Jon and G (8 year old foster son) reading:
G: Do I have to read all this? That's a lot of words.
Jon: Yes, it's good practice.
G: Dang it.
When Caleb is stalling, particularly for nap or bed time, his tactics are to add things to his prayer list. The first thing to add, "Mommy pray for church." So we pray for our church....
And then he says, "Mommy pray for....."
And then he says, " I need something." We asks what he needs, and he responds, "Something."
Utterly annoying.
Caleb: "Can I have juice with a straw and a wrapper?"
Me: "You mean a juice box?"
Caleb: "Yes."
Me: "Caleb, why don't you go get yourself a kleenex and wipe your nose?"
Caleb: "Ok"
Caleb walking towards the bathroom...."Can I just look for money instead?"
Whenever Caleb gets in trouble, he gets sent to his room or to the stairs for time out. We then will go talk with him and talk about why he is in time out. His response is always, "But I a good boy."
While pouring Caleb some milk.
Caleb: "Is that warm milk or cold?"
Me: "Cold. I just got it out of the fridge."
Caleb: "This house is weird."
Caleb: "Mom, am I adopted?"
Me: "Yes, you are!" (ready to start a long age appropriate conversation).
Caleb."Ok" (and runs off to play).
Caleb: "Baby J has black face, I have a brown face, you have a white face."
Me: "Yes, God made us all that way."
Caleb: "Good. So you know?" (As if I missed that the past three years)
G to Caleb (a normal, everyday argument): "You snotty nose, you don't even know what 8+9 is."
Caleb: "Hahahha. Nope."
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 19- A new beginning
Remember how we have a rocky relationship with our foster boys' mom?
Remember how yesterday she said thank you for all we have done?
Today....I received a series of texts that were so grateful. Maybe we will eventually have a better relationship. I am still praying that I can be an encouragement to her and share Jesus with her.
Thank you Lord for a new start with the boys' mom.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
November 18
I do not remember the last time I slept so much. I took a nap on Saturday and today. Today, so many things to be thankful for!
1. Sick Caleb. I don't enjoy seeing my boy sick, but he was mommy's snuggly boy today. He wanted mommy all day, and I can't complain. It was a wonderful, restful day with my boy. I do hope he feels better tomorrow though:)
2. The boys visited their aunt for about 7 hours today. It was wonderful to have them gone. I am so glad that they are transitioning to their aunt's house. It is good for us to have that rest and to be the three of us.
3. My husband. I am so crazy in love with him. I am so glad that God has strengthened our marriage.
4. A good night with G. Last night was G came back to our house, he was mad to be here. Tonight, he did much better and we even had a good night with him.
5. A thank you. I could fill this blog with stories about how much the boys' mom hates me, the things she has said to me, the allegations she has made, etc. But tonight, she called G, and said, "Be sure to tell Jon and Kristin thank you for all the do for you." Really? Wow. Thanks Lord. I needed that extra blessing.
6. Rest. Today was very restful!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
November 17-- An afternoon "off"
Our two foster sons will be transitioning (we hope) to living with their aunt. To begin this process, they will be staying with her 4-5 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday. During that time, they also have a visit from their mom, and the baby visits his dad.
I am so grateful to have had time off today. Last night was probably one of the hardest nights with G, and to know that today I had some time to be without him was especially helpful.
Jon, Caleb and I went to lunch at our favorite Chinese buffet, we went grocery shopping and all three of us took naps. HOW GLORIOUS!!! I couldn't believe how long I slept--almost three hours! I was so incredibly tired. And don't judge me if I do the exact same thing tomorrow:) Minus the buffet and grocery shopping.
I am grateful that the boys might get to live with their aunt. I am grateful that right now we have some reprieve. I am grateful for family time and a wonderful nap.
And I am grateful that my sister-in-law bottles her own wine, and then gives me a bottle:)
And because I haven't posted photos in a while.......
November 16- All About Caleb
Every single day I am thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be Caleb's mama. I don't take that role lightly, and pray that I would be a good steward of this life that God has given me. I tell Caleb every day that I am glad that I get to be his mommy and that he gets to be my son.
But this post is more than my love for Caleb.
This week was cause for a lot of celebration, even if in the midst of a busy week, we forgot:)
November 15 is our "Forever Family Day", the day a Calhoun County Judge signed the adoption papers and said that Caleb was officially a Sausser.
This week is national adoption week. I am so grateful for people who are getting the word out about the need for adoption, and the call that God calls us to care for the orphaned. It is not an easy call, but man, do we see the face of God in these kids!
This week is also National Pre-mature birth day. I was born pre-maturely. Caleb was born 2 months early at 3 lbs and was in the hospital for 6 weeks. I am grateful for the advances that have been made in medicine so that these babies have the absolute best care.
I am thankful for adoption. I am thankful that Caleb's birth mom chose life. I am proud of her for making a hard decision to place Caleb in adoption. What a brave woman. I think about her often.
