I have been studying the Book of Acts since my Christmas break has started. It is amazing to me to read how bold the apostles were. They took every opportunity to share the truth of Jesus with anybody that would listen, even if they were in danger. Peter's transformation is amazing to me as well. I remember reading in the Gospels that he did not always have this boldness for Christ, but once Luke starts writing the book of Acts, Peter's boldness is hard to ignore.
And ofcourse, as I apply the scripture and take some time for some self reflection, I realize, that I do not make the most of every opportunity. I do not share the Gospel with boldness... so I am praying for boldness, and that God would continue to add to the number daily of those being saved!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Plans for December
It is December, and I feel like a scrooge because I am not decorating for Christmas---at all. My mom and sisters would be sooooo ashamed of me!!! I just can't justify doing some much work when I will not even be home very much to enjoy it. And our house is so stinkin small we don't even have enough room for a Christmas tree (so it will remained boxed up). I am making a promise to myself that I will decorate when I have kids, because I loved having that growing up, but I have some time before that happens. *Hopefully we will have a baby next Christmas* Jon and I are talking about adopting soon.
While my students are home and away from campus I want to make the best use of my time. Though I am excited for a break and for some refreshment, I don't want to be wasteful. Here is my list of December goals'
-Manuscript the Book of Acts (inductively study)
-Get back into an exercise routine
-Deep, thorough clean of the house
-Raising the remainder $6000 of my budget for this year
-Planning for New Student Outreach for January
-Different types of Ministry planning
-Spending lots of time with family
-Going to St. Louis for the National Staff Conference
While my students are home and away from campus I want to make the best use of my time. Though I am excited for a break and for some refreshment, I don't want to be wasteful. Here is my list of December goals'
-Manuscript the Book of Acts (inductively study)
-Get back into an exercise routine
-Deep, thorough clean of the house
-Raising the remainder $6000 of my budget for this year
-Planning for New Student Outreach for January
-Different types of Ministry planning
-Spending lots of time with family
-Going to St. Louis for the National Staff Conference
Monday, December 3, 2007
Winter break has started
I am officially done working with students until January 22. CRAZY! Albion has a crazy long Christmas/Winter Break. I am really looking forward to spending some extended time with the Lord. He has been teaching me sooo much and I haven't made the time to process and study lots of scripture, including meditation and memorization.
Also, during my break from students, I will be spending a lot of time fund raising. I am about $6000 short for this year's budget. Please pray that God would provide for me so I can focus on student ministry.
There will be lots of time for me to prep for January, prepping the Bible Studies, planning prayer meetings and leadership meetings, doing some advertising and even working on some new student outreach things. It is sooo fun to plan new student outreach, usually January is not as popular as the beginning of the year, but it is still a good time to meet students and to invite them to fellowship events.
Time to be productive today!
Also, during my break from students, I will be spending a lot of time fund raising. I am about $6000 short for this year's budget. Please pray that God would provide for me so I can focus on student ministry.
There will be lots of time for me to prep for January, prepping the Bible Studies, planning prayer meetings and leadership meetings, doing some advertising and even working on some new student outreach things. It is sooo fun to plan new student outreach, usually January is not as popular as the beginning of the year, but it is still a good time to meet students and to invite them to fellowship events.
Time to be productive today!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Praying ACTS
Yesterday was one of the most amazing discipleship appointments that I have ever had. I didn't think it would be that great, because the two freshmen that I was meeting with didn't read and study the parts that they were supposed to this week. So we decided to talk about prayer and how they are planning to grow spiritually over Christmas break. A few weeks ago, we were studying prayer and the acronym ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication). We decided to pray through ACTS and to spend an extended time in prayer. It was completely amazing. The girls have never prayed this way before and were so excited about meeting God in that way. It was encouraging to be in prayer for an extended time with them. YEAH for discipleship, and for what God is doing on campus!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Have fun and end hunger :)
This is a great game and my newest addiction. It is a vocabulary game. For each word you get correct, the United Nations donates 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger. The advertisers on the website pay for the rice. Play this game all the time.......and let's end world hunger!!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
What are you thankful for?
A Thankful Thanksgiving...What I have been thankful for throughout the past year
1. His reassurance when I want to give up hope.
2. His strength when I have none.
3. A husband who loves me through good and bad.
4. Jobs to pay the bills.
5. Jobs that we love doing what we are doing.
6. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
7. Kaya and Briton, our cats.
8. Cheap rent.
9. Sara Groves's and her ability to speak to my heart through her lyrics.
10. People willing to support me both prayerfully and financially as we embark in ministry together.
11. Health food and water.
12. Hoodies.
13. Black fleece pants.
14. Facebook, a way for me to keep in touch with people!
15. My laptop.
16. Good health.
17. His wise counsel.
18. Time to journal and process.
19. The book, "Hinds Feet on High Places."
20. Black Friday Sales
21. A husband who desires and tries his best to provide for us.
22. His provision.
23. Family.
24. Friends.
25. Freshmen.
26. COMPELLING (InterVarsity's 2007 Fall Conference)
27. Kristina Crosetto and the way she ministered to me and students at COMPELLING.
28. InterVarsity Staff
29. Urbana 2006 (InterVarsity's Mission's Conference, every three years).
30. The Price of Life (Campus saturation outreach at MSU and the way that God used that to reach students and the oppressed across the world.)
31. Tea
32. Diet pepsi with lime.
33. Cookie Dough Ice Cream.
34. Brownies, especially with powdered sugar.
35. Babies.
36. New friends.
37. Working cars.
38. Freedom from bondage.
39. Forgiveness of sins.
40. A fulfilling life.
41. Guilty pleasure tv shows.
42. Massages.
43. Ticklescratches.
44. His grace.
45. His mercy.
46. The way He has anointed me to be a minister of the Gospel.
47. The authority of the Holy Spirit.
48. My camera.
49. Candles.
50. Cheap copies (paper).
51. My bathrobe.
52. His protection.
53. Enterprise- Rent-a-Car.
54. The way He lets me start over.
55. The way He designed marriage so that we can strengthen and support each other as we model Christ.
56. The unity of Albion Churches.
57. Christian faculty on college campuses.
58. Crossroads Community Church.
59. Good conversation.
60. My bed.
61. Down blankets.
62. Heat.
63. Air Conditioning in the blazer for the hot summer months.
64. People who have adopted children.
65. World Vision.
66. Exercise.
67. Cell Phones.
68. International Justice Mission
69. People give their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
70. Doctors.
71. Hospitals that treat well.
72. Rain.
73. Students that have a vision to reach their campus.
74. My planner-- I would be lost without it.
75. How prayer works.
76. Inductive Bible Study.
77. Reconciliation in relationships.
78. The work that God is doing in my family.
79. The boldness that He is giving me to share about Him.
80. Laughter.
81. Showers.
82. Cedar Campus.
83. Central Michigan University- the impact that is has made in my life, my love for the school, the role that it plays in my family and how God is moving on that campus.
84. Date nights with my hubby.
85. My husband's easy going, laid back attitude.
86. My husband's ability to understand me and others.
87. Good training in Godly leadership and ministry.
88. Fred Bailey.
89. Blankets.
90. Pillows.
91. Reunions.
92. The word of God.
93. The book, "Out of the Salt Shaker."
94. The book, "Growing your faith by giving it away."
95. Proxe stations.
96. Good communication.
97. People coming to faith in Jesus.
98. Encouragement from my supervisor.
99. God providing for me with fund raising.
100. Community.
Your turn, what's your list?
