Then his nose started bleeding.
At 4am he was wide awake, and I was not ready to wake up. Jon brought his swing upstairs to his bedroom, put him in it, thinking it would pacify him for a while so I could sleep.
4:15a, he starts crying. We give eating a try. He ate a little, not much, mostly screamed.
4:45a, he fell asleep in my arms and we decided to take a nap on the couch
6a- the tears start again, he has spit up all over himself, and all over me. He is crying, and acting hungry. I fed him, he did not want to eat.
6:30a- I made a very healthy breakfast for myself. I have been working hard this week on eating healthy and exercising and I was not going to let this day win. Eggs, spinach, mushrooms and turkey sausage was a great breakfast for this South Beach Diet(er).
6:50a-I laid on the couch and fell asleep. {Maybe I will get some sleep after all!}
8am- Screaming baby, round #2 of puking through the nose and not breathing. Got him all cleaned up and he was ready to snuggle for a little bit.
9am- Screaming baby, acting very hungry, but refusing to eat.
9:45a- I surrendered, and called his doctor. I explained that he has been a grump for a few days, not eating well, puking through his nose at least once a day, and puking all the time. They said to call back.
9:45-10:45a- Waiting to call the doctor back, snuggling with the boy
10:45a- call the doctor. Nothing. They asked me to call back after lunch. Caleb finally ate 3 oz.
11:00-12:00p- nap time for both mom and baby.
12:00p- Me feeling really guilty that nothing productive has happened today.I have not done any housework, I have not done any campus work, I have not done an admin work!! Started to get some things in line to start some work for the day.
12:45p- Doctor's office calls. Sounds like a simple solution. We are doubling his acid reflux medicine. He is on the same dosage since birth and he is now triple that birth weight. We will see how it goes.
1p- Caleb eats another 3oz!
1:30p-2:00p Caleb cries and cries and cries.
2p--- Caleb is sleeping, I am blogging, laundry is in, work has started....
No, this day has not gone as planned.
There was a lot of this:
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