Don't freak out. Calm yourselves, ok?
There is something so sweet about my baby's cry.
Having a crying baby in my house, means exactly that.....I have a baby in my house! What joy!! I don't need to think back very far to the days of losing my sweet Noelle. You can learn about that here, and here, and here. God has called us to adopt. He has asked us to be a part of redemption in this way. So here we are, celebrating with the cry of a baby.
Another reason I like to hear Caleb cry: He can communicate with us now. If he is crying he obviously wants something. I am learning what his cries mean, and how to provide, protect and love on that boy.
There is something indescribable about a child, er---my child crying, and the satisfaction that comes when I can console him. I LOVE it. I love that he looks to me when he is upset. I was at a friends house today and he started crying just by being in the house, an unfamiliar place. When I picked him up again, he was fine, and snuggled close.
Oh my boy, how I love the closeness of your cheeks, your slobbery kisses, and your snuggles. When you cry and need something, mommy will always be there. Even if people say we are spoiling you:)
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