Monday, April 27, 2009

"A Time of Expectancy"

On Friday, a group of students, an IV volunteer and myself all gathered together to praise God for what He did this year in the chapter and to pray for next year! Here is a summary of some of the things that happened.

-There was a deep sense of community created. The accountability that was established between students helped them to grow in their faith and it was so encouraging to hear how they have grown in their own personal walk with the Lord.
-There is a commitment to prayer, students are waking up on a Saturday morning to spend some time in prayer, praying for the campus and the chapter. Throughout the week, a group of students have joined together for prayer and fasting for some personal reasons and have seen the Lord bless their time and answer their prayers.
-It looks like we will have some new and upcoming leaders next year! (Hopefully)
-We now have 4 students involved in the Kappa Delta sorority!

Points of Prayer
-We would continue to have more leaders, that are trained, skilled, and gifted.
-Ministry in the Kappa Delta sorority. We desire to see the christians step up and to be missional in their sorority and for girls to some to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
-We currently have no men in the chapter. The men that we have will be graduating in two weeks, and we want to see freshmen men come and be a part of the group. Pray that we would have men volunteering or a male staff come and do the job of cultivating relationships with students.

Thank you faithful prayer warriors!~

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