Today, I am thankful for adoption, and thankful for Caleb. I am so grateful that God has allowed us to be Caleb's parents. What a privilege and blessing!
Friday, November 16, 2012
November 15- A full night of sleep
Last night, I slept 6 hours. 6 hours ya'll!! So grateful for a full night of sleep. Way to go baby J.
Holding out for that tonight...though seeing it is 12:30, and my alarm will go off at 5:30, I am thinking that the 6 hours of sleep isn't happening:)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
November 14- A Job I Love
Today and tomorrow I am meeting with 28 students for an hour each. That is a lot of people!! I am so grateful that I love my job. I can't believe that I get to get paid for investing in the lives of students. I love it!
Though I am extremely tired, I am loving the work that God is doing on campus!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
November 13- That's what she said
All day I have been thinking about what I will post today. I can't just post a general, "I am thankful for my birthday. I am thankful I was born."
How about, I am incredibly thankful for the card that my dearest friend Krista sent?
Or, how about the remote car starter that my in-laws bought me? Or better yet, the date money that they sent?
Or, the gift that my grandma sent?
Or, the privilege it is to bear the burdens of college students. I feel honored that so many of them today trusted me with pain in their lives and shared some of the deep parts of their hearts.
Or, that starting on Saturday, both G and J will have extended parenting times on Saturday and Sunday. I am rejoicing that we will have some reprieve in our house. And a nap, definitely a nap. Just know that from 12-4 on Saturday, I will be scheduling NOTHING BUT naps for myself, Caleb and Jon. That's probably not true. Except when it will be.
Or, I could be really thankful for my new obsession: Once Upon a Child. THE BEST SECOND HAND KIDS STORE EVER. I bought clothes for G, Caleb, J and my niece Raegan. Hey, a girl has GOT to buy girl clothes.
Or, I could be grateful that my husband is letting me get some sweet photo shop actions for my birthday.
Or, I could be thankful that I FINALLY found a pair of boots that I have been looking for.
But the icing on the cake.....
A card from my husband.
I fully intended a mushy, lovey dovey card, that was until I opened the envelope and saw the face of Michael Scott. I bet you can guess what happened when I opened the card. Yep, "That's what she said."
I laughed so hard. Seriously. I cried.
And then I read what he wrote, and it was indeed, sweet and meaningful, so I really cried.
This card had be crying double.
I am so thankful for the "That's what she said" card.
Monday, November 12, 2012
November 12- Sabbaths
Each week, I am grateful fro the discipline of Sabbath Keeping, but this week, especially. I did set my alarm this morning, only so G could get to school on time. I woke up at 7 instead of 5:30. I have a jammie/movie day planned with Caleb, and some extended time in prayer and journaling planned.
I am thankful that God created sabbaths. I am thankful that it is command from the Lord. I am thankful that as a student in InterVarsity I was encouraged to sabbath and now years later, I have established the discipline and can encourage students in the same way.
I am grateful that I am not a slave to work. I am grateful that I can trust God with a day off. I am grateful for the rest. Especially after this crazy Compelling Weekend.
Here's to sabbath keeping! If you are a Jesus follower, and don't take time to Sabbath, it is a great joy!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
November 8, 9, 10, 11 -- Compelling
I haven't posted in the last few days because I was without a computer and completely immersed in the planning and executing of Compelling 2012, InterVarsity's Fall Conference for Michigan. This blog post will not even begin to give words to the work that went on, but hopefully I can share just a bit of my thankfulness. May this post give glory to God for His work among college students.
1. Physical safety...easy travels, no sickness/injuries
2. 31 Albion College students in attendance, last year, there were 14.
3. 4-8 Albion students made a first time decision to follow Jesus. Total, about 36 students made a first time decision to follow Jesus.
4. I slept so well. I slept deeply, and had more sleep than I do at home. It is amazing when you don't have to wake up several times a night to deal with a crying baby.
5. One student in interested in leading the Albion chapter in starting a ministry with fraternity and sorority students on campus.
6. 7 international students attended from Albion (Indonesia, Mongolia and China). It is so sweet to see Jesus reign among the nations.
7. Significant conversations with students.
8. My call to ministry was re-affirmed. The Lord knows I am needy and need to hear it about every 53 seconds.
9. I saw an old friend who was visiting the conference. She left staff with InterVarsity and I haven't seen her in a while. We chatted real quick in passing. She asked if she could pray for me and for our foster care situation. Tina my friend, the Lord is using your prayers. I was so encouraged and challenged to pray the things that Tina prayed for, in my own life, especially with G. I am so grateful that God allowed me to run into Tina in the hallway for a quick second.
10. Staff friends. Ya'll are my favorite people in the world. The only people that I can really be myself with. I love that my closest friends and staff. I love that we can be real and do the work of the Lord together. I love that I can come alongside you and work with your students and you come alongside of me to partner with my students. To God be the glory.
