Thursday, February 12, 2009

Albion College Changes

Each fall, all the first year students go through a First Year Experience Class. Along with their class, they have upperclassmen as mentors. The goal of this is to help retain students and to help them get assimilated into Albion and into college life in general. It has been a great program and pivotal in helping students get involved on campus. Because of budget cuts, students will still have the FYE classes, but no more mentors and other programs that will help them get involved.

Seaton and I House (International House) are two residential halls on campus that are being closed for the next school year. Numbers are drastically down for incoming freshmen.

For several years, many christians have lived in a the Fiske Christian House, a house that can hold 24 people, both male and female. They have never been able to fill the house, so the college is making it into a all girls house. This is such an answer to prayer! I have been praying that Christians would move out of this house, and live in missional communities in the dorms. Pray with me that christian students would move out of the Christian bubble housing and find places to live that are strategic for reaching people with the Gospel!

I am looking at all of these changes as opportunities. I am excited for what could happen. Pray that the InterVarsity chapter would step up and be able to minister to freshmen, to help them get plugged in. Pray that students would live in the dorms and be intentional in their relationships.

Also, pray for a student who is applying to be an RA. Pray that she would get this position and be able to influence her residents for Christ.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Cool to hear what you have been up too. I am praying you closing is going well. So glad you are at First with us! See you tonight!