1. His reassurance when I want to give up hope.
2. His strength when I have none.
3. A husband who loves me through good and bad.
4. Jobs to pay the bills.
5. Jobs that we love doing what we are doing.
6. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
7. Kaya and Briton, our cats.
8. Cheap rent.
9. Sara Groves's and her ability to speak to my heart through her lyrics.
10. People willing to support me both prayerfully and financially as we embark in ministry together.
11. Health food and water.
12. Hoodies.
13. Black fleece pants.
14. Facebook, a way for me to keep in touch with people!
15. My laptop.
16. Good health.
17. His wise counsel.
18. Time to journal and process.
19. The book, "Hinds Feet on High Places."
20. Black Friday Sales
21. A husband who desires and tries his best to provide for us.
22. His provision.
23. Family.
24. Friends.
25. Freshmen.
26. COMPELLING (InterVarsity's 2007 Fall Conference)
27. Kristina Crosetto and the way she ministered to me and students at COMPELLING.
28. InterVarsity Staff
29. Urbana 2006 (InterVarsity's Mission's Conference, every three years).
30. The Price of Life (Campus saturation outreach at MSU and the way that God used that to reach students and the oppressed across the world.)
31. Tea
32. Diet pepsi with lime.
33. Cookie Dough Ice Cream.
34. Brownies, especially with powdered sugar.
35. Babies.
36. New friends.
37. Working cars.
38. Freedom from bondage.
39. Forgiveness of sins.
40. A fulfilling life.
41. Guilty pleasure tv shows.
42. Massages.
43. Ticklescratches.
44. His grace.
45. His mercy.
46. The way He has anointed me to be a minister of the Gospel.
47. The authority of the Holy Spirit.
48. My camera.
49. Candles.
50. Cheap copies (paper).
51. My bathrobe.
52. His protection.
53. Enterprise- Rent-a-Car.
54. The way He lets me start over.
55. The way He designed marriage so that we can strengthen and support each other as we model Christ.
56. The unity of Albion Churches.
57. Christian faculty on college campuses.
58. Crossroads Community Church.
59. Good conversation.
60. My bed.
61. Down blankets.
62. Heat.
63. Air Conditioning in the blazer for the hot summer months.
64. People who have adopted children.
65. World Vision.
66. Exercise.
67. Cell Phones.
68. International Justice Mission
69. People give their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
70. Doctors.
71. Hospitals that treat well.
72. Rain.
73. Students that have a vision to reach their campus.
74. My planner-- I would be lost without it.
75. How prayer works.
76. Inductive Bible Study.
77. Reconciliation in relationships.
78. The work that God is doing in my family.
79. The boldness that He is giving me to share about Him.
80. Laughter.
81. Showers.
82. Cedar Campus.
83. Central Michigan University- the impact that is has made in my life, my love for the school, the role that it plays in my family and how God is moving on that campus.
84. Date nights with my hubby.
85. My husband's easy going, laid back attitude.
86. My husband's ability to understand me and others.
87. Good training in Godly leadership and ministry.
88. Fred Bailey.
89. Blankets.
90. Pillows.
91. Reunions.
92. The word of God.
93. The book, "Out of the Salt Shaker."
94. The book, "Growing your faith by giving it away."
95. Proxe stations.
96. Good communication.
97. People coming to faith in Jesus.
98. Encouragement from my supervisor.
99. God providing for me with fund raising.
100. Community.
Your turn, what's your list?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
an update
I am sitting here at my desk on a fall day, sipping on some blackberry tea, and can't help but be reflective.
On staff work:
This has been one of the most encouraging and fruitful weeks in my staff career thus far here at Albion.
-I met a freshman who is not a Christian, but is searching and has lots of questions. He has agreed to come weekly to a Bible Study and to learn what scripture says about who God is. I am encouraged that God is bringing non-Christians to our group, and I am excited to watch them share their faith and love on him.
-There is a new transfer student here that has hard a very hard time connecting with people on campus. The Chaplain led her to InterVarsity. I will be meeting with her tomorrow and hopefully I can offer some encouragement. She has signed up to go our fall conference which will be amazing! She will be able to be with Christians in community and my prayer for her would be that she would build relationships with other students.
-I shared my vision for the campus with two freshmen and they were soo excited to hear about it. I invited them to be a part of it in whatever ways they felt God leading. It was very exciting to watch their eyes light up, and for them to come up with ideas to reach the campus. One of my goals and priorities this year was to pour time and energy into this freshmen class to build a stronger, healthier chapter. God is being faithful!
On my kittens:
-I absolutely LOVE them, they are so entertaining. I find myself thanking God for them everyday. I know it sounds dumb, but Jon works a lot, and I am home a lot, and it is really helpful to have some animals around with me.
On church:
-Last night our pastor and his wife came over and it was a great chance for the four of us to get to know each other. It was so great, conversation was encouraging. I learned a lot about them and the church, and God confirmed that this is where we are to plug in, to do ministry and to be ministered to.
On fundraising:
-I have been so busy doing other things, that Fundraising has really stepped to the side. It has been a good break, but I really do need to get back into the swing of things. I need to have people praying for me and supporting me financially, otherwise I will not be on campus much longer!
On my health:
-No new things on my health. It has been the same old, same old thing, which is frustrating. On Friday I am getting more bloodwork and an ultrasound on my thryoid. I am not seeing an internist/endocrinologist. I LOVE internists. My doctor is amazing. If he can't figure out what his wrong with me, I know that he will at the least be able to point me into the right direction.
On marriage:
-I love my hubby love!!! If it were not for him, I would have quit staff work and moved back home with my family, especially in this time of illness. Being sick is such a discouragement, but his love and the way that he takes care of me is so refreshing. I thank the Lord for Him everyday. Our marriage is stronger than ever!
This next weekend, I get to go to my grandma's church and preach. Yes ladies and gentlemen, me preaching. Whew. The best part is, is that I get to share about IV, and I get to see my parents, and sisters, grandma, and my two cousins. I will post pictures. You can count on it!
-Peace out-K
On staff work:
This has been one of the most encouraging and fruitful weeks in my staff career thus far here at Albion.
-I met a freshman who is not a Christian, but is searching and has lots of questions. He has agreed to come weekly to a Bible Study and to learn what scripture says about who God is. I am encouraged that God is bringing non-Christians to our group, and I am excited to watch them share their faith and love on him.
-There is a new transfer student here that has hard a very hard time connecting with people on campus. The Chaplain led her to InterVarsity. I will be meeting with her tomorrow and hopefully I can offer some encouragement. She has signed up to go our fall conference which will be amazing! She will be able to be with Christians in community and my prayer for her would be that she would build relationships with other students.
-I shared my vision for the campus with two freshmen and they were soo excited to hear about it. I invited them to be a part of it in whatever ways they felt God leading. It was very exciting to watch their eyes light up, and for them to come up with ideas to reach the campus. One of my goals and priorities this year was to pour time and energy into this freshmen class to build a stronger, healthier chapter. God is being faithful!
On my kittens:
-I absolutely LOVE them, they are so entertaining. I find myself thanking God for them everyday. I know it sounds dumb, but Jon works a lot, and I am home a lot, and it is really helpful to have some animals around with me.