11. Excellent expositional teaching on the life of Joseph. I was fed well by the Word this weekend.
12. My husband. I am literally bursting at the seams with love for him. Our marriage is so incredibly awesome right now. Trying times bring people together, right? That has totally been us. I enjoyed knowing that he was at home taking care of things all weekend. I loved the texts he sent me. I love that he cleaned (and tried to clean) the house for me. I love that he bought me flowers and told our foster son that I love pink.
13. Kyndall and Paiton-- two awesome girlies who came over on Saturday to watch the little boys while Jon did yard work.
14. Lunch on Saturday with Albion students. I had such a fun time connecting with them.
15. Serving in a track/seminar teaching students how to lead on campus via intercession and prayer. I love prayer. It was incredible to have students walk in on Friday night, some with no prayer experience, a lot with "I pray for exams" and very few that actually intercede or pray regularly and to walk out Sunday afternoon with a deepened Biblical basis for prayer, tools, ideas on planning great prayer gatherings and actually enjoying prayer.
16. Obedience. This is probably a longer story, maybe for another post, or a conversation. If you want to know it's really cool:)) Anyways. I am thankful that God gave me the desire to be obedient this weekend. He allowed me to hear his voice and to clearly speak to me. It was a joy to be used by God, to be obedient and to see how my obedience changed the course of my Sunday morning (and all of those involved in my track/seminar).
17. Lofthouse cookies. They are my favorite. Jon had some for me when I got home today. He knows the way to my heart.
Compelling 2012 was amazing!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November 7 -31
In a few days, I will be joining almost 800 college students and InterVarsity colleagues for our annual fall conference for Michigan. I am so excited to serve on the staff team. I will be posting more about it later, I am sure, but for today I am thankful for the 31 Albion students that are attending Compelling 2012.
Last year, we had 15.
The year before that, about 10.
The year before that, about 5.
31. 31. 31 students!! And you know what??? If everyone said "yes" that was invited, it would be well over 50.
I am so excited to see how God is growing the chapter here!
Can't wait to spend the weekend deepening relationships with 31 Albion students:)
November 6- Teachers
I grew up in a family of teachers. I never ever want to be a teacher. I don't have that much patience. I can't put things into a language kids can understand. I don't understand why you can't grasp easy concepts. And since we are being honest here, I really don't like other people's kids that much.
I am so incredibly glad for men and women who choose to invest their lives into the lives of children. These teachers do not get paid what they are worth, they are scrutinized and judged and endure long, tiring days. I am so grateful for teachers.
I am grateful that G has a new teacher. His teacher quit abruptly about a month ago (as if this kid needed more transition in his life.) This week, there is a new teacher for him, one that he really likes, and one that I think will be great for his class room.
I am grateful for my mom, sticking it out as a second grade teacher for 30 years. Today she was hurt by a kid, and spent some time in this hospital getting x-rays. This is not the first physical incident she has between a kid and yet she continues to work hard at her job. Keep pressing on mom!
I am so grateful for teachers and more grateful that God allowed me to break the generational tradition in my family to NOT be a teacher. :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
November 5-- The best coffee date around
I feel like Caleb has been getting lost in the shuffle with busy work schedules, and now having two foster kids at home. This morning we had an extra three hours and decided to have a mommy and Caleb date. We went to a coffee shop, I had a beloved caffeinated drink, while my almost three year old had a hot chocolate. We talked. I worked. He colored. We split a scone. I helped him color. We talked. We laughed. We sang songs in the car.
It was beautiful. It was fun. I want to cherish times like this before he grows up too quickly.
On our way home, I asked him, "Can you be my baby forever?"
He responded: "Yep, forever and ever mommy."
Love that kid so much it hurts.
Caleb's 2nd Year,
Monday, November 5, 2012
November 4--- A husband who takes care of the kids
While at church, a migraine hit me hard. For those of you who have migraines, you know the feeling. Huge headache, dizziness, sick to my stomach, seeing stars, was bad. I left church to go to the store to buy some meds. I sat in the parking lot of the church for a while...I had to go back in and get Jon and the boys but I was so incredibly sick.
We came home, I had some soup and bread for lunch and went to bed until 7pm. Jon was amazing. He took care of the boys, with no complaint at all. None. He let me do what I needed to do.
I am so thankful that I could rest yesterday and not worry about taking care of the boys.
Thanks honey!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
November 3--Thankfulness
1. Seeing Raegan. I love my 9 month old niece, but living 2.5 hours away makes it hard to see her. It was so fun to kiss on her sweet cheeks today.
2, Family Photos. I am usually on the other end of the lens doing family photos. Today, I had a chance to get my photos taken. It was so fun....cold, but fun. Check them out here. (And yes...Wendi, my business partner took the photos.)
