Thursday, June 13, 2013

Because someday, he'll get it.

Caleb is a trooper. Because of parenting time that Chicky has, and the random DHS, and life "errands", we are in the car a lot. A typical conversation. And when I say typical ---every single time we get in the car.... 

C: "Mom, why did Jesus die?" 
Me: "We just talked about that. Can you tell me why?" 
C: "Mom, why did Jesus die?" 
Me: "He died because there was brokenness and sin in the world. By dying on the cross, he paid for the sin and brokenness." 
C: "The world is broken? And Jesus fixed it?" 
Me: "Yes. And No. There is still more." 
C: "I want Jesus back." 
Me: "That;s the best news. He died, and rose again, so He lives in our heart. We can get to know Him by praying and spending time learning the Bible." 
C: "If want my sin. That was Jesus wouldn't have to die. And we could be friends." 
Me:"See, that's the thing. With sin in our lives, we can't be friends with Jesus. Now we can." 
C: "BUT I CAN'T SEE HIM! I want him back."  
     "Did the solider kill Jesus?"  
      "Why did Jesus die?" 

I am not in kids ministry for a reason. I so value and appreciate those who can put great Biblical truth into words that little ones can understand. I can't. The first ten or so  above conversations we had were frustrating. It was the exact same conversation over and over. 

And then I realized, it was the exact conversation over and over. 

He was remembering. He was somehow linking pieces. 

And we will keep having this conversation until the end of time. It is the most important one I could ever have. Someday he'll get it. He'll understand the cross. He will see the brokenness in the world. He will see Jesus as Redeemer, and I will sit back and remember the good ol' minivan days, where his mind started asking all of these questions. 

It is so worth having the same conversation over and over. Because, someday, he'll get it. And I will be praising Jesus. 

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