On church:
-Last night our pastor and his wife came over and it was a great chance for the four of us to get to know each other. It was so great, conversation was encouraging. I learned a lot about them and the church, and God confirmed that this is where we are to plug in, to do ministry and to be ministered to.
On fundraising:
-I have been so busy doing other things, that Fundraising has really stepped to the side. It has been a good break, but I really do need to get back into the swing of things. I need to have people praying for me and supporting me financially, otherwise I will not be on campus much longer!
On my health:
-No new things on my health. It has been the same old, same old thing, which is frustrating. On Friday I am getting more bloodwork and an ultrasound on my thryoid. I am not seeing an internist/endocrinologist. I LOVE internists. My doctor is amazing. If he can't figure out what his wrong with me, I know that he will at the least be able to point me into the right direction.
On marriage:
-I love my hubby love!!! If it were not for him, I would have quit staff work and moved back home with my family, especially in this time of illness. Being sick is such a discouragement, but his love and the way that he takes care of me is so refreshing. I thank the Lord for Him everyday. Our marriage is stronger than ever!
This next weekend, I get to go to my grandma's church and preach. Yes ladies and gentlemen, me preaching. Whew. The best part is, is that I get to share about IV, and I get to see my parents, and sisters, grandma, and my two cousins. I will post pictures. You can count on it!
-Peace out-K
Friday, October 19, 2007
This week I spent some time in Ann Arbor for our Regional Staff Training Institute. It was very helpful, I learned a lot about how to be a staff worker and was humbled by the fact that I don't always know what I am doing.
I am so energized by strategy, and vision casting and that was a lot of the training. It got me very excited. I am still processing some of the information that I learned and when I am fully processed, if that could be possible, I will be posting later.
As for yesterday, what an energizing day! I spent the whole day with my friend Sarah who came to visit me which was amazing! It was sooo refreshing to sit and talk. I LOVED it. Thanks Sarilou!
This weekend, back in St. Clair for the Missions Conference at Crossroads. I am excited to spend some time with family, and to be back in Crossroads for worship!
I am so energized by strategy, and vision casting and that was a lot of the training. It got me very excited. I am still processing some of the information that I learned and when I am fully processed, if that could be possible, I will be posting later.
As for yesterday, what an energizing day! I spent the whole day with my friend Sarah who came to visit me which was amazing! It was sooo refreshing to sit and talk. I LOVED it. Thanks Sarilou!
This weekend, back in St. Clair for the Missions Conference at Crossroads. I am excited to spend some time with family, and to be back in Crossroads for worship!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I am not a healthy staff worker:)
I have not updated this in a while, mostly because there is not much to update other than on my health. I am not sure who reads this, but figure that there must be people that read this that can lift me up in prayer. For the past 3 weeks or so, my health has been not good, which has caused lots of doctors trips, a trip to Urgent Care, and trip to the ER, time in bed, etc.
My symptoms:
-Chest pain (both pain, and tingling)
-Heart palpitations
-Dizzyness, light-headedness, blacking out
-Shortness of breath
-Muscle spasms
What the docs think:
-Well, went to an ENT and found out the growth on my throat was nothing to worry about, it was simply scar tissue from getting my tonsils out.
-Heart is ok, though I get an echo and a 24 hr heart monitor on Thursday
-Asthma is ok
-My thyroid levels are off, which could be causing my hormones and blood levels to go crazy, which could be causing all of these problems. I go to the endocrinologist on Oct 30. Pray that it goes quickly, because I really want to get it fixed!!!
My symptoms:
-Chest pain (both pain, and tingling)
-Heart palpitations
-Dizzyness, light-headedness, blacking out
-Shortness of breath
-Muscle spasms
What the docs think:
-Well, went to an ENT and found out the growth on my throat was nothing to worry about, it was simply scar tissue from getting my tonsils out.
-Heart is ok, though I get an echo and a 24 hr heart monitor on Thursday
-Asthma is ok
-My thyroid levels are off, which could be causing my hormones and blood levels to go crazy, which could be causing all of these problems. I go to the endocrinologist on Oct 30. Pray that it goes quickly, because I really want to get it fixed!!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Homecoming and a much needed update
An apology to those who regularly read my blog and haven't had any new things to read. Yah right, like you all sit around and wait for me to post. Part of why I haven't posted is because I have had little post and the other part is that I have been having some health problems that have prevented me from being productive :) Please pray for my health!!
Today was Homecoming at Albion, and the best part....I had the chance to meet some Albion IV alum, hear their stories, hear where they are now, and how IV has made an impact in their lives. It was so awesome!!! I was very encouraged.
Things with students have been very encouraging lately. I have been able to see students have more vision than before and a desire to carry it out. The chapter has more than doubled and people are growing spiritually. I am so excited to watch people deepend their relationship with the Lord.
Please pray for:
-Continued financial support. I am currently at 80%
-We have an upcoming Conference on evangelism called COMPELLING. Pray that student would go have a heart that is compelled to share the Gospel.
-Leadership Development and a God directed vision
-My health
Today was Homecoming at Albion, and the best part....I had the chance to meet some Albion IV alum, hear their stories, hear where they are now, and how IV has made an impact in their lives. It was so awesome!!! I was very encouraged.
Things with students have been very encouraging lately. I have been able to see students have more vision than before and a desire to carry it out. The chapter has more than doubled and people are growing spiritually. I am so excited to watch people deepend their relationship with the Lord.
Please pray for:
-Continued financial support. I am currently at 80%
-We have an upcoming Conference on evangelism called COMPELLING. Pray that student would go have a heart that is compelled to share the Gospel.
-Leadership Development and a God directed vision
-My health
Friday, September 14, 2007
This week was great, a true reminder of why I am in ministry. I am currently meeting 6 students, 4 of which are new. I am reading "Discipleship Essentials" with 2 freshmen and reading "Knowing God" with another freshmen. I am really excited for these. The girls that I am discipling are really interesting and have great potential for great influence on campus.
I am really looking forward to reading "Knowing God." I have never read it, and have started reading, and it is already truly challenging me in learning about God in an intellectual way.
Great news in funding!!! I was given a $3000 matching grant. If someone were to support me monthly, their gift would be doubled!!! YEAH!!!! Please pray that God would would provide people to support me.
I am really looking forward to reading "Knowing God." I have never read it, and have started reading, and it is already truly challenging me in learning about God in an intellectual way.
Great news in funding!!! I was given a $3000 matching grant. If someone were to support me monthly, their gift would be doubled!!! YEAH!!!! Please pray that God would would provide people to support me.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Lots of cookies, wild hogs, 2 small groups, new discipleship = First week of real ministry:)
Finally the first week of actual ministry has happened. So far, up until this week, we have been busy advertising, giving away stuff and just being present on campus. Albion did not have their student organization fair, so it was hard for people to sign up for InterVarsity....but they did. And we received 20 names and did lots of followup. Follow-up including visiting each person where they lived and giving them cookies and inviting them to events.
This past week our small group Bible Studies had started. It was great. In my previous post, I mentioned the Monday night group, so I won't completely repeat myself. On Thursday, it is the one that I am co-leading with a sophomore. It is really great, because she will make a great leader someday, she just needs some training and confidence right now and I hope that this semester leading together, I can give her that. We had 2 new students on Thursday, one was a freshman, and one sophomore. The sophomore was a brand new christian and I am not sure where the freshman stands with the Lord. It was so exciting to hear the voice of the new christian. She soaked everything in like a sponge and was so excited to be learning about God.
