Caleb will be discharged TOMORROW!!! Yes, our big ol 4 1/2lb boy is going to be discharged TOMORROW!!
Case workers have pressed the birth mom needs to make a decision TOMORROW. She needs to choose to parent or choose to go through with the adoption plan.
PRAY PRAY PRAY! Pray that she chooses adoption, it would really be the best thing for Caleb.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Calling all PRAYers
We need some prayers!!! Big prayers. Prayers that move mountain prayers.
Because Caleb is going to be released from the hospital this week, possibly Monday and birth mom has not made a decision.
What you can pray for:
-Pray that the social contacts the birth mom before the hospital on Monday
-Pray that we can get in touch with the birth mom's social worker on Sunday
-Pray that the birth mom would choose adoption and sign papers before Caleb is released
-Pray for a miracle and for God to be glorified.
Because Caleb is going to be released from the hospital this week, possibly Monday and birth mom has not made a decision.
What you can pray for:
-Pray that the social contacts the birth mom before the hospital on Monday
-Pray that we can get in touch with the birth mom's social worker on Sunday
-Pray that the birth mom would choose adoption and sign papers before Caleb is released
-Pray for a miracle and for God to be glorified.
Friday, January 29, 2010

The Bible says "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Mt. 17:20
Why is it then that my faith has never been stronger and I feel like not even a grain of sand is moving? Oh Lord, increase my faith.
I know that the greatest impact of prayer is not the answers that we get, but drawing nearer to the Lord. I have never been more intimate with Him. I have never prayed more. I have never had more faith.
And yet......I wait.....
............I wait.................
........... I wait.........................

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
1 Month
Dear Caleb,
Today you are 1 month old! Can you believe it? I am so sorry that your whole first month of life has been in the NICU. Not a fun place, huh? At least you have some amazing nurses. I am sorry that we are not able to visit you on your 1 one month. We are working on that. It might be to your advantage that I am not there. I was thinking of bringing a birthday hat and celebrating with you. At least you won't be embarrassed :)
You have had quite the month sir. I just got off the phone with the NICU, you are are taking all of your meals from a bottle now, and are weighing 4 lbs and 6.5 ounces. Way to go baby boy!! You passed your hearing test and are doing so well. We are so proud of you.
We love you more than you will ever know. I hope the nurses spoil you today!!
Today you are 1 month old! Can you believe it? I am so sorry that your whole first month of life has been in the NICU. Not a fun place, huh? At least you have some amazing nurses. I am sorry that we are not able to visit you on your 1 one month. We are working on that. It might be to your advantage that I am not there. I was thinking of bringing a birthday hat and celebrating with you. At least you won't be embarrassed :)
You have had quite the month sir. I just got off the phone with the NICU, you are are taking all of your meals from a bottle now, and are weighing 4 lbs and 6.5 ounces. Way to go baby boy!! You passed your hearing test and are doing so well. We are so proud of you.
We love you more than you will ever know. I hope the nurses spoil you today!!
I am found:
somewhere between hope and despair
somewhere between waiting and going
somewhere between wanting friends around and wanting to be alone
somewhere between wanting to overeat and wanting to overexercise
somewhere between lost and found
somewhere between wanting to work and wanting to quit
somewhere between scrubbing the house room by room and letting the mess pile up
somewhere between wanting my prayers answered and knowing that prayer in and of itself is not about getting answers
I am found here.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Not quite the news we have been waiting for
The mantra in our house seems to be "no news is good news." When we have "no news" at least it means that there is still hope that we can adopt Baby Caleb.
Birth mom is stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Intellectually she knows that adoption would be the best decision for her and for Caleb, but how does a mom go through that? Emotionally she is having a very hard time accepting it all.
Her case worker is putting some pressure on her to make a decision in the next two weeks, when we believe that Caleb will be released from the hospital.
Many of you have had things to say about the birth mom. Some have said that she is an unfit parent, irresponsible and playing the system. Others have stood up for her, some to a fault. Tonight, Jon and I are standing with her, not knowing how she is feeling, nor the emotions she is going through....AND.....feeling that through prayer that we should pray that the adoption goes through.
Here we are....standing with her, empathizing with her, praying for her, not knowing her pain, and yet....we are praying that she chooses to go through with the adoption.
It is a messy situation....
Because the papers were pulled from the birth mother's county and to refile paperwork in our county....and because she never signed those papers.....we currently cannot go to the hospital. We are working on that....we desperately want to hold that boy in our arms again.
What can you do?
Birth mom is stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Intellectually she knows that adoption would be the best decision for her and for Caleb, but how does a mom go through that? Emotionally she is having a very hard time accepting it all.
Her case worker is putting some pressure on her to make a decision in the next two weeks, when we believe that Caleb will be released from the hospital.
Many of you have had things to say about the birth mom. Some have said that she is an unfit parent, irresponsible and playing the system. Others have stood up for her, some to a fault. Tonight, Jon and I are standing with her, not knowing how she is feeling, nor the emotions she is going through....AND.....feeling that through prayer that we should pray that the adoption goes through.
Here we are....standing with her, empathizing with her, praying for her, not knowing her pain, and yet....we are praying that she chooses to go through with the adoption.
