Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Staffwork is Good for Your Kids

I work with InterVarsity as a campus staff member. I love my job. I absolutely love my colleagues and cannot believe that God allows me to be a part of the great mission of His.

One of the many things that I love about InterVarsity is that being on staff with InterVarsity is good for your kids. So good in fact, that I will be featuring this on my blog on a regular basis. Here is installation #1.

Apparently college students are way funnier than normal people. Staff work is good for your kids, because it gets them to laugh once in a while, even if there is food in their mouth. 


 Staff work is good for your kids, because they see young people studying the word of God and excited to apply truth to their lives. (And excited about manuscripting. Do you have to be an IV geek to know what I am talking about?) Even if Caleb was distracted by the pumpkin muffins, he is still seeing a love for Scripture, a prayer that I pray for him every day.

Staff work is good for your kids, because it gives them someone to look up to. 

Staff work is good for your kids, because they begin to fall in love with the students. They love having them added to their family and seeing them around campus. 

Staff work is good for your kids, because they learn about mentoring relationships, how to disciple and help one other person strive to be like Jesus.

Staff work is good for your kids because of the array of available babysitters. When mommy and daddy get to go out, they come home happy. Happy parents = happy kids.

Yep, it's true. Staff work is good for your kids.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gifts from around the world

I love receiving gifts. Definitely my love language.

You know what's great about working with international students and students who travel abroad? Gifts from around the world!!

In the last week, I have received:
-Coffee from Inodnesia
-Coffee from China
-Earrings from Kenya
-Kenyan Curry (ok..maybe it was for Jon)

As if I needed another reason to love my job.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 26

26 Days of P90X completed! I never thought that I would do a work out this intense, always thought I was too weak, or "not the work out type."

Truth be told: I LOVE IT. I am shouting from the roof tops. Definitely my favorite work out thus far.

It doesn't mean that I enjoy 90 minutes of sweat yoga. Or Dreya rolls. Or SuperMan Banana. BUT...I love that I am FINALLY taking over my body, taking good care of it, pushing it to the extreme. I love that I can feel myself getting stronger, that my clothes are fitting better and I feel better about myself. I love the common ground that it gives Jon and I and sometimes, yes sometimes, we work out together. Never thought I would see the day.

I laugh. If you only knew my crazy insecurities. I remember when we were dating in high school. I had a pass to a local gym. One time Jon called my house (oh the days of no cell phones. G A S P.  A teenage boy calling his teenage girlfriend's house?!?! What? No texting? No cell phones?) My mom told Jon that I was at the gym. I was so mad. I didn't want him knowing I was working out. I thought he would laugh at me. And now...I actually look forward to working out WITH him.

A few surprising things: I never thought I could work out so much, eat so well, clothes fit so differently (in a good way) and not lose much weight. Seriously frustrating. All this work on not a lot of weight lost. It is crazy. Depending on the day, I have lost anywhere from 3-7lbs. I really was expecting more. Another surprising thing....I actually love the work outs. Don't get me wrong, it is hard to motivate myself, and get out of bed early, but once I do....I LOVE IT. Fun stuff.

What are you doing to get in shape this winter?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Afternoon Chat

How are you? I haven't been around in a while. Not because I have been without blogging ideas, but because I have not wanted to go in my cold office and sit on the computer. :( Even with new windows it is cold. Probably because the space heater doesn't work and we are yet to put curtains yes, it is cold.

Ready for the randomness that is in my head?

1. I was going to blog about the I hate Religion/I love Jesus video. But I'm not. It doesn't need more attention. And I don't know that I can add more to the conversation than what other people have already said. And I want to put my time else where. And it doesn't need more publicity. And I am T I R E D of people mentioning that video. So I am not going to do (even though I just did.)

2. TOMORROW I am going to be on a conference call with other InterVarsity staff, the president of Wycliffe Bible translators, International Justice Mission and World Vision. SO SO SO excited. Except that I only get cell service in my office. And it is cold in my office. And Caleb may or may not nap during that time. Other than that....SO SO SO SO SO excited.

3. I haven't taken a photo since Christmas.

4. I am memorizing Romans 6. I am thinking about doing a video blog reciting what I have memorized each week and doing a little chat about Romans. Would you be interested in hearing my voice?

5. I have a mentor. An amazing mentor. It is so funny how I am excited and completely nervous. Yesterday I was supposed to call her to talk at 3pm my time (she lives a few states away). All day, I was so nervous. I knew that she was going to ask questions that were hard. I knew that  she might be used by God to uncover some wounds, that instead of the immediate healing, she might open up the hard, broken parts of my heart. And make me cry.  And she did. She even told me that there are a lot of tears ahead on this road and that I will never be "there." I will never be done on this process, just more confident in how God has made me. And yet....I love it. I love being challenged in that way. I love the words she has to say, the life she has been through, the wisdom that she has and the boldness to press in. I guess I call her again in a month.

6. My fingers are really cold. I need to finish this post and wrap myself up in a blanket and wrap my fingers around a hot cup of tea. I have tea in the house? I don't drink tea. I should ask some of my students if I have tea in the house.