Discipleship:--I am officially discipling 2 freshmen on a weekly basis. We met this week to get to know each other and decide if they wanted to be in a discipleship with me....and praise God they do. I am hoping to get some more freshmen involved and to truly invest in them this year. Jon and I are having the new Christian,(the one that came to the Thursday night small group) over for dinner on Monday. Pray for our conversation and that we would be pleasing to the Lord.
Last night, I had 8 students over to the house.....5 of which were new freshmen!!!! Woot, woot. (As a side note, for those of you who don't know why I am so excited for freshmen, let me enlighten you. 1) If you get freshmen in the beginning, they are with you for the next 4 years. 2) Freshmen are generally looking for a group to be a part of. Usually it is not a matter if they will join a group, but what group will it be. For that reason, we have lots of social events to invite students too. 3) Freshmen, for the first time are away from home--away from high school friends and influences, away from parents, starting anew. We would love to be a part of influencing their desicion making). And back on to last night. We had spaghetti, and more chocolate chip cookies, watched "Wild Hogs" and played Apples to Apples. It was a great night of fellowship and it was fun to get to know people a little better. And it is great to have people over to fill my night. Generally on a Saturday night I am home by myself. Jon doesn't usually get home until after 1am. Last night it was after 3am, so it gets lonely.
Funding: Getting there. God is being faithful. I am currently at 71% which allows me to be on campus 16 hours a week. Please continue to pray for my funding.
On a personal note. I have really felt like I have gotten into a routine lately, with campus ministry, fund development, and yes, cleaning a house. Cleaning the house has been a big one. I love love love a clean house, but it gets sooo messy so quick. One thing that Jon and I have been doing is our 10 minute clean up before we go to bed. Basically when we wake up, our house is clean, and when it is clean, it is harder to mess up. I do need to get back into the habbit of working out and truly making that a priority in my life. Lately, it has been about a 20-30 minute/day priority, but I really want to make it real and get in shape. I have a pass to the gym, now just gotta use it. :)
This past week our small group Bible Studies had started. It was great. In my previous post, I mentioned the Monday night group, so I won't completely repeat myself. On Thursday, it is the one that I am co-leading with a sophomore. It is really great, because she will make a great leader someday, she just needs some training and confidence right now and I hope that this semester leading together, I can give her that. We had 2 new students on Thursday, one was a freshman, and one sophomore. The sophomore was a brand new christian and I am not sure where the freshman stands with the Lord. It was so exciting to hear the voice of the new christian. She soaked everything in like a sponge and was so excited to be learning about God.
Discipleship:--I am officially discipling 2 freshmen on a weekly basis. We met this week to get to know each other and decide if they wanted to be in a discipleship with me....and praise God they do. I am hoping to get some more freshmen involved and to truly invest in them this year. Jon and I are having the new Christian,(the one that came to the Thursday night small group) over for dinner on Monday. Pray for our conversation and that we would be pleasing to the Lord.
Last night, I had 8 students over to the house.....5 of which were new freshmen!!!! Woot, woot. (As a side note, for those of you who don't know why I am so excited for freshmen, let me enlighten you. 1) If you get freshmen in the beginning, they are with you for the next 4 years. 2) Freshmen are generally looking for a group to be a part of. Usually it is not a matter if they will join a group, but what group will it be. For that reason, we have lots of social events to invite students too. 3) Freshmen, for the first time are away from home--away from high school friends and influences, away from parents, starting anew. We would love to be a part of influencing their desicion making). And back on to last night. We had spaghetti, and more chocolate chip cookies, watched "Wild Hogs" and played Apples to Apples. It was a great night of fellowship and it was fun to get to know people a little better. And it is great to have people over to fill my night. Generally on a Saturday night I am home by myself. Jon doesn't usually get home until after 1am. Last night it was after 3am, so it gets lonely.
Funding: Getting there. God is being faithful. I am currently at 71% which allows me to be on campus 16 hours a week. Please continue to pray for my funding.
On a personal note. I have really felt like I have gotten into a routine lately, with campus ministry, fund development, and yes, cleaning a house. Cleaning the house has been a big one. I love love love a clean house, but it gets sooo messy so quick. One thing that Jon and I have been doing is our 10 minute clean up before we go to bed. Basically when we wake up, our house is clean, and when it is clean, it is harder to mess up. I do need to get back into the habbit of working out and truly making that a priority in my life. Lately, it has been about a 20-30 minute/day priority, but I really want to make it real and get in shape. I have a pass to the gym, now just gotta use it. :)
Monday, September 3, 2007
First Small Group Bible Study
YEAH!!! I wish you could hear my voice right now, because you would hear one encouraged and excited staff worker. Tonight was our first small group Bible Study in the freshman dorm. There were 9 students there......9!!! That is double the amount of students in the chapter at the beginning of the year (which was 2 weeks ago). It was an amazing time, the word of God truly became alive, and discussion was amazing.
There was a grad student, who will be a teacher's assistant for Spanish at Albion. He is from Mexico and he just became a christian last year. He was very worried about coming to the states because he didn't know how he would grow in his relationship with Christ. He was so excited to be a part of our group tonight, he said he was going to write a letter to his church telling them that their prayers are answered for him and that he has found a christian community. And this is why I am encouraged to do what I do. A man was lost and now is found, and is experiencing true community in the body of Christ!
There was a grad student, who will be a teacher's assistant for Spanish at Albion. He is from Mexico and he just became a christian last year. He was very worried about coming to the states because he didn't know how he would grow in his relationship with Christ. He was so excited to be a part of our group tonight, he said he was going to write a letter to his church telling them that their prayers are answered for him and that he has found a christian community. And this is why I am encouraged to do what I do. A man was lost and now is found, and is experiencing true community in the body of Christ!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Wedding and Family
Last week Jon and I spent a lot of time at home visiting family. Jon's brother got married and it was great to see friends and family. Here are some pics to enjoy.
On another note...A lot of you know that Jon and I have been south beach dieting, and working out. Well I have been slacking.....a lot, say, about 3 weeks. And it being the first of the month and all, I am really excited to get back on track. We are still trying to lose weight and to get in shape! Keep us accountable and kick out butt!
NSO Thus Far....
The fall is typically the time for New Student Outreach (NSO), though I am hesitant to label it only as a fall activity, because we want to continue the attitude of bringing new students into the chapter throughout the year.
A brief review of NSO activities thus far:
-Chalking campus to welcome freshmen and new students to campus
-Passing out candy and InterVarsity flyers every day the first week of school
-Free Hot dogs, during "Hurricane Albion." We had planned to give free hot dogs to anyone who would come, but as soon as we put the dogs on the grill, a horrible, horrible storm ripped through. Luckily, we ran inside, soaked hot dogs and all, and continued to serve and continued to meet new students.
-Briton Bash: Albion's student organization fair. We were able to have a table up and talked to 20 people who were interested in InterVarsity. It was hot hot hot. They crammed 2,000 + students into the indoor track area, with no air conditioning!!! Needless to say, I was very sweaty towards the end of the night.