It is a messy situation....
Because the papers were pulled from the birth mother's county and to refile paperwork in our county....and because she never signed those papers.....we currently cannot go to the hospital. We are working on that....we desperately want to hold that boy in our arms again.
What can you do?
-Fast with us (for a day, or periods of a day)
-Pray for the birth mom. Pray that she makes the best decision for Caleb, that she makes decisions based on facts and not emotions
-Pray for Caleb's health.
-Pray for us, that we would not give up the hope that God has given us
-Pray that she chooses adoption, not as a selfish request, but something we believe God is opening the door too
-Pray for some legal issues that she is going through
-Pray for the birth mom. Pray that she makes the best decision for Caleb, that she makes decisions based on facts and not emotions
-Pray for Caleb's health.
-Pray for us, that we would not give up the hope that God has given us
-Pray that she chooses adoption, not as a selfish request, but something we believe God is opening the door too
-Pray for some legal issues that she is going through
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hoping and Praying and Praying and Hoping
Birth mom canceled her appointment tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12:30p she should be meeting with her case worker to discuss parenting or adoption:)
This is what we know:
-She is still desiring adoption, but the birth father is giving her pressure
-She has not visited Caleb since last Tuesday
-Caleb weighs 4.6lbs and is eating by a bottle
This is what we know:
-She is still desiring adoption, but the birth father is giving her pressure
-She has not visited Caleb since last Tuesday
-Caleb weighs 4.6lbs and is eating by a bottle
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Week #3 in Pictures
Sunday January 24, 2010
Jon and I could not bring ourselves to go to church this morning. We knew that we would have:
-a lot of questions that we don't have answers to
-people trying to act sympathetic
-people trying to act like nothing happened to us in the past week
-and worst of all....people giving lame lame lame lame advice.
INSTEAD: I went to Bigby and spent a few hours drinking a Caramel Mellow, spending time with my journal and studying scripture. What a great Sunday!!!

Saturday January 23, 2010
I don't have a picture, per say, but the link will have to do. For 3 days 2 boxes have sat in my entry way, and neither Jon or I had the gumption to open them. Their contents? Caleb's crib set. I finally opened them on Saturday and LOVE it. Praying that he will be sleeping in it soon.
Friday January 22, 2010
So apparently Albion students don't like their picture taken. Ah, stink! Friday and Saturday I was able to have a great retreat with some of the InterVarsity students at Albion College. We spent time studying scripture, praying together and growing in our relationships with each other. It was a great time, and God used it to minister to me as I remembered truths about the God I serve.
Jon and I could not bring ourselves to go to church this morning. We knew that we would have:
-a lot of questions that we don't have answers to
-people trying to act sympathetic
-people trying to act like nothing happened to us in the past week
-and worst of all....people giving lame lame lame lame advice.
INSTEAD: I went to Bigby and spent a few hours drinking a Caramel Mellow, spending time with my journal and studying scripture. What a great Sunday!!!
Saturday January 23, 2010
I don't have a picture, per say, but the link will have to do. For 3 days 2 boxes have sat in my entry way, and neither Jon or I had the gumption to open them. Their contents? Caleb's crib set. I finally opened them on Saturday and LOVE it. Praying that he will be sleeping in it soon.
Friday January 22, 2010
So apparently Albion students don't like their picture taken. Ah, stink! Friday and Saturday I was able to have a great retreat with some of the InterVarsity students at Albion College. We spent time studying scripture, praying together and growing in our relationships with each other. It was a great time, and God used it to minister to me as I remembered truths about the God I serve.

Thursday January 21, 2010
I really am not looking for sympathy, but I really do not have a picture for today. All I did was...cry. Trust did not want to see my face.
Wednesday January 20, 2010
I was so excited to visit Caleb today! He had on a new outfit and was stunning:) I am really really hoping that this was not the last time I held him in my arms. It was today that I received the phone call saying that birth mom is changing her mind. We were asked to leave the hospital so she could come and visit.
Tuesday January 19, 2010
Kaya wanted me to know that she is ready for a baby in the house. If she can sleep with a 3 year old, why not a newborn?

Monday Jan. 18, 2010
After spending a week at the hospital with Caleb, I was so excited to have some girl time!!! Luckily I was able to spend time updating my scrapbook with Amber and Rachel.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Who said anything about safe?

"Who is Aslan?" asked Susan.
"Aslan?" said Mr. Beaver, "Why don't you know? He's the King. . . . It is he, not you, that will save Mr. Tumnus. . . ."
"Is -- is he a man?" asked Lucy.
"Aslan a man!" said Mr. Beaver sternly.
"Certainly not. I tell you he is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion -- THE Lion, the great Lion."
"Aslan a man!" said Mr. Beaver sternly.
"Certainly not. I tell you he is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion -- THE Lion, the great Lion."
"Ooh!" said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he -- quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion."
"That you will, dearie, and no mistake," said Mrs. Beaver, "if there's anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or else just silly."
"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.
"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver. "Don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
"I'm longing to see him," said Peter, "even if I do feel frightened when it comes to the point."