3. A husband who is on the same team. It was a rough night with G, and I am so glad that I was able to run to campus and Jon was able to hold down the fort, knowing we are on the same team.
4. Witches Brew Wine. I haven't technically drank any tonight, but you can bet your bottom dollar, I will be.
5. Students who aren't afraid to have difficult conversations.
Friday, November 2, 2012
November 2- Grateful that there is lots to be grateful for:)
Today was an all around pretty good day, so I am grateful for a lot today!
1. Sleeping in. There was no school today, so we slept in. I slept till 7am, baby J woke up at 7:15, G at 8, and Caleb at 9:15. It was grand! I love lazy days.
2. Wendi's house. There was a time in my life where I visited Wendi's house at least once a week. is a success if I visit once a month. Life has gotten busy. Wendi is one of my dearest friends and co-business partners. Her boys had school off, so it was a giant chaotic, boy playground while the mamma's chatted. It was so good to catch up.
3. Becca. Becca lived with us last summer and gave us movie gift certificates. Tonight she babysat all three of the crazy kids and we cashed in her gift certificates.
4. Date night! Adult Conversation. Movie. Sangria. Boneless bbq wings. No kids. Need I say more?
5. G had a good day. More days than not, our 8 year old foster son gives us a run for our money, having lots of bad days. It has been a very hard season. Today was a good day. He had a great attitude and was really good. These days seem to be few and far between and I am glad today was good.
Today, I am thankful that there is so much to be thankful for.
1. Sleeping in. There was no school today, so we slept in. I slept till 7am, baby J woke up at 7:15, G at 8, and Caleb at 9:15. It was grand! I love lazy days.
2. Wendi's house. There was a time in my life where I visited Wendi's house at least once a week. is a success if I visit once a month. Life has gotten busy. Wendi is one of my dearest friends and co-business partners. Her boys had school off, so it was a giant chaotic, boy playground while the mamma's chatted. It was so good to catch up.
3. Becca. Becca lived with us last summer and gave us movie gift certificates. Tonight she babysat all three of the crazy kids and we cashed in her gift certificates.
4. Date night! Adult Conversation. Movie. Sangria. Boneless bbq wings. No kids. Need I say more?
5. G had a good day. More days than not, our 8 year old foster son gives us a run for our money, having lots of bad days. It has been a very hard season. Today was a good day. He had a great attitude and was really good. These days seem to be few and far between and I am glad today was good.
Today, I am thankful that there is so much to be thankful for.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
November 1- The Mouth Speaks
It's November!! One of my favorite months of the year.
-It's my birthday month
-It officially begins "the holiday season"
-It's my birthday month
-It's colder and big hoodies, sweaters and slippers are totally appropriate
-It's my birthday month
-It is a great time to practice the discipline of thankfulness
-It's my birthday month
What? You don't celebrate your birthday month. You totally should.
Each day of the month during November I will be posting at least one thing that I am thankful for.
Today: "The Mouth Speaks."
We have a cd in our car, Bible verses put to song. There is no question what Caleb's favorite song is...."The mouth speaks." He wants to listen to it on repeat. Forever. The verse is: "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34
Today I had a great conversation (as great as one can have with an almost three year old).
Caleb, do you know what this song means?
Yep, out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Right, but do you know what that means? If you have love in your heart, your words will speak love. If you have hate, anger, frustration, you will speak hate, anger frustration.
Mommy is trying really hard to have the love of Jesus so that out of my mouth comes love. What do you want to come out of your mouth?
Do you remember what this song means?
Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
What do we want to flow out of our heart?
And what will come out of our mouth?
I will just throw up out of my mouth.
I died.
And then I prayed that his little heart is filled with truth, love, grace and mercy and it flows right out of his heart.
-It's my birthday month
-It officially begins "the holiday season"
-It's my birthday month
-It's colder and big hoodies, sweaters and slippers are totally appropriate
-It's my birthday month
-It is a great time to practice the discipline of thankfulness
-It's my birthday month
What? You don't celebrate your birthday month. You totally should.
Each day of the month during November I will be posting at least one thing that I am thankful for.
Today: "The Mouth Speaks."
We have a cd in our car, Bible verses put to song. There is no question what Caleb's favorite song is...."The mouth speaks." He wants to listen to it on repeat. Forever. The verse is: "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34
Today I had a great conversation (as great as one can have with an almost three year old).
Caleb, do you know what this song means?
Yep, out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Right, but do you know what that means? If you have love in your heart, your words will speak love. If you have hate, anger, frustration, you will speak hate, anger frustration.
Mommy is trying really hard to have the love of Jesus so that out of my mouth comes love. What do you want to come out of your mouth?
Do you remember what this song means?
Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
What do we want to flow out of our heart?
And what will come out of our mouth?
I will just throw up out of my mouth.
I died.
And then I prayed that his little heart is filled with truth, love, grace and mercy and it flows right out of his heart.
