Friday, April 29, 2011

Seeing New Life

About 3 years ago I was ready to quit. I hated my job. I was sure that I was hearing God's voice wrong. I was sure that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and I would never see the fruit of my labor, the fruit of my prayers and see God be glorified on campus.

During that time, God used some prophetic words and spoke into me Isaiah 42. He didn't just bring this passage to mind, but He has someone pray that passage of scripture over me, and to speak into it. I was challenged to live out the truths in the passage and spent the next few months memorizing that chapter.

It was my hope, my drink in the desert, my rest in a dry and weary land.

"Behold, the former things have come to pass,
         Now I declare new things;
         Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you."(Isaiah 42:9)

I clung to Isaiah 42:9. The old things are gone!!! God is doing a new work, He told me! I may not see it yet, but He told me. He gave me hope, to keep going, to keep pressing on and to keep pursuing Him. He gave me excitement and encouragement. 
Today, I was able to see some of the things that God had proclaimed to me. I was able to see those things spring forth. Today we celebrated what God has done on campus in the last year and what He is going to continue to do. 
Today we planted plants together.
 We know that if we take care of the seeds, give them the correct amount of sunlight, water them, weed them, they will eventually turn into a plant---

We trust that, because people have done it before us. We trust that because we have planted before and have seen results.
So we planted.

As we part ways for the summer, we will spend it praying, fasting and preparing for next year. We are trusting that God will continue to bring the increase, that He will continue to let us see the things that He has proclaimed to us.

 These girls ----
  invade my house
    drink my coffee
      babysit my child
       borrow my car
          eat my food
             watch my tv
               challenge me
                  text me when I am asleep
                    are family

These girls, whom I have come to love so dearly in the past year are the answer to my prayers. They are the start of God revealing all that He had proclaimed 3 years ago on that cold November day. 
They get silly sometimes...........

And sometimes spill their soil
Did I mention, spilling soil down Lily's shirt?

Thank You Lord for Your faithful promise. Thank You for sustaining me through proclaiming what You will do, and giving me encouragement. Thank you for this year. It has been the best yet.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thinking Thin on a Thursday

If you are a woman, you have thought about it....dare I say, bathing suit season?

Ouch. I know that hurt.

If it is not your overly jiggly arms, rolly poly belly or thick thighs, then maybe it is your pasty white skin?

For me, its all of the above.

Don't start on the whole, "beauty is on the inside." I get that, and believe it. But as a women, we want to be beautiful, we want to be confident in our own skin.

I am dreading summer. Kicking myself for not keeping up on the dieting and exercising that I was doing this winter. I am mad that this is a continuous cycle in my life. I am scared to death to bare those arms of jello.

This week I made a commitment to get "summer ready." I have a lot of work to do before summer hits, but it's a start. I am eating healthy, and thanks to our new family member, I am able to get a lot of walking it.

This week's goal is to average 30 minutes a day of exercising. So far, so good:)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (Uncle Nolan Style)

Yah, this picture pretty much sums up our weekend.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How would you spend $30?

Let's just say you were given some extra cash. Somewhere between $30-$100. What would you do with this sum of money? You can spend it any way you want, even if it is paying bills.

Most likely, Jon and I would go out to dinner. Most likely we would go to Outback Steakhouse. We love going out to eat together, I love Outback and Jon loves me, therefore Outback it is. 

$30. Not much. A dinner for two. 

Picture a child in your life. A child between 9-14. Maybe your child, a niece or nephew, or child in the community. 

What if that child was sold into slavery for $30? I know. Gasp. How dare I bring your mind into this sick place.

I was SHOCKED to say the least when I found out that many people are trafficked for as little as $30. $30!!! Are you kidding me? That is the value of a life?

I think we need to make it personal. This is not something that happens solely in a far off land. It happens in our back yards. Literally. It happens in our neighborhoods as well as around the world. The ways that we desire "stuff," including clothes and technology lead to more and trafficking, especially using people for labor.