Chronicles of Narnia
Hard is an understatement for describing the adoption process. We knew this going into it, and we jumped feet first. We knew that we would be hurt, and still we continued. We knew that it would cost us more than we have money for, and still we walked in faith. Then we were hurt...hard....and we kept walking. Then we were faced with another child, and we plunged in quickly, fell in love, became attached had a week of the highest highs and lowest lows....and here we are, still walking towards adoption.
I was asked this week if I have a bad taste in my mouth for adoption, and as much as I wanted to say yes, I can't. I am wired for adoption. God has placed such a clear call on my heart. My heart breaks to know that there are children who need homes and families, and my heart wants so badly to come alongside of mothers that are trying to do the best for their children. So yes, adoption has been hard, but I am not about to spit it out of my mouth.
When we first found out about Caleb we had some people in our lives that wanted us to remember the risk that we were taking, to remember that nothing is final until a judge decides, people who doing everything in their power to remind us of how hard adoption really is.
And you know what?
We already knew that. All too well, thank you.
And you know what?
We jumped head first anyways.
As we are in the "waiting period" wondering whether or not Caleb's birth mom is going to go through with adoption or not, I would not have changed anything.
What if we end up adopting Caleb? I cannot imagine the time lost with my son because I was so careful to protect my heart.
Or what if the adoption doesn't go through? Well, then we had the chance to love on a baby, to pray for him, sing to him, talk to him, and visit him. Without us, and without our families this sweet boy would have had no visitors. NONE. Having some constant love and attention for even a little while helped Caleb so much! When we first met him, nurses were saying he could be in the hospital for 6 weeks, and after a week with him, they were saying maybe 10 days, he had gained a pound and was bottle feeding. WOW.
So does adoption hurt? Is it hard? More than you know. It is not for the faint of heart, but it is a glorious calling.
Friday, January 22, 2010
no news
I have been waiting anxiously by the phone all day.
It just rang.
The phone call I have been waiting for.
The news: Birth mom is sick, canceled the meeting with the case worker, rescheduled for Monday and asked her to bring both info on adoption and parenting.
Now....possibly the longest weekend of my life.
It just rang.
The phone call I have been waiting for.
The news: Birth mom is sick, canceled the meeting with the case worker, rescheduled for Monday and asked her to bring both info on adoption and parenting.
Now....possibly the longest weekend of my life.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The longest walk ever
Yesterday afternoon, mom and I were visiting Caleb. We were aware that the birth mother and father had been in to visit him the night before, so nerves were high. We did not know much, and tried hard to know that they could be saying goodbye, but the chances of that happening were unlikely.
Around 3:00 we received a call from our case worker saying that the birth parents seem to be changing their minds. They are meeting with their case worker Friday morning and may have a decision then. I keep saying, "they" but until now, birth dad has had little involvement and now is suddenly back in the picture. We were asked to leave the hospital, not because we were being kicked out, but because it could be "awkward" if the birth parents came by the hospital before Friday. I took the longest walk of silence from Caleb's crib to my car....and then a somber drive, arriving home 1.5 hours later.
Right now, I have two responses that are fighting each other 1) crawl into a hole, away from any contact with people, indulge in far too many calories and self loathing, sleep until the pain goes away, a 2) time to putting up the fighting gloves. Time to fight for my baby boy. The urge to fight has won the temptation....for now.
For now....
-we wait until Friday to see what birth mom decides
-we pray like crazy and seek the Lord on Caleb's behalf
-we are writing a letter to birth mom to share pictures, and our hearts, to share how Caleb is already a part of our lives, and a part of his grandparents and aunts and uncles lives
-we are angry
-we feel helpless and hopeless
-we don't need your words, I promise you, no matter what you say is not going to help
-I will spend today working on the back to school retreat for students
-I will find solace in my journal
-I may go through a box of tissue
-we need your prayers
Around 3:00 we received a call from our case worker saying that the birth parents seem to be changing their minds. They are meeting with their case worker Friday morning and may have a decision then. I keep saying, "they" but until now, birth dad has had little involvement and now is suddenly back in the picture. We were asked to leave the hospital, not because we were being kicked out, but because it could be "awkward" if the birth parents came by the hospital before Friday. I took the longest walk of silence from Caleb's crib to my car....and then a somber drive, arriving home 1.5 hours later.
Right now, I have two responses that are fighting each other 1) crawl into a hole, away from any contact with people, indulge in far too many calories and self loathing, sleep until the pain goes away, a 2) time to putting up the fighting gloves. Time to fight for my baby boy. The urge to fight has won the temptation....for now.
For now....
-we wait until Friday to see what birth mom decides
-we pray like crazy and seek the Lord on Caleb's behalf
-we are writing a letter to birth mom to share pictures, and our hearts, to share how Caleb is already a part of our lives, and a part of his grandparents and aunts and uncles lives
-we are angry
-we feel helpless and hopeless
-we don't need your words, I promise you, no matter what you say is not going to help
-I will spend today working on the back to school retreat for students
-I will find solace in my journal
-I may go through a box of tissue
-we need your prayers
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
From one mom to another
You gave birth to the most beautiful boy I have ever laid eyes on. I love the way he feels in my arms, the way his fingers wrap around mine, the way he makes a face when you touch his nose. I love his dark, soft hair and his baby skin. I love sitting next to his bedside or holding him in my arms, praying for him, telling him about his family and reading to him.
