Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

Month of Thanksgiving 2013

Today I am thankful for:

BIRTHDAYS! Yep, today is my birthday, officially in the dirty 30's. What is that supposed to mean anyways? Maybe don't tell me.

I am so thankful for birthdays. Growing up, I would wake up to balloons and streamers in my room on birthdays. As a kid, I really hated birthday cake, so my mom always got me a big cookie from the mall. As an adult, I have grown to like cake, but there is something nostalgic about a giant cookie on a birthday. Hint, hint:)  

As a mom, I want to make birthdays as special as possible. It takes extra effort with my boy,  who celebrates his birthday two days after Christmas. Who planned that? HA! Not me:) No, for real. I had no part in his conception:)

How do you celebrate birthdays???

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