Caleb's 2nd Year,
seeds family praise,
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
This is what fall looks like
Fall is by far, my favorite season, and not just because my birthday is during fall. You have less than a month to shop for me by the way:)
Here are some fun pictures of fall at our house.
Welcome Fall. You can stay for a while! I am enjoying the flavors, the scents and the weather.
Here are some fun pictures of fall at our house.
Caleb and G's pumpkin proudly displayed on our porch:) |
My hubby still has to paint his naked pumpkin |
Welcome Fall. You can stay for a while! I am enjoying the flavors, the scents and the weather.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
When Foster Care breaks my heart.
Lame title right? When does foster care NOT break my heart? Or anyone's for that matter? Most people would agree that the system is terribly broken.
In the past week, our 8 year old foster son has said some things that just leave me longing for Jesus' full redemption in his life.
"I don't think I am going to be going back with my mom. I just don't think so."
"When Caleb turns 8, will I still be living here?" (Caleb is two and a half.)
Me: "How do you feel about living here?"
G: "It's ok. But I don't really like it. I want to be with my mom."
G (looking extremely sad after a hard day), Me: "Do you need a hug?"
G: "No. I only hug my mom."
Yesterday G had a hard day in school. He ended up clearing his desk, throwing pencils and crayons and walking out of the classroom. When we got home from school and talked about it, his reasoning for acting out broke me. When I asked him why, he gave this response:
"Because the boys were making of me because I live with you and not my mom. They said they hope I never go back to my mom."
Ouch. That makes me want to throw things too. It led to a great conversation about self control, anger and forgiveness.
On a side note, I am getting pretty good at tossing a football. It's like I have boys in the house or something.
In the past week, our 8 year old foster son has said some things that just leave me longing for Jesus' full redemption in his life.
"I don't think I am going to be going back with my mom. I just don't think so."
"When Caleb turns 8, will I still be living here?" (Caleb is two and a half.)
Me: "How do you feel about living here?"
G: "It's ok. But I don't really like it. I want to be with my mom."
G (looking extremely sad after a hard day), Me: "Do you need a hug?"
G: "No. I only hug my mom."
Yesterday G had a hard day in school. He ended up clearing his desk, throwing pencils and crayons and walking out of the classroom. When we got home from school and talked about it, his reasoning for acting out broke me. When I asked him why, he gave this response:
"Because the boys were making of me because I live with you and not my mom. They said they hope I never go back to my mom."
Ouch. That makes me want to throw things too. It led to a great conversation about self control, anger and forgiveness.
On a side note, I am getting pretty good at tossing a football. It's like I have boys in the house or something.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"Mom, I have too much wotion?"
Our 8 year old foster son is obsessed with putting lotion on his body. I assume that C will follow suit, not only because he looks up to 8 year old G, but because his skin is getting a bit dry and ashy.
I just didn't realize that he couldn't put lotion on himself. I heard him say, "Mom, I have too much wotion?"
Caleb's 2nd Year,
Diaries of a White Mamma,
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
In which foster care is my spiritual act of worship
Please hold the congrats. Apparently this is what people say when you tell them that you have foster 2 kids.
And I don't get it.
First of all, we did nothing to "get the kids." Jon and I simply said that we would be used by God in this way. In order for the kids to be with us, it means that they have faced some rough things at home. They have gone through and experienced things that they shouldn't have. Please don't congratulate me because a mother has made bad choices and it has caused her children to be removed from her home.
That is not exciting to me. It makes my heart sick and makes my soul long for the perfected world that Jesus will bring. It makes my heart so heavy that I can't not do anything about it.
And what is exciting about explaining to an 8 year old that he has to move to another home, transfer schools, make new friends and may or may not go back home? When will that be? How do we help him?
And please do not be excited or congratulate me when the boys go back home with mom. This has been the plan from the beginning. We know it and are planning on it. I am guarding my heart with a steel trapped door. I know that there will be tears. I know it will be hard. I know that in this season of life, I am going to have to cling to Jesus with all I have.
And lets just say that the kids remain in our home forever. Still not a celebration. G will have a hard time mourning and transitioning. In order for the boys to stay, A LOT OF WRONG has to happen. suitable family members (lets not get excited that there is no family member that is able to keep the kids. This should break your heart.) would have to have some pretty huge mistakes. Why would I wish that on someone?
When we tell people about our foster care plans, I do not want the "congrats." I want people to see the God I worship. The God that cares for injustice and cares for the orphans. The God who sustains me through sleepless nights, false accusations, discipline and ringworm.
Being involved in foster care with how is how I worship God. It doesn't come easy, it's messy and hard, but when God says to "care for orphans", I believe that He really meant it. And so, I will obey.
I will obey when it's hard, when I want to be selfish, when I want to give up, when there are tears, when I haven't had a conversation with my husband in days, when our house is infected with ringworm, when I feel like everyone is getting the worst of me, and when I am so alone. I will obey because God said to do it.