Tonight, you are visiting him at the hospital. You say that you are going to say goodbye to him. I hope that it is meaningful for you. I hope that you can hold him and tell him that you are doing the best thing for him. I hope that you squeeze his hand and kiss his cheeks. I hope you take a picture to remember him by. But most of all, I hope that you say goodbye.
Tomorrow you are supposed to pass physical custody to us. I don't know what you are feeling right now. I imagine that nothing sounds better than rocking the baby that you gave birth to all night long. I imagine that there is an overwhelming feeling, I imagine that you are wondering who will be raising him. I cannot put myself in your shoes. I have never been there.
But I am here. I am desperately waiting to hear how your goodbyes went. I am in love with the boy that you gave birth to. We named him Caleb Robert. He is already the center of attention in our family. He has met all four grandparents and has melted our hearts. I am here. I am at the place where I cannot wait until you sign those papers. I am in the place where I cannot wait to bring him home. To his home.
I was there. I stood beside him in the NICU. I rocked him, sang to him, prayed for him, read to him, talked to him. I was there. Please let me continue to be there for the rest of his life. Please.
Tonight, you are visiting him at the hospital. You say that you are going to say goodbye to him. I hope that it is meaningful for you. I hope that you can hold him and tell him that you are doing the best thing for him. I hope that you squeeze his hand and kiss his cheeks. I hope you take a picture to remember him by. But most of all, I hope that you say goodbye.
Tomorrow you are supposed to pass physical custody to us. I don't know what you are feeling right now. I imagine that nothing sounds better than rocking the baby that you gave birth to all night long. I imagine that there is an overwhelming feeling, I imagine that you are wondering who will be raising him. I cannot put myself in your shoes. I have never been there.
But I am here. I am desperately waiting to hear how your goodbyes went. I am in love with the boy that you gave birth to. We named him Caleb Robert. He is already the center of attention in our family. He has met all four grandparents and has melted our hearts. I am here. I am at the place where I cannot wait until you sign those papers. I am in the place where I cannot wait to bring him home. To his home.
I was there. I stood beside him in the NICU. I rocked him, sang to him, prayed for him, read to him, talked to him. I was there. Please let me continue to be there for the rest of his life. Please.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Week #2 in Pictures
We had quite the week, but do not fret, the Week in Pictures will continue....they may just be posted a little late:) Enjoy:)
Sunday Jan. 17, 2010
Caleb and Big Jon(my dad) meet today. We had some great news!!!! Caleb is 3lbs 13.4 oz and could be released in 10 days. WAHOOOO!!!
Saturday Jan. 16, 2010
Caleb meets Grandpa Bob. Caleb was very awake and feeling some love!
Sunday Jan. 17, 2010
Caleb and Big Jon(my dad) meet today. We had some great news!!!! Caleb is 3lbs 13.4 oz and could be released in 10 days. WAHOOOO!!!
Caleb meets Grandpa Bob. Caleb was very awake and feeling some love!
Friday Jan. 15, 2010
Jenna is the best sister ever! She was my partner all day. We started at 6:30a and went into the night. She kept me company in the hospital as only a sister can do. This is what I found when I walked out of the NICU at the end of the day. She said she was "studying".
Thursday Jan. 14, 2010
Jon had to go to work on Thursday and I stayed in NICU with Caleb. My mom was gracious enough to take work off on Thursday so that she could drive me to the hospital, and wait in the waiting room. BUT....the nurses were SOOO great and allowed her and Aunt Jennie Lyn to come in and hold Caleb.
Wednesday Jan. 13, 2010
We met our son today!!! This is our first family picture. If week 1 together it any guess, there will be MANY MANY MANY more to come:)
Tuesday Jan. 12, 2010
We found out today that we are going to be parents to a boy. We didn't know much about him at this point, but what we did was time to say goodbye to our pink and purple nursery. I think the frilly girl in me shed a tear, but the mumma in me shed another tear of meeting my boy.
Monday Jan 11, 2010
If you have been following my blog, you know that I am working hard core on dropping 57 lbs. Here is a picture of my fridge right now......don't worry, it is not a "no eat diet" I just need to go to the store to fill it with some fresh veggies.
Sunday, Jon and I were in the 2-3's room at church. Does anyone know how hard it is to get 2 and 3 yr olds to listen and to engage? I know, I know, they are kids, and I am not a great "kid teacher" but my husband on the other hand....the best.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Family of Three, Almost
Every time we go see Caleb it seems like we keep getting great news. This little guy is thriving! It is so fun to see how he connects with us. Today, he made mumma so proud!!! After I scrubbed in, I immediately went to his bedside. I was rubbing his back and his oxygen monitor started going crazy and he was kicking all over. I asked the nurse what was going on, and she said "Pick him up, he hears your voice and his excited to see you." WHAT?!?!?! H ow is that possible in just a few days? I spent some time loving on him today. Another proud mumma moment....he is up to 3lbs and 13.4 oz. Keep growing honey boy. Another proud mumma moment......the nurses suggested that he could come home in 10 days!!!