-Cookie Follow-up:The names that we received either at Briton Bash or the hot dog bash, or any other various way. It was a great time, though I was not ready to experience the Albion red-tape that I did not have at Central. I couldn't just go deliver cookies, I had to be with someone who lived in that dorm. There is a key card at each door, and you can only get in if you live there, which made it pretty hard.
-For the next few weeks, I will be continuing follow-up. I would like to meet each and every student, take them out to lunch or something and get to know them better and invite them to be a part of the chapter.
-Matt, a new small group leader!!! Pray for him...He is a junior and has just committed to co-leading a small group with Kwame in one of the freshmen dorms. I am so excited that he is stepping up into leadership. It is a great man of God, as well as a man with connections. He is an RA in the International House :)
Things are happening!
A brief review of NSO activities thus far:
-Chalking campus to welcome freshmen and new students to campus
-Passing out candy and InterVarsity flyers every day the first week of school
-Free Hot dogs, during "Hurricane Albion." We had planned to give free hot dogs to anyone who would come, but as soon as we put the dogs on the grill, a horrible, horrible storm ripped through. Luckily, we ran inside, soaked hot dogs and all, and continued to serve and continued to meet new students.
-Briton Bash: Albion's student organization fair. We were able to have a table up and talked to 20 people who were interested in InterVarsity. It was hot hot hot. They crammed 2,000 + students into the indoor track area, with no air conditioning!!! Needless to say, I was very sweaty towards the end of the night.
-Cookie Follow-up:The names that we received either at Briton Bash or the hot dog bash, or any other various way. It was a great time, though I was not ready to experience the Albion red-tape that I did not have at Central. I couldn't just go deliver cookies, I had to be with someone who lived in that dorm. There is a key card at each door, and you can only get in if you live there, which made it pretty hard.
-For the next few weeks, I will be continuing follow-up. I would like to meet each and every student, take them out to lunch or something and get to know them better and invite them to be a part of the chapter.
-Matt, a new small group leader!!! Pray for him...He is a junior and has just committed to co-leading a small group with Kwame in one of the freshmen dorms. I am so excited that he is stepping up into leadership. It is a great man of God, as well as a man with connections. He is an RA in the International House :)
Things are happening!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sorry, I don't eat
For the past week, the students and I have been passing out candy and flyers, inviting the campus to our Bible Studies and prayer meetings. We have had several people that are interested, which is encouraging, but throughout the week, there have definitely been some funny things happen.
For instance.....I was passing out flyers and a female student motioned at her phone, saying that she couldn't talk because she was on the phone. As she was saying that, her phone actually rang! Liar! You were just trying to get away from me.
Another funny story. Yesterday, we were inviting people to our Hot Dog Bash today. There were a lot people, that said "Sorry, I can't come, I don't eat meat" But one strange guy said, "Sorry, I'm just one of those guys that don't eat." Really. You have lived for 20 some years withtout eating? mmmmm. The joys of NSO.
For instance.....I was passing out flyers and a female student motioned at her phone, saying that she couldn't talk because she was on the phone. As she was saying that, her phone actually rang! Liar! You were just trying to get away from me.
Another funny story. Yesterday, we were inviting people to our Hot Dog Bash today. There were a lot people, that said "Sorry, I can't come, I don't eat meat" But one strange guy said, "Sorry, I'm just one of those guys that don't eat." Really. You have lived for 20 some years withtout eating? mmmmm. The joys of NSO.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Move In!!!
You know you were created for college ministry when Move In Day is one of the most exciting days you have had in a while. For numerous reasons, I was not able to help students move into their residence halls, but I drove by and saw students, parents and siblings!! It was sooo fun!!!! YEAH!! STUDENTS ARE HERE!!! Let the year begin!
I am so excited to begin a new year with new students--- can you tell???
I am so excited to begin a new year with new students--- can you tell???

The Albion InterVarsity students took some time on Thursday to chalk the campus welcoming first year students to campus. We want InterVarsity to be the first name that students and their parents see when they arrive.

Elizabeth: "InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Welcomes YOU"

"IVCF is Glad that YOU are HERE!" Keep posted for more New Student Outreach Events!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
NSO has officially begun!
New Student Outreach (NSO) is officially here! I met with some students last night and we were making postcards to give to incoming freshmen when they get here. More to come.....Keep praying for NSO!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
This should be a blog with much more substance, because I have been processing through a lot lately. I spent lots of time journaling, and processing through emotions and through things that the Lord is teaching me---but you will have to wait for that blog for a while.....For now, just a fun update.
I got my haircut yesterday. It is a really cute new do for me, and it looks sooo much cuter when I wear my hair straight, so buh bye curls (at least for now). And the funny thing is.....I have never really done my hair before---some mousse or gel, and thats it.....but with this hair cut I have to do a lot of work to it.
My sister-in-law to be had her bridal shower today. Fun Fun Fun, I lOVE Presents!
I spent two days at Brown City Camp, in good ole, Brown City, MI. I listened to one of my favorite people in the world.....Adrian Despres (www.kbm.org or www.adriandespres.com) I was greatly challenged by the speakers, and some of those things will be things that I will continue to process. It was a great time to try to talk to students about their opportunities to get involved in Christian Fellowships, specifically InterVarsity while they are away at school.
On a funding note, I am currently at 60%. I need to be at 70% to be on campus. I am excited as school is getting closeer, but then my flesh takes over, and I think that I will never be provided for. BUT God is faithful, and I believe that He will get me to where I need to be.
Please pray:
-Students are moving in next week
-For the soil to be softened, and for students hearts to be searching after the Lord
-For Jon and I to find a church to be a part of
-Continued fund development process :)
I got my haircut yesterday. It is a really cute new do for me, and it looks sooo much cuter when I wear my hair straight, so buh bye curls (at least for now). And the funny thing is.....I have never really done my hair before---some mousse or gel, and thats it.....but with this hair cut I have to do a lot of work to it.
My sister-in-law to be had her bridal shower today. Fun Fun Fun, I lOVE Presents!
I spent two days at Brown City Camp, in good ole, Brown City, MI. I listened to one of my favorite people in the world.....Adrian Despres (www.kbm.org or www.adriandespres.com) I was greatly challenged by the speakers, and some of those things will be things that I will continue to process. It was a great time to try to talk to students about their opportunities to get involved in Christian Fellowships, specifically InterVarsity while they are away at school.
On a funding note, I am currently at 60%. I need to be at 70% to be on campus. I am excited as school is getting closeer, but then my flesh takes over, and I think that I will never be provided for. BUT God is faithful, and I believe that He will get me to where I need to be.
Please pray:
-Students are moving in next week
-For the soil to be softened, and for students hearts to be searching after the Lord
-For Jon and I to find a church to be a part of
-Continued fund development process :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Scriptures that Keep me Going!
There are times in the midst of this summer, as I prepare for ministry in the fall that I feel inadequate, I feel nervous and unprepared...BUT I love that God gives me scripture to remind me of the hope to which He has called me!
"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- that is that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other." Rom 1:11-12 My hope for this ministry on campus, is that the Christian would be encouraged by each other as we do the work of the Lord on campus, learning together, fellowshipping together, and living life together.
"Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well." 1 Thess. 2:8 This verse describes what I will be doing on staff. I already love my students so much. I love them and want to share my life with them. I want to be a source of encouragement and counseling. I don't want to simply share the Gospel with them and ask for a response, but to model the Gospel in the way that I live me life. I want to invite students into our home, to be a part of ourl ives, and through that the Gospel will be lived out :)
"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- that is that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other." Rom 1:11-12 My hope for this ministry on campus, is that the Christian would be encouraged by each other as we do the work of the Lord on campus, learning together, fellowshipping together, and living life together.
"Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well." 1 Thess. 2:8 This verse describes what I will be doing on staff. I already love my students so much. I love them and want to share my life with them. I want to be a source of encouragement and counseling. I don't want to simply share the Gospel with them and ask for a response, but to model the Gospel in the way that I live me life. I want to invite students into our home, to be a part of ourl ives, and through that the Gospel will be lived out :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
State Finals
I just spent the weekend in Tecumseh, watching my little sister, Jalissa play for the St. Clair All Stars, in the State Finals. They played well and Jalissa pitched well despite a back/tailbone injury. It was fun to cheer her on and to watch these girls grow up and develop in their softball skills. I will give you some pics of Jalissa....
J, and Coach....oh yeah, my dad is the coach :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Anniversary
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Family, and other random things I have been up to
Fund Development has consumed most of my time. I love it! I love being able to share with people about this ministry and inviting them into partnership. It is such a privelege to be a part of this. For those of you wondering, I am currently at 55%. Please continue to pray for my funding.
This is a pool, in Rockford. Aunt Angie and Uncle Jose attend this pool, so we went and hung out. From the left, Noah, Meadow, Jalissa and Sophia. Noah and Sophia are my cousins, Jalissa, my sister, and Meadow is Heather's (cousin) daughter.
We might be sisters. :)
Jalissa was cooling KD off. She had a rough day. She tried to jump in the boat, and didn't jump high enough and fell back in the lake. And then when we were getting off the boat, she jumped to the dock, missed the dock, and fell off the boat. At least she was able to cool herself off!
Jalissa, counting her points, during her round of Ladder Golf. We are serious about this game....double elimination backets, could last a week to play.
When I am not with doing fund development, I am trying to spend some time with my family over the summer. My uncle, aunt, cousin and cousin's daughters came in from California, and we were able to visit at my grandma's house on the lake. Here are some

This is a pool, in Rockford. Aunt Angie and Uncle Jose attend this pool, so we went and hung out. From the left, Noah, Meadow, Jalissa and Sophia. Noah and Sophia are my cousins, Jalissa, my sister, and Meadow is Heather's (cousin) daughter.
Jalissa, enjoying the water.
Nolan became a professional kid-thrower. I must say, Sophia has some great form here!
We might be sisters. :)
Jalissa was cooling KD off. She had a rough day. She tried to jump in the boat, and didn't jump high enough and fell back in the lake. And then when we were getting off the boat, she jumped to the dock, missed the dock, and fell off the boat. At least she was able to cool herself off!
Auburn, Sophia, Jenna and Meadow.
The kids are doing a great job at being the audience for our 2nd Annual Watt Family Ladder Golf Competition.
Jalissa, counting her points, during her round of Ladder Golf. We are serious about this game....double elimination backets, could last a week to play.
Mom, during her game of Ladder Golf. She beat Jenna during this round. YEAH MOM!
Friday, June 29, 2007
"There have been times in my ministry when I felt that university campuses might well be among the most fruitful fields for evangelism. In visits to some fifty nations, I have found students to be attentive and usuallyy respectful, listeners to gospel preaching. In spite of some superficial collegiate fads, they are basically involved in a search for self-understanding, for a view of life that makes sense, and for a useful role in society. Without knowing it, in many cases, they long for a personal fulfillment that can be found in Christ as nowhere else." -Billy Graham
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I am Home:
And here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)
My family for 10 days. We stayed with our family groups for most of the time. We studied scripture together, ate meals together, prayed together and learned to be staff together. Starting from the back left; David (in the white shirt) he was on staff in the 80's, left to work at a church, and is back on staff and the Univeristy of North Carolina-Greensboro. Max is direction the Chicago Urban Project. Sarah is on staff at University of Idaho. Steve works in the National Service Center in human resources. Brad, was my small group leader, an area director in Virginia. The girl next to me, Allyson on staff with Boston College, and Melanie is on staff at University of San Diego working with fraternity and sorority students.

Kaya didn't want to leave. She kept getting in my suitcase while I was packing. Sorry, Kaya, can't take you with me :)

The rest of the pictures are how I spent my sabbath on Saturday. Tina and I went to lunch, and did some sight-seeing and shopping. We eventually landed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is right on this beautiful lake!!! Reminds me of St. Clair and being on the boardwalk.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Orientation for New Staff, Continuation of Day 8
I realized that I have not shared the Gospel in a while and I need to practice so I can clearly articualte it. We learned more ideas about proxe stations, and conversational evangelism. I am really excited to give my students a heart and passion for evangelism as we reach the out to the campus.
We went in partners and practiced some conversational evangelism. My partner and I went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is really close to our hotel. We had two really good conversations where we shared the Gospel. Neither accecpted Christ, but there were seeds planted. Pray for the man from Chile, and the two female students from UW, that they would come to know Jesus as Lord over their life.
Last night we played the chapter building game, which I have done before, but it was great to be reminded of how to be strategic with my time. The game is a series of things that you would do as a staff worker, and you have 48 hours to do it all in. Your goal is to figure out how to manage your time most strategically so that you will make the largest impact on campus. It is sooo important to have prayer, prayer for students and prayer for the campus. Please pray for me as I implement this into our daily lives on campus.
I get to see my husband tomorrow :)
I realized that I have not shared the Gospel in a while and I need to practice so I can clearly articualte it. We learned more ideas about proxe stations, and conversational evangelism. I am really excited to give my students a heart and passion for evangelism as we reach the out to the campus.
We went in partners and practiced some conversational evangelism. My partner and I went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is really close to our hotel. We had two really good conversations where we shared the Gospel. Neither accecpted Christ, but there were seeds planted. Pray for the man from Chile, and the two female students from UW, that they would come to know Jesus as Lord over their life.
Last night we played the chapter building game, which I have done before, but it was great to be reminded of how to be strategic with my time. The game is a series of things that you would do as a staff worker, and you have 48 hours to do it all in. Your goal is to figure out how to manage your time most strategically so that you will make the largest impact on campus. It is sooo important to have prayer, prayer for students and prayer for the campus. Please pray for me as I implement this into our daily lives on campus.
I get to see my husband tomorrow :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Day 7 and 8
Exhaustion is begining to take over. I have been here in Madison for 8 days, attending seminars all day long and becoming a tired :) I am plugging through though, almost done. We will be going hom on Wednesday.
On Sunday we focused on the value of building multi-ethnic witnessing communities. Before we could build multi-ethnic witnessing communities on campus, we had to know who we were ethnically and how that fit into the broad scheme of things. I am still wrestling with what it means to be white, and what I can offer to other cultures and what I can learn from other cultures.
I am also wrestling with what that looks like on the campus of Albion, being a mostly white school. How can I train students to reach out to every ethnicity and culture if the only ethnicity and culture they see is white upper class? I am jumping too far into this though, because I know that I have not spent enough time on campus to know what types of student groups there are. I need to get to know them better and find out who the student body is that I will be serving.
