Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 Beautiful, no?
 You will have a very hard time finding Jalissa sans cell phone or softball
We may be 13 years apart, but I love my baby sis. She is a doll, a drama queen, an athlete, a fabulous aunt, can make you laugh, is completely unaware of how affectionate she can be, she is confident, a non-stop texter, music connoisseur, and almost licensed driver. Ay yi yi. Where have the years gone? 

I love you Jalissa Joy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sometimes you have to think out loud

Thinking out loud (er....thinking on the net)

  • I want to coupon more. I don't even really know where to start. So....where do I start? Help me out! 
  • I can't hear. Seriously. I am losing my hearing. If I ask you to repeat what you are saying 6 times, it is not because I am not paying attention. Just ask my husband how loud the tv needs to be. Don't worry. I have a doctors appointment in 2 weeks. 
  • I want to have lots of flowers in my yard, but not sure what to grow where, and what looks good and what doesn't. I don't have a green thumb. 
  • Round 5000,000 of weight loss/gain cycle. I would like to lose about 17.5lbs in the next 5 weeks. 
  • I am "doing" a 5k. Around my block, 3 times= 3.15 miles. Lila loves to walk, and I am trying to jog and walk. Someday I might actually run it and have a decent time, but I am working on consistency right now. 
  • I hope there is lots of sun at lake this weekend. My skin needs to UV rays! 
  • I need some good recipes for things with green onions, dill and rhubarb. Can you freeze that stuff? 
  • "Longing for More" by Ruth Haley Barton is one of the best books I have read in a long time. Not sure if it is really that good and life changing, or if I am in a really teachable, moldable spot. 
  • On my mind right now: Laundry, packing for up north, Detroit Missions Trip, Women in Ministry, Festival of the Forks, Missions Conference, Fundraising for InterVarsity, photography, Ordinary Miracles Photography,Ezra, VBS, train stations, writing letters, cleaning my house and cleaning out my car. 
  • I am so so so so so grateful for my neighbors, who are our deacons, friends, childcare provider, go to people. How can I show them how much I appreciate them? 
  • I have been blessed. A lot. 
What's on your mind?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Beautiful Something

 5 hours in a car (I won't tell you the stories, like the time where a box flew from the truck in front of me and was stuck under my hood for 15 minutes, or the time that I had to stop and ask directions and learned that it was ok to do that). Shoot. There I go, rambling my mouth again.  Someone should really stop me. 400 campers. 16+ hours of work, 6 days in a row.

We were carpooling, and keeping track of our group. 

 We made it to the Mackinac Bridge!!! The bridge that connects the lower peninsula of Michigan to the upper. The bridge that is 5 miles long! The bridge that gives me the hebbie geebies every time I drive over it.
 Everyone has to stop and get their picture taken in front of the bridge, right? Pinky swear promise, cross my heart, the Mackinac Bridge is in the background. The fog is hiding it!
Aint she beautiful? Or at least something to get your heart racing. Be still heart, it's JUST a photo.
 We have arrived!!!! It is time to begin Chapter Focus Week, one of InterVarsity's best training opportunities for college students. Students are taken away from the stress of campus life, and are whisked away to beautiful Cedar Campus, where they receive training on how to be a Jesus follower on campus.
 But first.....the Retreat of Silence. For an introvert like myself, this is one of the grandest things you can do, and for an extrovert this can be extremely terrifying. Basically, we send you into nature (or to a place where you can look at nature through a window), to be by yourself and with God for 3-4 hours. You take a sake lunch, and begin to process what your last year has been like, where you are growing in your faith, where you are struggling, where you have seen God, etc. We offer students a guide to help them through this time. Many have never done this, and it is very intimidating, but once you get started, it's hard to not have it be a regular part of your life.
A student during the Retreat of Silence

Don't be too jealous. It was beautiful, but it was also cold. Part of my retreat of silence was spent in that chair. The rest of it was spent inside, looking through a window, at this view.

Everyday students had to do work around the camp. My students had the privilege of washing kayaks:)
 We had lots of group bonding.

 We gathered each night, we worshipped, listen to the Word being exposed, prayed for collegiate movements throughout the world and had chapter time. Chatper Time=spending time with your college, praying and planning for next year.
There is a beautiful trail, that the students love to hike on. (notice= students, and not myself). It leads out to huge boulders on Lake Huron. It really is beautiful. Can you guess the name?

Cara, I think that boulder is bigger than you are!

During the day, students were to pick "tracks," similar to seminars, but with interactive learning. There were tracks that included those who wanted to know more about what it would look like to follow Jesus, some on evangelism, on the authenticity of scripture, what the Christian response is to social justice, leadership, inductive Bible Study of Mark and so on. Every year, I LOVE to staff Small Group Leaders Training. I love to help students learn what it means to lead a small group on campus. It is a life long skill to have and it is SO MUCH MORE THAN BEING A BIBLE STUDY LEADER.

We take through students the components of a small group, the phases a small group goes through, how to prepare a Bible Study, etc. I am so excited to see that there will be 40ish new, trained, ready excited small groups on our college campuses next year. (note: trained students from Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania.) 

The group of future small group leaders!!
Are you coming next year?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have returned!

I haven't left the blogging world.....I was out of town for the past week and had a really busy week before that......but I am back and ready to blog.

Just in case you were wondering where I was, thought I'd leave you some pictures.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A response to bin Laden

Pumping our fists in victory or celebrating in the streets is probably not the best Christian response to anyone’s death, even the death of a dangerous and violent enemy. The world can be relieved that a leader as evil as Bin Laden can no longer plot the death of innocents. We can be grateful that his cynical manipulation and distortion of Islam into a message of division and hate is finally ended. Even if we sharply dissented from the moral logic or wisdom of the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan of the last decade, we can be glad that a mass murderer has been stopped and brought to justice. And we can be hopeful that the face of the Arab world might now become the young nonviolent activists for democracy rather than a self-righteous smirk of a self-promoting video character who tells us he is going to kill our children if we don’t submit to his hateful agenda.
But the book of Proverbs clearly warns us to “not rejoice when your enemies fall.” And, in the hardest words of the gospel, Jesus tells us to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Neither of those texts have been very popular pulpit texts during the years since 9/11. So as people of faith, we don’t celebrate the death of other human beings, regardless of how twisted or evil they have become. See the rest here

I could not have said it better Jim Wallis, I could not have said it better.