The problem: we don't have physical custody of him yet. The case workers and trying to switch the counties to ours from the birth mom's. Lots of legal stuff I don't understand, but please stand beside us in prayer. We are hoping that we can get physical custody this week!!!
Here is how you can pray:
-that the paperwork can be switched from birth mom's county to our county
-the birth mom does not change her mind, that all of the proper paperwork is found, signed and filed correctly
-favor from the judges and nursing staff
-stamina as we travel an hour and half to see our boy, as well as going through our regular every day life
-rest for us and Caleb
-Caleb's health
The problem: we don't have physical custody of him yet. The case workers and trying to switch the counties to ours from the birth mom's. Lots of legal stuff I don't understand, but please stand beside us in prayer. We are hoping that we can get physical custody this week!!!
Here is how you can pray:
-that the paperwork can be switched from birth mom's county to our county
-the birth mom does not change her mind, that all of the proper paperwork is found, signed and filed correctly
-favor from the judges and nursing staff
-stamina as we travel an hour and half to see our boy, as well as going through our regular every day life
-rest for us and Caleb
-Caleb's health
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day #2 with Caleb
I don't know how it is possible, but I think Day 2 was better than Day 1 and Day 1 was a blast to meet my boy. Today he was so alert and loved the attention. He had so much fun meeting Gramma Kath (my mom) and Aunt Jenna (my sister). Not to mention, I KNOW he loved his mamma smooching and loving all over him.
He is doing so well. He is holding his body temperature and weight is good. We are hoping that he will be bottle fed soon and be through with that feeding tube! No one likes that:)
He is doing so well. He is holding his body temperature and weight is good. We are hoping that he will be bottle fed soon and be through with that feeding tube! No one likes that:)
Introducing Our Boy
We have been so blessed by meeting the lil man. He is absolutely beautiful. Most likely you will be getting updates from me via the blog. If you can want to call, go ahead, and we will call you back. Right now, we have permission to stay at NICU 22 hours a day. We will not be there the whole time.....we will need some sleep too.
Today, I am with my mom and my sister, and we will be heading down to the hospital for the day. As of now, no one but Jon and I are allowed to in NICU, so it looks like mom and Jenna will be in the waiting room all day.
Some stats:
-Currently doing great!! He weighed in at 3lbs, 9 oz last night
-He opens his eyes and looks around the room
-He is not a fan of the camera flash...he grunts every time I took a picture. Jon's words of advice "Get used to it, your mommy takes lots of pictures."
Our plan:
-waiting for the custody hearing, the paperwork should be in the hands of the courts today, which means the soonest the hearing could be would be two weeks from today
-I will be planning on spending as much time as possible at the hospital with our lil guy. It is important for him to feel some lovin' :)
-Jon will be staying home and working today, and then heading out tomorrow to spend Friday afternoon-Sunday night at the hospital
-We are working on a schedule, seeing that the hospital is an hour and a half away from us:)
Today, I am with my mom and my sister, and we will be heading down to the hospital for the day. As of now, no one but Jon and I are allowed to in NICU, so it looks like mom and Jenna will be in the waiting room all day.
Some stats:
-Currently doing great!! He weighed in at 3lbs, 9 oz last night
-He opens his eyes and looks around the room
-He is not a fan of the camera flash...he grunts every time I took a picture. Jon's words of advice "Get used to it, your mommy takes lots of pictures."
Our plan:
-waiting for the custody hearing, the paperwork should be in the hands of the courts today, which means the soonest the hearing could be would be two weeks from today
-I will be planning on spending as much time as possible at the hospital with our lil guy. It is important for him to feel some lovin' :)
-Jon will be staying home and working today, and then heading out tomorrow to spend Friday afternoon-Sunday night at the hospital
-We are working on a schedule, seeing that the hospital is an hour and a half away from us:)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Shouting from the rooftops
By tomorrow evening......we will have met our boy.
Here is the deal....
-We will meet our case worker tomorrow evening, driving to the hospital to meet with another case worker and hospital reps.
-We will find out how he is doing medically
-We will find out what we can often we can see him, etc....
and tonight...I will try to get some sleep....but probably not. Would you be able to sleep?
Watch out for updates:)
Here is the deal....
-We will meet our case worker tomorrow evening, driving to the hospital to meet with another case worker and hospital reps.
-We will find out how he is doing medically
-We will find out what we can often we can see him, etc....
and tonight...I will try to get some sleep....but probably not. Would you be able to sleep?
Watch out for updates:)
It's a Boy!
At 9:30am this morning, my life changed forever!!!! We received a phone call that said there was a baby boy in the hospital, waiting to be adopted!!!!!!!
Some stats:
-Born Dec. 27, 2009.
-Born at 29 weeks, currently weighs around 3lbs.
-Currently on a feeding tube
So what are we waiting for? We need to get permission from the hospital to go and meet him. Working on that right now.....
Pray that we can meet our boy tonight!!!!
Some stats:
-Born Dec. 27, 2009.
-Born at 29 weeks, currently weighs around 3lbs.
-Currently on a feeding tube
So what are we waiting for? We need to get permission from the hospital to go and meet him. Working on that right now.....
Pray that we can meet our boy tonight!!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
12 hours...
In 12 hours I will be calling our adoption case worker.
In 12 hours I will find out what her voicemail message meant.
