Tuesday, April 24, 2012

As an introvert, I love my job.

Many times,  my job with InterVarsity, requires me to be an extrovert. I can fake it, and rely on Jesus to be strength when I don't "feel like it", as long as I take the time I need to rest, refocus, refresh and sabbath. Not every day requires dramatic extroversion, but there times.

And then there are times like today, where I am in introvert paradise, spending time with Lord, my journal and a cup of coffee.

Today, I am focusing on evaluating this past year, and planning for next year. Here are some of the great questions I get to grapple with today!

  • How am I doing in the midst of my current life stage and life circumstances? 
  • What is my spiritual health? Am I growing? How are my spiritual disciplines? 
  • How am I doing in my important relationships? How is my spiritual community? 
  • What aspects of my character or what behavior patterns need attention? 
  • What interests or involvements or subjects (outside of work) do I want to pursue? 

  • In what aspects of my current job do I need to improve? 
  • What strengths do I want to develop further? What weaknesses do I need to address? 
  • What new skills, practices or knowledge areas do I want to develop in order to excel? 
  • What career goals do I want to keep in mind? What might be a possible next role in IV? 
  • What learning and experience do I need in order to be ready for future opportunities? 

  • What broad aspects of my personal and professional life do I want to develop over the next few years? 
  • What current circumstances might positively or adversely affect my work in these goals? 
  • I n what specific ways do I want to grow this year? 
  • For each goal, what concrete steps will I take? How? When? 
  • For each goal, what tools, people or programs will I use? How can I access these? 

Please pray for me, for God to lead me as I jump into the next academic school year! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A note from a friend.

"I love you more than the way I am acting.  I miss you."

I woke up this morning and checked my email like I do every morning, ( insert comment about adding a 12-step program to my life now:) and saw an email from a close friend. I love her dearly, and am so glad that our paths coolided haphazardly a few years ago. We run in completely different circles and had it not been for that chance meeting, we may have missed it. 

I am blessed to have this dear friend in my life. She is one of those who we can go months without seeing each other, and then like that, it seems like nothing was ever missing. 

Back to the quote...we both have been crazy busy lives, and don't see each other. 

But this sentence, just a few words strung together, is pulling on my heart. I cannot get it out of my mind. 

I see it ring true in my own life. I was disciplining Caleb for the 83445rd time this afternoon, and was losing my cool. I was getting so snappy, and thought, "Man, kid, I love you more than I am acting." 

How many times do I lash out on my husband, and give him the worst of me, and yet, he is the one I love the most? Why do we give those closest to us, our worst? And please, spare me hard feelings, and tell me you do the same. 

I am grateful for today for this reminder. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

My prayer for you my baby.

Cute video right?  I mean, come on. Cute kid. Kid who loves to dance naked?

This video is so much more than "cute." I want it to be truth that is in instilled on the heart of my baby boy.

"For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34 

My son, may you always speak words of wisdom and grace. May your tongue be slow and your ears be quick.

May you seek understanding before wanting to be understood.

May your words be filled with love.

May your lips speak the beauty of Christ.

May your speak scripture, because you have it memorized.

May your words be a treasure.

All because your heart, is passionately longing for the heart of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 on 10

I am joining the ranks of the 10 on 10 Challenge. The goal: Take photos each hour for 10 hours on the 10th day of the month. I tried! 

1. 9am Morning Coffee:
This is my favorite coffee mug! Looks like a camera lens, no? 

2. 10am Special Project: 
Fill a cake pan with baking soda, and then mix vinegar and food coloring. It will be endless fun! 

3. 11am Staff Life:
Had a great conversation with Lily today! 

4. Noon Lunch time: 
A full out tantrum ensued because Caleb was not allowed to have dessert until he finished the carrots. 

5. 1pm Troubled Nap Time: 
Sometimes naps are hard. They are getting harder and harder as Caleb gets older and older. He did not want to sleep in his bed. On the floor, with no pants, comfortable? Not for me! 

6. 2pm Reference 
Filling out a reference form for a student, as she applies for a summer internship 

7. 3pm Work Out 
FINALLY!!! It has been a shameful TWO MONTHS since I have last worked out. And today, it begins. Time to get back to being healthy! 

8.  4pm  Looked over at the couch and saw my baby girl Lila Pup. 

9.  5pm Family Walk 
Ok, so apparently 40 degrees was a little too cold, but we had fun. 

10.  7pm Gearing up for bed: 
My two favorite boys reading and getting ready for bed! 

Memes about Me

There are some days that I love my job.

Like really love it.

There are some days that I go to bed thinking about the amazing conversations I had with students, how they are walking closer to Jesus, sharing the gospel with their friends, and how I am so excited to be a part of what God is doing on campus.

There are nights where I go to sleep with a deep satisfaction of how God is working.

And there are some days where I wake up and see these all over facebook.

(I am 100% that I have actually said that students.)

My students are gearing up for Chapter FOCUS Week, perhaps our most influential week of the year. It is a week of great training for campus ministry, for students to focus on their relationship with the Lord, to build relationships with other InterVarsity students, to be in nature, to be with people, to be alone, and to be refreshed. This year we are hoping to bring 20 from Albion.

And they have a crazy recruitment strategy. As if my face could convince anyone to go to CFW.

Either way, I had a great laugh.

And I love my job.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I am completed shocked at the tantrums Caleb can throw.
Always: I am grateful for them. It means that he is in our house, forever.

Sometimes:  I memorize large chunks of scripture.
Always: I should do it more often.

Sometime: My house is spotless and shiny and smelling like cleaning products
Always: I wish that were every day.

Sometimes: My husband takes me to Outback for dinner.
Always: I wish it were every night.

Sometimes: I actually want to garden.
Always: I love the look of a beautifully manicured garden, but am afraid to try it, because I might fail at it.

Sometimes: I take really good pictures.
Always: I think the pictures are better in my head, and I hate them when I actually see them.

Sometimes: I love my house.
Always: I love the location of my house, the city, the neighborhood, etc, but HATE the actual layout and want to change it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"Dear" Link Up

Dear Caleb, thanks for letting me sleep till 8 this morning. It was much needed. Dear house, can you please clean yourself? I am really over you right now. Dear yard, can you magically turn into an outdoor haven? A beautiful landscaping job? Dear Bike, Can you please fill the airs in your tires? I really want to take a bike ride with Caleb, and the fact that I have to fill the tires is stopping me. Lame, I know. Dear Lila, why must you track so much dirt into the house? Dear Caleb, get Lila's leash out of your mouth. Dear David, praying for you as you enter into the presence of Jesus. Dear book that I am reading, could you please make me stop crying? A girl's gotta process some junk in her life, and it is hard to do that when I know there is going to be never ending tears. Dear office, can we please pretty you up with some yellow and gray curtains? You know, you could take the leadership and it on your own. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for Good Friday. 