Because in this season, caring for orphans is how I worship.
Did I mention ringworm? UGH!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The no good, terrible, bad, horrible day that I loved.
I was so proud of myself for being mom of the year. What 2 and half year old doesn't want to go see the REAL live Thomas? And not just see him, but get your picture taken with him? And if that wasn't enough, you could ACTUALLY ride the real Thomas. Someone pinch me, because this seems too good to be true. Mom of the year award coming up now.
We were gearing up for our Saturday morning Day Out with Thomas.
Until Friday night, when we were placed with newborn baby J. Friday night, I had about 30 minutes of sleep. I fell asleep at 6am. We were supposed to be out the door at 7:45. I woke up at 7:30a. We had nothing packed. We had baby J for less than 8 hours. We didn't know if we had enough diapers, formula, clothes etc. We literally threw tons of stuff in the car and ran out the door. Except you can'[t do that with a newborn. J started crying and needed to be fed. He ate till 8:15. Now we were late. Our train ride was at 10:30. It was a two hour drive, and you had to be there by 10. We might make it, if we sped.
And then we needed gas. Add 5 minutes to the trip. Can we make up five minutes? Maybe.
We call the ticket company and the park and get a hold of no one. I don't even know if it will be worth our time to make the drive. If we miss our 10 time, can we even get in?
And sickness. If you know me, this is no surprise. I get very sick in cars, very quickly and very often. I will spare details. Because of this, we would be lucky if we got to the park at 11.
I was crying, I was feeling guilty, I was anxious.
My mom was driving to meet us. I was feeling so bad that she would have to make a 1 and half hour drive, just to turn around because we couldn't use our tickets.
I wanted to crawl in a hole and cry. And sleep. And feel sorry for myself.
And then....we pulled into the park. We talked to the ticket counter, and they were SO GRACIOUS. That, or they were scared of my frantic tears and sob story. Either way, our tickets were moved and my boy LOVED meeting the Real Thomas.
I never thought I would have such a good day meeting Thomas. The things that those kids do to a mom's heart. I loved seeing his face, and more so I love hearing him talk about that day now, a few weeks later. He loved it and had fun. That is all that matters.
We were gearing up for our Saturday morning Day Out with Thomas.
Until Friday night, when we were placed with newborn baby J. Friday night, I had about 30 minutes of sleep. I fell asleep at 6am. We were supposed to be out the door at 7:45. I woke up at 7:30a. We had nothing packed. We had baby J for less than 8 hours. We didn't know if we had enough diapers, formula, clothes etc. We literally threw tons of stuff in the car and ran out the door. Except you can'[t do that with a newborn. J started crying and needed to be fed. He ate till 8:15. Now we were late. Our train ride was at 10:30. It was a two hour drive, and you had to be there by 10. We might make it, if we sped.
And then we needed gas. Add 5 minutes to the trip. Can we make up five minutes? Maybe.
We call the ticket company and the park and get a hold of no one. I don't even know if it will be worth our time to make the drive. If we miss our 10 time, can we even get in?
And sickness. If you know me, this is no surprise. I get very sick in cars, very quickly and very often. I will spare details. Because of this, we would be lucky if we got to the park at 11.
I was crying, I was feeling guilty, I was anxious.
My mom was driving to meet us. I was feeling so bad that she would have to make a 1 and half hour drive, just to turn around because we couldn't use our tickets.
I wanted to crawl in a hole and cry. And sleep. And feel sorry for myself.
And then....we pulled into the park. We talked to the ticket counter, and they were SO GRACIOUS. That, or they were scared of my frantic tears and sob story. Either way, our tickets were moved and my boy LOVED meeting the Real Thomas.
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With meema, waving at Thomas |
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This is the view from our car that we were riding in. |
I never thought I would have such a good day meeting Thomas. The things that those kids do to a mom's heart. I loved seeing his face, and more so I love hearing him talk about that day now, a few weeks later. He loved it and had fun. That is all that matters.
Caleb's 2nd Year,
Day out with Thomas,
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Remember me next time your sleeping
I am welcoming coffee back into my life. And by welcoming it, I mean chugging it, and clinging to Jesus.
I am about to enter the busiest season of ministry with InterVarsity. I am so excited. It is going to be hard work, long hours, oh...and add some hard work to that. NSO time can be a time of little sleep due to the amount of campus work, and then going home to the family and household stuff.
God has a sense of timing that I will not quite understand. I kept praying today, "Lord, why do you think is a good time for us to have a baby that doesn't sleep? Would this summer have been much better when I was MUCH LESS busy?"
I am clinging to the prayers of my colleagues as they prayed for me, praying that I would have the rest I need, that I would fully depend on God and that our new baby would indeed sleep.
Baby? What baby? Earlier this week, we received a placement for a 3 week old boy, Mr. J. Tonight we picked him up. He is great in every way minus the sleeping. He will only sleep if I am holding him, great for him, bad for me.