In 12 hours my stomach will stop churning, with the unknown.
In 12 hours I will find out what our case worker meant by saying, "We have had some new developments, and we need to talk."
In 12 hours....
But, who's counting?
In 12 hours I will find out what her voicemail message meant.
In 12 hours my stomach will stop churning, with the unknown.
In 12 hours I will find out what our case worker meant by saying, "We have had some new developments, and we need to talk."
In 12 hours....
But, who's counting?
Checking In- Week #2
A weekly check-in to see how I am accomplishing my 2010 goals...thanks for keeping me accountable.
Goals for 2010
PHYSICAL- Lose 57lbs, run a 5k
I have lost 5.8lbs thus far...51.2lbs to go:)
SCRIPTURE READING- Read through the Bible in a year, memorize the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134)
I am two days behind in scripture reading, but will be catching up today. I have memorized Psalm 120 and working on Psalm 121.
READING- Read 12 books of spiritual development, ministry helps, etc.
2 Books down, 10 to go:) I finished Encountering God in the City, and Transforming Prayer. This week, starting, "The Good and Beautiful God"
SPIRITUAL- 1 retreat day a month, devotions 5 days a week, 20 minutes of prayer a day
yes yes yes
FAMILY- Be the best wife that I can be
This week was good..striving to be better
FINANCIAL- follow set budget, pay off school loans, save for adoption
It is easy to follow a budget when you don't leave the house and don't spend money. Definitely was my last week. I did not venture out much...therefore budget=kept.
MINISTRY- Volunteer in Albion, start neighborhood groups, learn about modern day slavery
-Women's Small Group at my house starts next week!! So excited.
-Goal this week: learn how to volunteer in Albion and DO IT!
Goals for 2010
PHYSICAL- Lose 57lbs, run a 5k
I have lost 5.8lbs thus far...51.2lbs to go:)
SCRIPTURE READING- Read through the Bible in a year, memorize the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134)
I am two days behind in scripture reading, but will be catching up today. I have memorized Psalm 120 and working on Psalm 121.
READING- Read 12 books of spiritual development, ministry helps, etc.
2 Books down, 10 to go:) I finished Encountering God in the City, and Transforming Prayer. This week, starting, "The Good and Beautiful God"
SPIRITUAL- 1 retreat day a month, devotions 5 days a week, 20 minutes of prayer a day
yes yes yes
FAMILY- Be the best wife that I can be
This week was good..striving to be better
FINANCIAL- follow set budget, pay off school loans, save for adoption
It is easy to follow a budget when you don't leave the house and don't spend money. Definitely was my last week. I did not venture out much...therefore budget=kept.
MINISTRY- Volunteer in Albion, start neighborhood groups, learn about modern day slavery
-Women's Small Group at my house starts next week!! So excited.
-Goal this week: learn how to volunteer in Albion and DO IT!
Friday, January 8, 2010
My Week in Pictures #1
Welcome to my very own version of Project 365. I am hoping to take a picture each day to describe how the day went. It is mostly for my own benefit, because I will be scrapbooking about it later, but for can check out our lives. Here is the first week. Enjoy:)
Sat. Jan 9, 2010
Today Jon and I spent time with his family, having a wonderful meal:) We were all in different directions for Christmas, so this was a time that we could all come together, catch up and cheat on our diets....(was I the only one that did that?) Jason, Jon's youngest brother is sporting a sweet new shirt from his other brother and sister-in-law. You want one too, don't you?

Friday Jan 8, 2010
I was glad I could stay inside all day today. It was cold and snowy.....I was not made for Michigan weather.
Sat. Jan 9, 2010
Today Jon and I spent time with his family, having a wonderful meal:) We were all in different directions for Christmas, so this was a time that we could all come together, catch up and cheat on our diets....(was I the only one that did that?) Jason, Jon's youngest brother is sporting a sweet new shirt from his other brother and sister-in-law. You want one too, don't you?
Friday Jan 8, 2010
I was glad I could stay inside all day today. It was cold and snowy.....I was not made for Michigan weather.
Thursday Jan. 7, 2010
Thursdays are my FAVORITE days! Why? Besides the obvious impending Friday, some of my favorite tv shows are on Thursday nights. It is a time to chill in front of the tv and to check out for a while. The other reason? ALAINA! God blessed me with this beautiful woman in my life a few months ago....and now....Thursday nights belong to Alaina...with lots of coffee and talking. I am pretty sure I had close to a pot of coffee last night.
Wednesday Jan. 6, 2010
After weeks of studying the Psalms of Ascent with Amber---FINISHED! It was a great journey. I NEVER ever knew about the Psalms of Ascent before this study and wow oh wow, have I grown in knowledge. Next step.....memorizing the Psalms of Ascent. I can't wait to hide the precious words of the Jewish sojourners in my heart.
Tuesday Jan. 5, 2010
I took the first step today in trying to figure out how to pursue foster care. We are still unsure what the future holds for us as far as adoption, but we are keeping all doors open until the Lord decides to close one. Our step today was to call a friend from church and get some information:)
Monday Jan. 4, 2010
If you saw this sight walking outside your house today, don't fear, it was just me trying to stay warm in the frigid cold while I DIED at the workout I was trying to complete. I mean, um, it was SO FUN!:) And yes, those are ankle weights strapped to my wrists.
