Welcome to my very own version of Project 365. I am hoping to take a picture each day to describe how the day went. It is mostly for my own benefit, because I will be scrapbooking about it later, but for now...you can check out our lives. Here is the first week. Enjoy:)
Sat. Jan 9, 2010
Today Jon and I spent time with his family, having a wonderful meal:) We were all in different directions for Christmas, so this was a time that we could all come together, catch up and cheat on our diets....(was I the only one that did that?) Jason, Jon's youngest brother is sporting a sweet new shirt from his other brother and sister-in-law. You want one too, don't you?

Friday Jan 8, 2010
I was glad I could stay inside all day today. It was cold and snowy.....I was not made for Michigan weather.
Sat. Jan 9, 2010
Today Jon and I spent time with his family, having a wonderful meal:) We were all in different directions for Christmas, so this was a time that we could all come together, catch up and cheat on our diets....(was I the only one that did that?) Jason, Jon's youngest brother is sporting a sweet new shirt from his other brother and sister-in-law. You want one too, don't you?
Friday Jan 8, 2010
I was glad I could stay inside all day today. It was cold and snowy.....I was not made for Michigan weather.
Thursday Jan. 7, 2010
Thursdays are my FAVORITE days! Why? Besides the obvious impending Friday, some of my favorite tv shows are on Thursday nights. It is a time to chill in front of the tv and to check out for a while. The other reason? ALAINA! God blessed me with this beautiful woman in my life a few months ago....and now....Thursday nights belong to Alaina...with lots of coffee and talking. I am pretty sure I had close to a pot of coffee last night.
Wednesday Jan. 6, 2010
After weeks of studying the Psalms of Ascent with Amber---FINISHED! It was a great journey. I NEVER ever knew about the Psalms of Ascent before this study and wow oh wow, have I grown in knowledge. Next step.....memorizing the Psalms of Ascent. I can't wait to hide the precious words of the Jewish sojourners in my heart.
Tuesday Jan. 5, 2010
I took the first step today in trying to figure out how to pursue foster care. We are still unsure what the future holds for us as far as adoption, but we are keeping all doors open until the Lord decides to close one. Our step today was to call a friend from church and get some information:)
Monday Jan. 4, 2010
If you saw this sight walking outside your house today, don't fear, it was just me trying to stay warm in the frigid cold while I DIED at the workout I was trying to complete. I mean, um, it was SO FUN!:) And yes, those are ankle weights strapped to my wrists.
Sunday Jan. 3, 2010
I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today. I have a LONG way to go to lose my goal of 57lbs this year. I am following a plan created by my friend Alaina and once in a while throwing in some Jillian.
Already this has been a year of journaling. I have always always always been a journaler, but it seems to be the thing that keeps me sane most days. It is something I look forward to, to pour my heart out to, to be real with, and process all that is stirring in my head. You may find me with head in my journal this year.....don't be offended, I will share what's in my mind....after I journal about it:)
Yay! This is my favorite post ever! More photo posts!
So fun that you are doing this! It is amazing to look back at these after a year and see how much God has done in your life since then...it's an awesome project!
Praying for you as you do your research about foster adoption...we have several friends who have gone this route and we have talked about looking into it more for our next adoption. I will be interested to hear what you learn about the process!
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