Would you pray that Mr. J would get some deep rest, acclimate to our house, and feel comfortable? Pray for my attitude, strength and rest as I dive into New Student Outreach.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Things you may not know about me, nor do you probably care to know.
1. I hate when people don't clean off their dishes and leave the food to harden. (Ahem...coughcoughhusbandcoughcough).
2. I often find myself day dreaming about: where we could move next, photo ideas, what it would look like if God really did use me to change the world, and chocolate.
3. I will never ever ever be excited about church buildings. Not only am I not excited for it, it is a point of contention deep in my soul. So much so that I shudder when I think about it. So much so that every once in a while Jon asks if we should give extra to the building fund in the offering. And then I give him the death look. And then he laughs. And then I realize he was joking and I laugh with him and am glad that he knows me.
4. I am becoming a morning person. Well, its still hard to get out of bed, but once I am out of bed, I do like it.
5. I have an elliptical now. I love it, and have lost 10lbs so far this summer. Only 40 to go to my goal:)
6. I love expositional Bible teaching and manusript Bible study. Wait...if you know me at all, you know this already.
7. I cleaned out my mess of my attic/closet a few weekends ago. I have a maid this summer and she helps out a lot. Just kidding. I can't afford a maid, but we do have a college student living with us that pays us in cleaning and babysitting.
8. Two nights ago, I may or may not have eaten half a pan of brownies. See #2.
9. If we had tons of money and could travel anywhere I would travel to the following places:
-Greece and Italy in one trip
-Cruise--carribbean, bahamas, etc....
- Oregon to see my sweet friend Krista
-New Zealand- we have friends there, so free housing, right?
10. One day, maybe God will lead us to adopt from Ethiopia. Or maybe God just brings it to my mind all the time so I can pray more.
11. I can't garden worth a lick.
12. I hate when people touch my feet.
The end. Back to photo editing:)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
And I proudly accept the "Mom of the Year Award."
Remember my last post about the rollercoaster? And Caleb being scared? And my feeling bad. Good.
On Saturday, after LOTS of cleaning, and house work we thought it would be a great idea to go get Jimmy John's for dinner (do you think if I mention their name enough on the blog, that I will get free meals? Because I REALLY LOVE JIMMY JOHNS. And free meals aren't bad either.) Jimmy Johns and a picnic in the park. Great summer night, right?
Until Caleb decided that he only like turkey in sandwiches. Not the cheese. Not the bread
Fine, you can feed your bread to the ducks.
And so he did. And he loved it.
Until the attack.
That's right folks. While Jon was giving Caleb bread, Caleb was throwing the bread into the water for the ducks, and I was being mom of the year taking pictures, we looked up and were surrounded by about 30 geese. 30 hissing geese.
At this point, I thought we should get out of there. Jon confirmed it with, "Get Caleb in the car now, they are attacking!"
Nature is better through a window friends.
On Saturday, after LOTS of cleaning, and house work we thought it would be a great idea to go get Jimmy John's for dinner (do you think if I mention their name enough on the blog, that I will get free meals? Because I REALLY LOVE JIMMY JOHNS. And free meals aren't bad either.) Jimmy Johns and a picnic in the park. Great summer night, right?
Until Caleb decided that he only like turkey in sandwiches. Not the cheese. Not the bread
Fine, you can feed your bread to the ducks.
And so he did. And he loved it.
Until the attack.
That's right folks. While Jon was giving Caleb bread, Caleb was throwing the bread into the water for the ducks, and I was being mom of the year taking pictures, we looked up and were surrounded by about 30 geese. 30 hissing geese.
At this point, I thought we should get out of there. Jon confirmed it with, "Get Caleb in the car now, they are attacking!"
Nature is better through a window friends.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The time I let my child ride a coaster.
A few weeks ago, a nearby town had their annual Hot Air Balloon Festival. It is so fun to watch 30+ balloons (depending on the year) fly up in the air. Caleb loved watching them. At one point, Jon taught him to say, "Take me with you" when a balloon would fly directly over our heads.
Before the balloons took off, we took a walk around and ate some really fatty, delicious fair food, and even asked Caleb if he wanted to ride a few rides. He's two, that's practically a teenager, right? Bring on the rides!
"What have I got myself into?" |
See the car with no head? That's Caleb! |
The ride passed us, and he said, "Can I stop?" |
It wasn't until I looked the pictures that I realized, how incredibly small my baby was as he was flying all over the place on that alligator rollercoaster.
And his face, his poor precious, scared for his life, questioning why his mommy and daddy would ever allow him to do this...oh, that face. It makes me so sad, and makes me giggle at the same time.
But there were tractors....and tractors make everything better. Tractors and trains.