Sunday Jan. 3, 2010
I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today. I have a LONG way to go to lose my goal of 57lbs this year. I am following a plan created by my friend Alaina and once in a while throwing in some Jillian.
Already this has been a year of journaling. I have always always always been a journaler, but it seems to be the thing that keeps me sane most days. It is something I look forward to, to pour my heart out to, to be real with, and process all that is stirring in my head. You may find me with head in my journal this year.....don't be offended, I will share what's in my mind....after I journal about it:)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
System Breakdown
News on the adoption front: Jon and I are considering pursuing infant foster care, to adopt. We are still learning, and still praying, but this will be our next step.
In one day of phone calls....I have found out....the system in broken. I am so glad that I serve a God that brings restoration to the broken.
In one day of phone calls....I have found out....the system in broken. I am so glad that I serve a God that brings restoration to the broken.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I am not WAITING---I am giving up!

Why didn't someone tell me that I gave up? All this time, I had you---and myself completely convinced that I was waiting patiently and hoping. But I'm not, and I wasn't. I was so quick to give up that I did not even recognize it.
I am finally ready to hurry up and wait. Really. I am ready to start actively pursuing adoption. I am ready for the waiting.
It would be easy to give up. I am really an impatient person and getting this process started just so I can wait again is not my idea of fun.
And not to mention the emotional toll again. I am not so sure that I am excited about getting my heart broken and thrown into rough seasons of depression. I am not sure that I am ready to be THAT vulnerable again.
But...we are not giving up.
-We have been called to pursue adoption
-The statistics that I read about orphans break my heart every time I cannot NOT do something about it.
It occurred to me today, while I was spending sometime with God (which the more likely case is that God spoke to me) that there is nothing I am DOING to pursue adoption.
There are some people that I need to call, I could be applying for scholarships and grants and researching other methods of adoption (different agencies, lawyers, state, foster care, etc) or simply spend more time in prayer. Instead I have unconsciously convinced myself that I am waiting for a baby to be delivered to our doorstep.
God does want us to adopt (at least until He changes our heart) but this process will be used to refine us and transform us--and I am ready to take that journey--again.
Adoption is worth it. The kingdom is worth is. I am not giving up. I am going to hurry and DO something --that something??? WAIT.
I am finally ready to hurry up and wait. Really. I am ready to start actively pursuing adoption. I am ready for the waiting.
It would be easy to give up. I am really an impatient person and getting this process started just so I can wait again is not my idea of fun.
And not to mention the emotional toll again. I am not so sure that I am excited about getting my heart broken and thrown into rough seasons of depression. I am not sure that I am ready to be THAT vulnerable again.
But...we are not giving up.
-We have been called to pursue adoption
-The statistics that I read about orphans break my heart every time I cannot NOT do something about it.
It occurred to me today, while I was spending sometime with God (which the more likely case is that God spoke to me) that there is nothing I am DOING to pursue adoption.
There are some people that I need to call, I could be applying for scholarships and grants and researching other methods of adoption (different agencies, lawyers, state, foster care, etc) or simply spend more time in prayer. Instead I have unconsciously convinced myself that I am waiting for a baby to be delivered to our doorstep.
God does want us to adopt (at least until He changes our heart) but this process will be used to refine us and transform us--and I am ready to take that journey--again.
Adoption is worth it. The kingdom is worth is. I am not giving up. I am going to hurry and DO something --that something??? WAIT.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Weekly Check in #1
As an effort to encourage you to make 2010 a year of change, and as a means of accountability for myself, I will be doing a weekly check in on Mondays (hopefully) letting you know how I am doing at keeping my 2010 goals. Now, I know that my decisions in keeping these goals may not be life changing for you, but hopefully we can be an encouragement to each other as we press on to pursue the kingdom.
Goals for 2010
PHYSICAL- Lose 57lbs, run a 5k
So far this has been a great goal, and seeing results already. I have a dear friend who has graciously taken the challenge of training me. Following her work out plan, doing some of my own workouts (with exercise videos, walking, etc) and the South Beach Diet, I am 4.4lbs lighter this week!
SCRIPTURE READING- Read through the Bible in a year, memorize the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-135)
I AM LOVING my time in scripture. I am really devouring it, and my love for scripture is growing. I have read all 4 days of January and have memorized one verse a day for my memorization work. I am always amazed at what happens when I commit to memorizing God's word. I find myself thinking about His ways, desiring Him more...
READING- Read 12 books of spiritual development, ministry helps, etc.
It does not hurt that I started the year with 2 partially read books. I am hoping to have them done in the next week. Reading: Encountering God in the City, and Together in Prayer. Both books have been a great source of training for me, and I am excited to implement several of the ideas! Stay tuned to see how they are implemented!
SPIRITUAL- 1 retreat day a month, devotions 5 days a week, 20 minutes of prayer a day
When I make a commitment to spend daily time with the Lord in scripture and prayer, I am amazed at how I keep craving more and more of Him. It seems like the "structured time" I have is a time that just wets my appetite and I want more!!! I have been reminded this week that I do have a gift of intercession, and how little I use it to further the kingdom. How can I pray for you this week?
