwame, he is such a blessing in my life
-watching albion students slip and slide on the quad on a hot day
-I am thankful that there is nothing good on tv in the summer, and it forces me to do other things to fill my time
-my God is a God of reconciliation
-Jon has been taking some time off this week to spend with me before I leave for SLT, and it has been amazing
-an amazing morning with Doug and PTom. I received a call from another IV staff member who was in town, and wanted to have coffee. There was an area pastor who also wanted to meet with us. It was encouraging to share some things that were happening on campus :)
-a reminder that God keeps his promises
-the power of scripture

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