Tuesday, June 25, 2013

And out of nowhere, I have pneumonia

On Tuesday of last week, I was crazy busy from 10am-9pm with photo shoots. It was awesome. The day I dream for. Around 6pm I started getting a migraine. I thought it was from dehydration and not eating super well throughout the day. I kept feeling more and more sick.

Wednesday morning when I woke up, I was in so much pain, I couldn't take a breath without it feeling like someone was stabbing me. Long story short, I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Seriously? How did I not know that it was coming? And how does one get pneumonia in the middle of June?

The cure: Rest lots. Sleep a lot. Really?

Those medical people, they are pretty funny. Sleep seems like a rarity at our house. But my husband took those orders VERY seriously. He was my nurse, cook and took total care of the kids, and I slept. A LOT.

I am so grateful for a husband to let me sleep. I know that is the only reason why I am functioning as well as I am. I was so rested over the weekend. I want to still be able to get some rest during the day, because I don't want to relapse, but my amazing husband definitely set me up for success.

Just another reason why I love him!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Because someday, he'll get it.

Caleb is a trooper. Because of parenting time that Chicky has, and the random DHS, and life "errands", we are in the car a lot. A typical conversation. And when I say typical ---every single time we get in the car.... 

C: "Mom, why did Jesus die?" 
Me: "We just talked about that. Can you tell me why?" 
C: "Mom, why did Jesus die?" 
Me: "He died because there was brokenness and sin in the world. By dying on the cross, he paid for the sin and brokenness." 
C: "The world is broken? And Jesus fixed it?" 
Me: "Yes. And No. There is still more." 
C: "I want Jesus back." 
Me: "That;s the best news. He died, and rose again, so He lives in our heart. We can get to know Him by praying and spending time learning the Bible." 
C: "If want my sin. That was Jesus wouldn't have to die. And we could be friends." 
Me:"See, that's the thing. With sin in our lives, we can't be friends with Jesus. Now we can." 
C: "BUT I CAN'T SEE HIM! I want him back."  
     "Did the solider kill Jesus?"  
      "Why did Jesus die?" 

I am not in kids ministry for a reason. I so value and appreciate those who can put great Biblical truth into words that little ones can understand. I can't. The first ten or so  above conversations we had were frustrating. It was the exact same conversation over and over. 

And then I realized, it was the exact conversation over and over. 

He was remembering. He was somehow linking pieces. 

And we will keep having this conversation until the end of time. It is the most important one I could ever have. Someday he'll get it. He'll understand the cross. He will see the brokenness in the world. He will see Jesus as Redeemer, and I will sit back and remember the good ol' minivan days, where his mind started asking all of these questions. 

It is so worth having the same conversation over and over. Because, someday, he'll get it. And I will be praising Jesus. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When Worship is Hard

If you know me at all, you will know how shocking this statement is:

"I love my mornings." 

Really. Truly. It has taken about 1.5 years, but I have finally, most days, been in a good morning routine. Part of this time is spent with the Lord (and crazy amounts of coffee). I adore the early quiet hours of studying the Word, spending time in prayer, and journaling, before the littles in my house wake up.

It is then, that all is right with the world. It is then, that worship seems so easy. Quietness in my heart and house kind of worship. An "I give you my day," statement of worship.

And then the crazies that live in my house wake up. And I need to remember that my attitude in my heart and what I display to my children is also worship.

But that is when worship is the hardest. 

When I am in the shower and I hear Caleb say, "Mom, I just slipped in my room."
"What did you slip on?"
"The slippery stuff. Well, I just peed in my room and then fell."
"Mommy is in the shower. Get here in the bathroom. Sit down and have a time out." 

Only to find all the rolls of toliet paper.....unrolled.

This is when worship is hard. 

Or when a cup of yogurt is thrown across my dining room (ahem, freshly mopped floors.)

This is when worship is hard.

Or, when I have a baby who is constipated and has literally screamed for 24 hours. ( Do the math= no sleep for this mamma). And don't worry people, we use pear juice in this house, and we have poop!

When I am tired....this is when worship is hard.

Or when I put my three year old down for a nap, and hear crashing noises, only to find out, he has emptied his drawers, thrown his books, and moved his bed. GO. TO. SLEEP. For the love, go to sleep.

When nap time is cut....worship is hard.

Or when my house looks like a college guy's dorm room......

This is when it is hard to worship.

Or, when during a time out Caleb says, "I just went potty on the stairs because I was mad at you"

It's hard to worship.

Or when I feel like I haven't done anything significant today....

During the mundane trials of mommyhood, wifedom and home ownership, it is so good to reminded to take every thought and make it captive to Christ. If I am not glorifying God in my mind, I will not be glorifying Him in my actions.

These summer days are L O N G. And hard.

To all my mommy friends, may this be an encouragement to you, to start your day before your kids wake up. Don't wake up to your kids, wake up FOR your kids. It took me a while to get used to it and learn the difference, but I absolutely treasure my time in the morning with no kiddos.

The last two days at our house have been one for the books, but I know my attitude would be so much worse, had I not spent time with the Lord, giving Him my day, spending time in His word and being still.

So let's press on, shall we?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It is well with my soul

  As the weeks go on, many of you have asked what is new with our little Chicky Baby. There is NOTHING new. I promise. This is how foster care works, for better or for worse. The next time we will hear anything about Chicky's case will be the end of August. Until then, she will be living with us, loved on by us, spoiled, cared for, prayed for and will be a part of our family. We are praying and hoping that she gets to be a part of our family forever. 

  But, that may not happen. It is completely up to a judge, (and some other factors we won't get into). And if we don't get to raise Chicky as our daughter forever, it is ok. 

  It is well with my soul. 


 God has done a complete heart transformation. This little girl that is living at my house and occupies so much of my heart, has always been the Lord's. As much as I love her, and think I know that is best for her, God loves her so much more than I can comprehend. 

  It really comes down to whether or not I believe God is sovereign, in control and good. If He really is those things, then what reason to have to doubt?  

  Lord, it is well with my soul. 
  If we adopt Chicky, or if we don't. 

  Thank you Lord for bringing me to this place of peace! I know there will be hardship, but You have shown Yourself faithful and trustworthy. I will walk in Your truth and put my trust in You through this situation. 

 In the end, let my heart say, "It is well with my soul."