Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Baby Girl! (Maybe)

We have a baby girl (maybe). That, unforutately will be my mantra until the adoption is finalized. There is so much up in the air with this case, and I want to guard my heart, but so so excited that this is a very real possibility.

There is so much I want to write on here, and yet, because of Baby A being an open foster care case, I just can't.

Before you jump all over me, and say, "Say said you were taking a break," let me put your minds at ease.
1. We are still taking a break. Baby A is still in the hospital, and could be for a while. We really don't know.

2. It has been four weeks already.

3. We took a break from foster care, not adoption.

4. I \told God," we'll take a break, but if you bring us a newborn, baby girl who can be adopted, we will say yes."

We don't know much. Baby A was born 4 weeks premature, addicted to drugs. She is still in the hospital, gaining weight and going through drug withdrawl. Parents rights will be terminated soon. the agency has asked us to pursue adoption with her, though not guaranteeing that no family members will be stepping forward.

We have not met Baby A. That may be the hardest part. She is in the hospital, but her mom and dad right now are visiting her, and the agency doesn't know if it would be a good idea for us to run into them. Ah. Not a good idea to tell me, "Hey you're a mom, but you can't meet her."

So that's it folks. I wish there was more to tell you, but there's not.

I already know that if the adoption fails, my heart will be broken. I am already attached to this girl I have never met. I already love her. She is already mine.

Except she's not. She is God's daughter. God has the right to choose whether or not we get to raise her as our daughter or not. And I am really ok with that. I know that if the adoption fails, I will be hurt, but I am so sure that God is in control in this....even if the outcome is not what I want.

So pray friends!
-Pray that Baby A will gain weight and withdraw quickly from drugs.
-Pray that she would bond quickly with us and know us well.
-Pray that parents rights would be terminated quickly
-Pray that we would work well with all caseworkers involved.


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