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Big 3-0
In honor of my husband's 30th Birthday
30 Reasons Why I love you
1. I love that you are the most amazing father.
2. I love that you are such a hard worker.
3. I love that you bought me my fist DSLR.
4. I love that you will talk smack about Western Michigan University
5. I love that you spend time with my family.
6. I love watching King of the Hill together.
7. I love that we are pursuing adoption together.
8. I love that I can totally be myself with you.
9. I love that you have always sacrificed and have given me the "better" car.
10. I love that you sacrificed and bought me a "new" car.
11. I love seeing you passionate in ministry.
12. I love listening to you sing and play guitar.
13. I love that you can make me laugh.
14. I love our inside jokes.
15. I love that we are on the same team.
16. I love that you cook.
17. I love that you enjoy having people over at our house.
18. I love that you don't mind having college students around all the time.
19. I love that you will volunteer with InterVarsity.
20. I love that we have the same heart and passion in many areas.
21. I love your kisses.
22. I love your hugs.
23. I love to hold your hand.
24. I love that you are always in my corner.
25. I love that you can be and are honest with me.
26. I love your quiet presence.
27. I love your patience.
28. I love that you let me get Lila even if she is a big huge pain.
29. I love that I can wrestle through ideas with you.
30. I love doing life together.
30 Date Ideas that we will do in the next year. |
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Things my kid says #3
I walked into his room and he was sitting on his bed. "Mumma come sit. Let's talk."
Me: "Ok, what do you want to talk about?"
C: "Jesus. Let's talk about Jesus."
Sure thing. How I hope he says those words all the days of his life.
Me: "Are you my big boy?"
C: "No, I, a cow boy."
FYI, a cow boy in Caleb's mind is a farmer, because they live by the cows.
C: "My a hereo" (Yes, HERE E OH)
Me: "A hero"
C: "Yes, my a hereo. My hit things."
My= I am.
C: "Mumma, how's your family."
Me: "Good. I love my husband and I love my son.: How is your family?"
C: "I'm Jon Sausser."
Me: "Ok, what do you want to talk about?"
C: "Jesus. Let's talk about Jesus."
Sure thing. How I hope he says those words all the days of his life.
Me: "Are you my big boy?"
C: "No, I, a cow boy."
FYI, a cow boy in Caleb's mind is a farmer, because they live by the cows.
C: "My a hereo" (Yes, HERE E OH)
Me: "A hero"
C: "Yes, my a hereo. My hit things."
My= I am.
C: "Mumma, how's your family."
Me: "Good. I love my husband and I love my son.: How is your family?"
C: "I'm Jon Sausser."
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Two is hard. On Monday, I heard Jon say to Caleb, "We know you have a switch, just tell us what makes it go off, and we can avoid it." I chuckled, because that question sums up all that we have been feeling and experiencing the last few months. Two is so hard.
Except when you see smiles like this. Then two is really fun. And hilarious. And special and sweet.
Until you have a toy thrown at you. Or food. Or both. At the same time. Then two is so not fun.
Except when it is. Like when he says, "I just wanna snuggle mamma." Then I melt. Those times, I think, "Man, I love two. It is so fun. Can he be two forever?"
Until I hear a crashing noise in his room and realize that he has thrown a porcelain piggy bank and it has shattered. Then I hate two. When will it be over? I can't do this anymore.
And then he crawls up on my lap, gives me big kisses, and says, "Mamma, how's your day? How we doing? How's your family?" And then I laugh out loud and can't believe how funny he is, wonder where he has heard this before and then become very aware that everything I say, he hears and repeats.
Excuse me while I go clean up the plate of food that was just thrown across the room.
Does this post seem a little bi-polar? Emotional? From one extreme to another?
You're welcome.
You officially know what it's like in my house EVERY DAY.
I like two.
Except when I hate it.
Caleb's 2nd Year,
Toddler Crisis
Saturday, July 28, 2012
July 4th Week Continued (Random Left over picture edition)
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Each year, we have a full ladder golf tournament. This year, my sister's boyfriend Josh was the winner! |
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Josh (Jalissa's boyfriend and Caleb) |
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A post about the lake is not complete without pics of the water! |
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My uncle and dad |
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These girls loved caleb. |
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Gramma and Uncle Doug |
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The kids doing some fishing |
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This was a common scene...chilling outside, a great vacation! |
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Caleb was making fun of my cousin who always wears those big headphones. He put the tennis balls on his ears, and said, "Hey guys, I'm Noah" I think Noah was less than impressed. |
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My one and only! |
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Hey mamma! |
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Raggy Roo loves the lake! |
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This tube=Awesome. Take it out in the middle of the lake, and float with four others |
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My dad on his sweet new boat |
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Uncle Jose grilling |
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We spent a lot of time eating, my waistline proves it. |
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Jon and our niece Raegan. |
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My aunt and I |
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My cousin Heather and her hubby. |
"Baby Rae Rae, you have STINKY FEET" |
"Oh, so stinky!" |
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I love this girl. A lot. |
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