Sorry guys, time for bed, more on that later :)
On Sunday we focused on the value of building multi-ethnic witnessing communities. Before we could build multi-ethnic witnessing communities on campus, we had to know who we were ethnically and how that fit into the broad scheme of things. I am still wrestling with what it means to be white, and what I can offer to other cultures and what I can learn from other cultures.
I am also wrestling with what that looks like on the campus of Albion, being a mostly white school. How can I train students to reach out to every ethnicity and culture if the only ethnicity and culture they see is white upper class? I am jumping too far into this though, because I know that I have not spent enough time on campus to know what types of student groups there are. I need to get to know them better and find out who the student body is that I will be serving.
Sorry guys, time for bed, more on that later :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Day 6
Sabbath continues!! I had an amazing sabbath today. I slept in. This morning, the capitol turned into a farmer's market. I went down to the lobby to go to the market and found Tina, the Greek Staff Worker at Central Michigan University. We decided to go look at all the vendors and go to lunch. We joined with another Kristin and went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is a BEAUTIFUL campus!!! It is right on a lake. We spent some time there, reading, journaling and spending with the Lord.
While we were there, several bridal parties came and went, taking pictures near the water. It reminds me of being home in St. Clair and having everyone come near the water. I miss it. To me water is home, and it is hard to be away. Water is refreshing and where I meet the Lord.
One thing I have truly gained from my time in InterVarsity is the importance of taking a sabbath each week. I have always been taught about sabbath taking, but never before have I seen a group of people practice it like InterVarsity staff. I have learned that it doesn't have to be on a particular day of the week, but it is more of a time for rest, reflection on Christ, and what He has done and is doing. It is a time to do things that you enjoy, that bring you rest, when you may not have the time to do it during the week. I am not perfect at taking a sabbath, but I am learning and growing in this. It is definitely a habit I want to instill in my family!
While we were there, several bridal parties came and went, taking pictures near the water. It reminds me of being home in St. Clair and having everyone come near the water. I miss it. To me water is home, and it is hard to be away. Water is refreshing and where I meet the Lord.
One thing I have truly gained from my time in InterVarsity is the importance of taking a sabbath each week. I have always been taught about sabbath taking, but never before have I seen a group of people practice it like InterVarsity staff. I have learned that it doesn't have to be on a particular day of the week, but it is more of a time for rest, reflection on Christ, and what He has done and is doing. It is a time to do things that you enjoy, that bring you rest, when you may not have the time to do it during the week. I am not perfect at taking a sabbath, but I am learning and growing in this. It is definitely a habit I want to instill in my family!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Days 4 and 5
"The Sabbath teaches grace in a deep, experiential way. Perhaps more than anything else, in our time, we need grace. We need to rest in the reality that our lives do not oridinate with us, that all love comes to us as a gift and that God's grace surrounds and fills us. God's love and favor come to us not because we deserve them but because of who God is." From Sabbath Keeping by Lynne Baab, InterVarsity Press
Tonight starts our sabbath. I am so excited to have a sabbath, to rest and regroup. I went to dinner at a pub with my family group tonight. It was fun to get to know each other even better. Not sure my plans for tomorrow, but I will sure update!
Yesterday was so encouraging!!! I was able to talk to several people to invite them into partnership in this ministry!!! I was making phone calls and working in Lisa Espineli Chin's office. She is kind of my "InterVarsity Hero." Her office was so cozy and homey and she left a note for us, and some candy. Today I actually had a chance to meet her, give her a hug and chat a little bit. I was thrilled!
Today we learned how to write prayer letters....YEAH!!! Aren't you all excited to be getting them? I am excited to share with you about what God is doing on campus!
We went to the National office for InterVarsity today. It was interesting to meet all the people that work there, and to get tons of free stuff.
Sorry, not much to update on :)
Tonight starts our sabbath. I am so excited to have a sabbath, to rest and regroup. I went to dinner at a pub with my family group tonight. It was fun to get to know each other even better. Not sure my plans for tomorrow, but I will sure update!
Yesterday was so encouraging!!! I was able to talk to several people to invite them into partnership in this ministry!!! I was making phone calls and working in Lisa Espineli Chin's office. She is kind of my "InterVarsity Hero." Her office was so cozy and homey and she left a note for us, and some candy. Today I actually had a chance to meet her, give her a hug and chat a little bit. I was thrilled!
Today we learned how to write prayer letters....YEAH!!! Aren't you all excited to be getting them? I am excited to share with you about what God is doing on campus!
We went to the National office for InterVarsity today. It was interesting to meet all the people that work there, and to get tons of free stuff.
Sorry, not much to update on :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Day 3
Calling all Alum!!!!
If you are reading this and you are an alumnus from Albion College, I want to connect with you. I want to update you on what is happening in the chapter, send you alumni newsletters, and have alumni events. If anyone is interested in helping me coordinate this, it would be great!!!
This morning was sooo hard for me to stay awake. I did not sleep well last night and it really showed during our morning sessions. Today we talked about partnerships in ministry. It was so encouraging to know that I am partnering with other people as they give financially and prayerfully so that this ministry can exist on campus.
We had seminars in the afternoon. I attended "Women in Ministry" and "How to Integrate Fund Development and Campus Work." It was useful to hear the tricks of the trade and what has worked well for other people.
Each day here, we get a free book. YEAH! That means it just adds to the books that I am yet to read. I love InterVarsity Press. They truly print some quality material, books that challenge me in my walk with God, and challenge me in my mind and are a challenge and encouragement to students. Today the book of the day was "Finding God at Harvard." It is all about Christian thought and what is means to think christianly. I am excited to read that.
Tonight we had a table discussion at dinner about how to minister to alum. I am really excited about this part of my job. I have already had a chance to talk with some of the Albion alumni and they have been a huge source of encouragement. I am eager to hear their stories of how InterVarsity has impacted their lives. I look forward to serving you guys and getting to know you better!!
Best part of tonight.....free Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!! I had half baked frozen yogurt for those who care:) There is a Ben and Jerry's store down the street from our hotel.
If you are reading this and you are an alumnus from Albion College, I want to connect with you. I want to update you on what is happening in the chapter, send you alumni newsletters, and have alumni events. If anyone is interested in helping me coordinate this, it would be great!!!
This morning was sooo hard for me to stay awake. I did not sleep well last night and it really showed during our morning sessions. Today we talked about partnerships in ministry. It was so encouraging to know that I am partnering with other people as they give financially and prayerfully so that this ministry can exist on campus.
We had seminars in the afternoon. I attended "Women in Ministry" and "How to Integrate Fund Development and Campus Work." It was useful to hear the tricks of the trade and what has worked well for other people.
Each day here, we get a free book. YEAH! That means it just adds to the books that I am yet to read. I love InterVarsity Press. They truly print some quality material, books that challenge me in my walk with God, and challenge me in my mind and are a challenge and encouragement to students. Today the book of the day was "Finding God at Harvard." It is all about Christian thought and what is means to think christianly. I am excited to read that.
Tonight we had a table discussion at dinner about how to minister to alum. I am really excited about this part of my job. I have already had a chance to talk with some of the Albion alumni and they have been a huge source of encouragement. I am eager to hear their stories of how InterVarsity has impacted their lives. I look forward to serving you guys and getting to know you better!!