7. I am currently addicted to listening to Jesus Culture on Grooveshark.

8. I love Pinterest. I hate that it sends you updates when people have repinned your pins. I finished a ton of Pinterest projects over Christmas break.

9. I want to make my room into a sanctuary type place.  A place where Jon and I can leave the worries of life (including laundry) and rest. And you other stuff. And because my parents and grandma reads this blog, I will just stop there.  (Wink wink nudge nudge)

10. I found myself praying a lot today for Caleb. Praying that God would give me grace and mercy with him. That I would love Caleb well, and discipline him well, knowing that he is two and does not understand everything, but knowing that he is two and understands a whole lot. After a time out, two spanks and some yelling, I told Caleb that we should talk to Jesus and ask Jesus to help mommy be a good mommy and help Caleb to learn right from wrong. Caleb did not want to talk to Jesus. We did anyways. Because I am the mom. And boy do I need the grace of Jesus.

11. Single most frustrating moment of my life.....any time Caleb is in his crib. He throws everything out of his crib and then realizes what happens and wants them back. For instance, yesterday during nap time, for two hours, T W O   L O N G hours, he would throw his pacifier, puppy and Thomas pillow out of the bed and start crying. I would put them back in, and talk to him. After an hour, I told him if he did it again he would get his hands spanked. That threat didn't work, so spanks happened. I am so so so tired of this. This weekend, we are putting the toddler bed up. Hopefully this will help keep my sanity.

12. I am on day 21 of P90X and LOVE it.  Love Love Love it. And sometimes Jon and I work out together. I never thought I would work out with Jon. (Wendi, stop laughing).

13. I can't wait to start getting busyer with the photography business. It was a great break, but ready to start up again.

14. On my reading list: "Longing for More: A Woman's Journey to Transformation in Christ," "Women in the Church,"  "Sacred Marriage," "Red Hot Monogamy", and reading the Bible through again in 2012. What is on your reading  list?

For the sake of my cold hands, this blog is done.  Love to you!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Dear Sweet Cheeks,

I don't really call you that. Sometimes I do. I get to call you whatever I want, because I am the mom and right now I am thinking about the day that you won't let me kiss those pudgy cheeks, so for's sweet cheeks.

Or Batman. You have no idea who Batman is, but you got some sweet Batman pajamas for Christmas and you insist on wearing them and going by "Batman." When I went into your bedroom this morning, you said to me. " Sleep. Where Batman go?"  I am not sure what that means, but Batman is on your mind.

Enough stalling. I have been stalling on writing this post. Somehow if I don't admit to the blog world that you are two, then you are still my baby. I am afraid that soon I will forget all of the details, so I must write!

You are two!! Do you know how old two is? Two is old, let me tell you. It is old enough to shout "Merry Christmas" in the middle of your sleep. It is old enough to put 5-6 word sentences together. It is old enough to tell me that you want a "Samich and diet coke" for a snack. It is old enough for you to throw tantrums like a crazy man and then put yourself in time out. It is old enough for you to snuggle and give kisses and hugs and brush your teeth. It is old enough that when I pull out a camera, you say, "Smile and Cheese."

I am loving two---even the tantrum throwing stubborness. I am loving that you understand so much, and can communicate so well. I love that you have an amazing imagination. Just this evening, you put a blanket on the floor and started jumping on it, exclaiming that you were indeed jumping in the water and splashing.

You have a massive slight obsession with  Thomas the Train, The Jonah Veggie Tales movie and anything with a motor (cars, tractors, trucks, airplanes.). You LOVE oatmeal. I cannot understand how you can pack away so much oatmeal, but it is most definitely your favorite food. You still sleep with your puppy and pacifier (pacer). We might have to get rid of the pacer. You demonstrated some serious addictive behaviors today.......

Daddy is the coolest guy on the planet, and Lila our dogbeast is pretty much your best friend. I am trying to make Malachi be your best friend, because his mommy and I are best friends, but it's a slow start. At least you have stopped hitting each other. (And by stopped, I mean you didn't hit last time we saw him.)

You are an amazing sleeper. Thank you!! No, seriously. Thank you. You sleep 10-12 hours at night, and a 2-4 hour afternoon nap.

Every night, daddy takes you up to bed and prays for you and with you. It has become such a habit that you do not go to sleep unless "daddy pray." If Daddy is not home to pray, I am glad to pray for you buddy, but we know that you love it when daddy prays. We are praying for you to grow big and strong, praying that you would come to know Jesus as your Savior, that you would walk in the light of His word, that you would be a man who studies the Bible and lives a life worthy of the Gospel. 

I love you so much. I am so incredibly blessed to be called your mumma. I cannot even imagine what life would be without you. You are my sweet Caleb boy.

For your second birthday we had a giant party and Mima Kath's and Papa's house. Guess who came to celebrate?!??! Gramps, Nani, Uncle Jason, Uncle Joe, Aunt Kim, Aunt Jenna, Aunt J, Great Aunt Denise, Great Gramma W, Great Gramma S, Great Grandpa S, Aunt Angie, Uncle Jose, Noah and Sophia. It was a Thomas the Train theme, and the cake dyed everyone's lips blue. We had a great time celebrating you!!!