Dear Ronnie,
I am not sure that I will call you that forever, but for now it is my pet name for you. Your mom says it's ok. (Let me know if she is lying about that.) Mima hates it. I thought I would write you a little letter about your birth. I was the one in the hospital, and your house with the camera. Sorry if it bothered you, get used to it.
It all started a few weeks ago. Well, if we are technical, about nine months ago, but that is a conversation for you to have with your mom and dad:) See the furnace in your house wasn't doing too hot. Good thing mom called the repair man, because she found out that her and daddy were suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning! Scary stuff. They were able to move out while things were getting fixed. Things were looking scary. It looked like your mommy had smoked during her pregnancy, even though she didn't. We are so glad that there were no problems with your or your parents, once they left the house.
And then there was Superbowl Sunday. Your mom and dad planned to have a Superbowl party. Of course on the day that they would have a party, mom would start feeling like you would make your appearance. She spent a few hours in the hospital, and came back home. Puppa was really hoping that you would be born on Superbowl Sunday so he could call you SR (Super Raegan). His grandfather, your great, great grandfather was named SR.
Mom had a great night of sleep and Dad took some nyquil. In the morning your mom texted me and said "Pray that I birth her soon." I am still laughing at that phrase. Who says that? Anyways, started praying that your mom's water would break in the next hour. Did I mentioned that she was in Meijer grocery shopping? I worked out and got in the shower. Your mom went to Meijer. And guess what? My phone rang, your dad called, said to hurry that you were a coming soon!
I scooped up Caleb, threw things in the the car and sped the whole way to the hospital. I was sooooo excited, I was hoping that I would actually make it there in time. I made it with about 10 minutes to spare.
There she is, that beautiful 8lb baby girl!!
Your mom was a rock star. Even if she is a labor and delivery nurse and sees this everyday, it is a whole new ball game to actually go through it.
First Family Photo!
I can tell Mima Kath is already in love. She's a great grandma, lots of spoiling is ahead for you girl!
And Gramma Lori too! You can thank her for all your beautiful headbands and homemade blankets.
Rae, meet Caitlin. Funny story. She and I used to work at LumberJack together in high school. Now she works with your mom as a labor and delivery nurse. She wasn't working when your mom went into labor, but came in to deliver your cute self anyways:)
Is your dad texting all of his friends telling them that his world has changed forever? I think so.
Aunt J was there! She got to miss school for your grand arrival!
You had a parade of visitors. He is great Grandpa and Grandma S. But, not everyone who wanted to come could come, because you were sent to special care. Apparently it is a rule that babies in our family have to go to special care. I think your mom is the only one who broke that rule.
Look at that proud daddy. He loves you so much!
Your cousin Caleb was not allowed to visit you until you went home. We made a Caleb station in the waiting room and we took turns visiting Caleb:0)
Time to go home!!! You may think this is a cute picture of Mima taking you out to the car. Oh, sweetheart...there is so much more beyond just this picture.
It started with your dad throwing up and being VERY sick while staying in the hospital. On the day you were discharged, he left to go his parents house, so he would not get you sick. Mima, myself, Aunt J, Desiree, and Caleb all came up to help your mom pack up the room, pack up the cars (yes two) and take you home.
It may or may not have been a great idea for Mima to drive with balloons in her face.
We got home, had some lunch and was getting settled.
And then your mom called your dad. And your dad definitely needed to go to the Emergency Room.
Problem? How do we even begin? Who stays with Caleb and Raegan? Who takes Nolan to the hospital? Jenna can't drive. Jenna is breastfeeading, she should stay with the baby--except her husband is going to the ER.
Your mom and I packed up, drove back into town, picked up your dad at his parents and drove back to the very hospital, that we left just minutes ago. Sans baby. Sans flowers. Sans balloons. Your dad was in rare form. I blame it on the complete dehydration, emotional state he was in. Poor guy didn't even get to take his wife and new baby home from the hospital. Maybe your dad just felt left out and wanted a hospital bracelet and wanted to be admitted into the hospital too. He spent the next 8 or so hours in the ER, with an IV and had some tests done.
If your life is anything like the way you entered the world, you will be anything but ordinary.