Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sometimes all I can do is write down bullet point thoughts for a post.

-The last few weeks have been hard to be a mommy. Maybe this is why all I can do is bullet posts. Sleeping has been rough, and mornings have been crab filled---first by baby and then baby makes mommy crabby. I am feeling like we are at the end of this, it seems to be getting better each day.

-Jon bought me a pink coffee tumbler, and I. LOVE. IT. I have mild addiction with both pink, and coffee tumblers:) He knows me well.

-I made homemade noodles for the first time this week, and not sure if I can ever have packaged noodles again....ok, a bit of an exaggeration, but they were good.

-I realized that I don't hate cooking, I just hate not knowing what to do. So....good ideas and good instructions with cooking = fun. (CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT)

-I want to be a photographer, professionally. I think.

-I want to take photography classes.

-I want to work for an organization and take pictures for them.

-I work better under a strict schedule and routine

-I love being taught scripture and love teaching others about scripture

-I don't like driving

-My baby is crawling all over the place, which means this weekend---full cleaning of the house!

-I haven't exercised in 3 weeks.


Laura said...

kristin! you should take pictures of your students, and then you can be a photographer for the organization you already work for! we are always looking for photos of students. :) seriously, send them my way!

Jessica Emily said...

I'm new to this "blogging" thing. I've been randomly searching online from blog to blog to find ones I'd want to follow. I love your posts; your son is beautiful! And I can totally relate to the thinking in bullet points thing. Sometimes I'm not sure how to approach a blog post and main points are easiest I guess. I'm into photography and learning to cook, so I guess I'll follow your blog and see what your up to now and then! Blessings!