I wrestle with how to handle this situation. I want to fight for justice, I don't want to be someone that oppresses the poor, but I know that decisions I make every day aide in oppression. Lord have mercy on me. I DO THAT. I OPPRESS PEOPLE. I buy things made cheaply, I support companies that either enslave people or support others that enslave people.

Ignorance is not bliss. Oh how I wish it were. I would keep my mind from learning anything and running far far far away from evil.

Will you join me in stomping out human slavery? Today more people are enslaved that during the trans-atlantic slave trade. Will you mourn and grieve with me? Will you pray with me? Stop supporting stores that are not free trade or above free trade. (SO HARD).  Will you fight for justice, raise awareness, raise money and pray that Jesus bring His kindgom quick?

Oh Lord have mercy.

Oh Lord have mercy.

Oh Lord have mercy.

Those are about all the words I can seem to utter when I think about this horrible crime.

Check out these great resources:

World Vision
Not for Sale
Hagar International
Human Wrong
International Justice Mission

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Training Young in Theology

I could write this really long post about differences in theology. 
I could tell you about my struggle of knowing what the Bible says about women in ministry. 
I could tell you the books I have read, the speakers I have listened to, the mentors I have had, the tears I have cried, the prayers I have prayed, the questions I have asked.
I could tell you that I hope my son grows up to be a man that study's God word
I could tell you that I want him to be in love with the word, and communicate it well. 
I will leave those for another post.
I think its obvious that he is dealing with tough issues in the Bible at such a young age. 
Makes a mamma proud. 

Ok, maybe not. Maybe he just stole my book and I snapped some pictures, but those thoughts REALLY DID GO THROUGH MY HEAD:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meet Lila

Lila, our very own 5 year old boxer, from a rescue shelter.....
She thinks she is a lap dog, 
loves the couch, 
scared of the cat, 
loves Caleb,

It's official! I am in love:)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

So glad I listened

Most of the time I get frustrated with mommy friends who give me unwarranted advice. Some of that because I am stubborn and think I can do it on my own, but most comes from the notion that every child is different. Part of parenting is knowing what works for each child and what works for your family.

Many moms have told me about the amazingness of sign language. I was wary. Seriously? I don't know sign language, so how can I teach it to my child, and if I don't know it, how will I understand what he is trying to say to me? 

I have learned a few signs to help us get by, Caleb has watched Baby Einstein DVD's and my neighbors have been a great help in teaching this boy to sign. 


Once he connected that he could sign and we would give him what he wanted, the trantrum levels SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. 

He can currently sign: 
"Drink/cup/thirsty" (all the same sign) 
"Food/snack/hungry" (all the same sign) 
"Night Night" 
"All done" 
"All gone" 
"More" As in more food, more drink, more play time, more daddy, more mommy, more outside,---pretty much anything that he is not ready to be done with, he signs "more" 

Monday, April 4, 2011

I have this new thing

I am trying this new thing. I have started a photography business with some friends, so I have this unbelievably huge pressure to capture great moments on camera. What? Why would that be a requirement for a photographer? I have this huge insecurity about my lack of skill and training so I am combating that with taking pictures and capturing moments in my everyday life, hopefully in a unique way.

Even if it is my 15 month old sitting in his high chair

Even if it is my 15 month old sitting in his high chair, eating broccoli salad

Even if it is my 15 month old sitting in his high chair, pretending to be silly and choking (which is not funny, by the way)

Even if it is my 15 month old, sitting in his high chair, with food all.over.his.shirt.  What kind of mom puts a kid in a high chair without a bib? Someone really should go and have a talk with her. I don't think she knows what she is doing.

Even if it is my 15 month old, sitting in his high chair, trying to hide his broccoli salad face from his crazy, camera holding mom.

Even if it is my 15 month old son, sitting in his high chair, signing "food," because he does indeed like broccoli salad.

This just came to me....I may need some inspiration. What do you think I should be taking photos of? Help! Or in the words of Caleb, "BOP, (help), and then signs please." I can hardly contain my oooooos and ahhhhhs of cuteness.

But seriously....I need inspiration, like yesterday.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wipe Out

Not sure if I should be mad that he took ALL OF THE WIPES out the container, or proud that he is making an attempt to clean up after himself.