FAMILY- Be the best wife that I can be
Will this always be a struggle for me? I know it is a vague goal and not easy to measure....but at least it is always at the forefront of my mind.
FINANCIAL- follow set budget, pay off school loans, save for adoption
On New Years Day, Jon and I sat down and made our January 2010 budget. We are following the Dave Ramsey, envelope plan (using cash for everything). I LOVE making a budget. I like to tell my money where to go, and having control over our finances. We want to be great stewards, after all, we are just managing the money that God has given us....He is the owner.
MINISTRY- Volunteer in Albion, start neighborhood groups, learn about modern day slavery
January 19th, there will be a women's small group meeting in my home with the hope to see women transformed by the word as well as being a part of transforming others. We will be studying Hosea, praying together and serving together. Do you want to be a part of it?
Goals for 2010
PHYSICAL- Lose 57lbs, run a 5k
So far this has been a great goal, and seeing results already. I have a dear friend who has graciously taken the challenge of training me. Following her work out plan, doing some of my own workouts (with exercise videos, walking, etc) and the South Beach Diet, I am 4.4lbs lighter this week!
SCRIPTURE READING- Read through the Bible in a year, memorize the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-135)
I AM LOVING my time in scripture. I am really devouring it, and my love for scripture is growing. I have read all 4 days of January and have memorized one verse a day for my memorization work. I am always amazed at what happens when I commit to memorizing God's word. I find myself thinking about His ways, desiring Him more...
READING- Read 12 books of spiritual development, ministry helps, etc.
It does not hurt that I started the year with 2 partially read books. I am hoping to have them done in the next week. Reading: Encountering God in the City, and Together in Prayer. Both books have been a great source of training for me, and I am excited to implement several of the ideas! Stay tuned to see how they are implemented!
SPIRITUAL- 1 retreat day a month, devotions 5 days a week, 20 minutes of prayer a day
When I make a commitment to spend daily time with the Lord in scripture and prayer, I am amazed at how I keep craving more and more of Him. It seems like the "structured time" I have is a time that just wets my appetite and I want more!!! I have been reminded this week that I do have a gift of intercession, and how little I use it to further the kingdom. How can I pray for you this week?
FAMILY- Be the best wife that I can be
Will this always be a struggle for me? I know it is a vague goal and not easy to measure....but at least it is always at the forefront of my mind.
FINANCIAL- follow set budget, pay off school loans, save for adoption
On New Years Day, Jon and I sat down and made our January 2010 budget. We are following the Dave Ramsey, envelope plan (using cash for everything). I LOVE making a budget. I like to tell my money where to go, and having control over our finances. We want to be great stewards, after all, we are just managing the money that God has given us....He is the owner.
MINISTRY- Volunteer in Albion, start neighborhood groups, learn about modern day slavery
January 19th, there will be a women's small group meeting in my home with the hope to see women transformed by the word as well as being a part of transforming others. We will be studying Hosea, praying together and serving together. Do you want to be a part of it?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Pursuing the Kingdom in 2010
Hey Friends! It is the time of the year where we are all making resolutions and vowing that this is the year where things will be different...the year where change will happen.
I am all for making New Year's Resolutions, actually I thrive on making lists of goals and making plans on how to accomplish them. I get excited for those things.....I am that much of a nerd. I think it is a great practice to reflect on the year past, and plan for the next year.
I have several resolutions, and am excited to keep them all (right?) You will probably fall victim to reading several of those posts later on for the month....but for now.....
How will you be pursuing the kingdom of God in 2010? What will you be doing that will be intentional in making His kingdom known in your areas of influence?
I am all for making New Year's Resolutions, actually I thrive on making lists of goals and making plans on how to accomplish them. I get excited for those things.....I am that much of a nerd. I think it is a great practice to reflect on the year past, and plan for the next year.
I have several resolutions, and am excited to keep them all (right?) You will probably fall victim to reading several of those posts later on for the month....but for now.....
How will you be pursuing the kingdom of God in 2010? What will you be doing that will be intentional in making His kingdom known in your areas of influence?
- How will you step out of your comfort zone to make the love of Jesus known this year?
- How will grow in your love and knowledge of God this year?
- How will you spend your money/time in order to pursue the kingdom and to bring it forth?
- Who will you invest in this year, to share the love of Jesus and to further them along in their faith?
- When will you get started?
- Who will keep you accountable?
Friday, January 1, 2010
Mega Memory Month

Will you join me in Mega Memory Month? This past year, God has taught me the importance of hiding God's word in my heart. Will you join me?
Here is what you do:
1. Find a chunk of scripture that you want to memorize. Make sure it is challenging, but doable.
2. Let me know that you are doing this with me. I can pray for you
and keep you accountable.
The method I use:
1. Day 1: Read the verse aloud 10 times, cover the verse up and
say it aloud 10 times.
2. Day 2: Repeat the verse from Day 1. Use the Day 1 method on
verse 2. I usually say the two verses together 5 times aloud after I
have two verses down.
3. Day 3: Repeat verses 1 and 2 until it is stuck in your mind. Do
Day 1 method with verse 3, and continue on.
Good luck friends!
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