And here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)
Kaya didn't want to leave. She kept getting in my suitcase while I was packing. Sorry, Kaya, can't take you with me :)

My family for 10 days. We stayed with our family groups for most of the time. We studied scripture together, ate meals together, prayed together and learned to be staff together. Starting from the back left; David (in the white shirt) he was on staff in the 80's, left to work at a church, and is back on staff and the Univeristy of North Carolina-Greensboro. Max is direction the Chicago Urban Project. Sarah is on staff at University of Idaho. Steve works in the National Service Center in human resources. Brad, was my small group leader, an area director in Virginia. The girl next to me, Allyson on staff with Boston College, and Melanie is on staff at University of San Diego working with fraternity and sorority students.

The rest of the pictures are how I spent my sabbath on Saturday. Tina and I went to lunch, and did some sight-seeing and shopping. We eventually landed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is right on this beautiful lake!!! Reminds me of St. Clair and being on the boardwalk.
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