Best part of tonight.....free Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!! I had half baked frozen yogurt for those who care:) There is a Ben and Jerry's store down the street from our hotel.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Day 2
I am an introvert and I get energized by spending time alone. Today I have been wrestling about what that looks like as a staff worker. There are areas of my job that will require me to be extroverted, that will require me to step outside of my comfort zone into a new place of discomfort. This makes me excited! Not the fact that I am getting rid of my introverted self, but that God is able to stretch me behind my selfish thoughts and desires to care for students.
Today was a good day. Sounds generic and boring but it really was. I got a great night of sleep last night. By the way, I have a great roommate from Virginia. She likes to sleep with the airconditiong on, a girl after my own heart. (Sorry for the tangent:)) Anyways, on to the day....
It stated with prayer and Bible study, specifically studying Psalm 1. We talked about the difference between the righteous and the wicked. Tom Boyle and Alec Hill (Alec is InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's President) talked to up about the Heritage and Vision of IVCF. During lunch we were on our own, and I took advantage of having some time for myself. I went to lunch and spent some time at the Capitol, well at a bench and in the Capitol lawn doing some much needed journaling! The rest of the afternoon was about the Ministry of Fund Development. We had a panel of donors come in and tell us why they give. It was very helpful and encouraging.
Tonight was an emotional night. Two staff shared their stories about their parents disapproval and lack of blessing, of their desicion to go on staff with InterVarsity. After their time of sharing, they asked if we could pray for those staff who are having struggle with their parents. It was so emotional as I saw the real pain of my coworkers whose parents were ashamed of their call to full time ministry. I am so grateful that my parents and Jon's parents have supported me and have been an active part of my team. Please pray for these men and women. Pray that God would do a work in their families, as well as give them the confidence and approval in Him that they need to do the work that they are called to do.
Today was a good day. Sounds generic and boring but it really was. I got a great night of sleep last night. By the way, I have a great roommate from Virginia. She likes to sleep with the airconditiong on, a girl after my own heart. (Sorry for the tangent:)) Anyways, on to the day....
It stated with prayer and Bible study, specifically studying Psalm 1. We talked about the difference between the righteous and the wicked. Tom Boyle and Alec Hill (Alec is InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's President) talked to up about the Heritage and Vision of IVCF. During lunch we were on our own, and I took advantage of having some time for myself. I went to lunch and spent some time at the Capitol, well at a bench and in the Capitol lawn doing some much needed journaling! The rest of the afternoon was about the Ministry of Fund Development. We had a panel of donors come in and tell us why they give. It was very helpful and encouraging.
Tonight was an emotional night. Two staff shared their stories about their parents disapproval and lack of blessing, of their desicion to go on staff with InterVarsity. After their time of sharing, they asked if we could pray for those staff who are having struggle with their parents. It was so emotional as I saw the real pain of my coworkers whose parents were ashamed of their call to full time ministry. I am so grateful that my parents and Jon's parents have supported me and have been an active part of my team. Please pray for these men and women. Pray that God would do a work in their families, as well as give them the confidence and approval in Him that they need to do the work that they are called to do.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Orientation for New Staff Day 1
Everyone loves a good old fashioned road trip right? Last night Tina and Lisa arrived in Albion and we left this morning for good ol' Madison, Wisconsin where we will be having our Orientation for New Staff. We hit a lot of construction traffic which put us behind. And who knew you could never find a gas station on a toll road (even if you get off the toll road to area roads). Thank God that we did not run out of gas. The trip was great.
We got into town before 5 pm and were able to get settled into our hotel room. It is a great hotel, overlooking the capitol. It is so beautiful. We are being catered with some great food. It makes me miss my hubby :)
Tonight was just the introduction night. I sat with a man that works at InterVarsity Press, and he had some great life stories and wisdom to share. Speaking of InterVarsity Press, we get a free book each day here---so that means I need to get to reading them. Look forward to future posts, and conversations about the books I read.
After introductions and basic instructions, we had family group time, getting to know people that we will be spending lots of time with in the next 10 days. I have people in my group from all over the country, and it is great to get to know each and every one of them.
PRAISE GOD!!!! I am currently at 49% of my funding. Thanks to all who have given, or will be giving to support this ministry! I believe that God will bless both the gift and the giver!!!!!
And the adventure continues.......
Everyone loves a good old fashioned road trip right? Last night Tina and Lisa arrived in Albion and we left this morning for good ol' Madison, Wisconsin where we will be having our Orientation for New Staff. We hit a lot of construction traffic which put us behind. And who knew you could never find a gas station on a toll road (even if you get off the toll road to area roads). Thank God that we did not run out of gas. The trip was great.
We got into town before 5 pm and were able to get settled into our hotel room. It is a great hotel, overlooking the capitol. It is so beautiful. We are being catered with some great food. It makes me miss my hubby :)
Tonight was just the introduction night. I sat with a man that works at InterVarsity Press, and he had some great life stories and wisdom to share. Speaking of InterVarsity Press, we get a free book each day here---so that means I need to get to reading them. Look forward to future posts, and conversations about the books I read.
After introductions and basic instructions, we had family group time, getting to know people that we will be spending lots of time with in the next 10 days. I have people in my group from all over the country, and it is great to get to know each and every one of them.
PRAISE GOD!!!! I am currently at 49% of my funding. Thanks to all who have given, or will be giving to support this ministry! I believe that God will bless both the gift and the giver!!!!!
And the adventure continues.......
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Planning Weekend 2007
Friday and Saturday, myself, Pastor John and 6 other students spent the weekend seeking the Lord for His heart for the campus and developing plans for the next semester. We spent time in prayer, Bible Study, learning God's heart. We cast a vision and developed plans to reach the campus (and enjoyed lots of food:) )
Sorry for the fuzzy photo, but I wanted to give you all a picture of what Pastor John looks like. He has been a great blessing to me and an amazing liason for me and the community!
A brief recap....
-Discussed who we were and what we were called to do. We believe that God has called us to be witnesses on the campus to influence the campus for Christ.
-Studied Jonah 3:10-4:14. We saw God's heart was for Ninevah to repent from their evil ways and for Jonah to be used as an instrument of repentance. We saw that this could be God's heart for Albion as well. That we should desire to see repentance, and like Jonah, challenged to be obedient with that call.
-Spent time in prayer for our campus. We prayed for our influence and our plans. We also prayed for those in our lives who do not yet know Christ.
-Discussed our niche in the Christian community.
-Came up with our mission statement for the year:
"The purpose of seeking out Christians and encouraging them to join a community where they will be spiritually challenged, as well as establishing a body that is a welcoming, wtinessing community to reach out to the unbelievers on our campus."
We all signed our mission statement as a representation for our commitment to the campus and our desire to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed and world changers developed!
Spent most of the day making plans for the year.
-We are praying for 3 Small Group Bible Studies. We currently have 2. We are thinking and praying about the idea of having a pre-med Bible study, asking questions about medical ethics. As we were sitting around the table planning, it was a clear direction that we should be praying, with 4 premed students on our vision team.
-High emphasis on freshmen outreach. We desire to see the Christian freshmen plugged in and having a place for evangelistic outreach.
-We will be having a weekly leadership team, that I will lead, continue to develop a vision for the campus, train in leadership skills, discipleship. Together we will be praying for the campus.
-We will have one fellowship event a month that is designed for us to spend time in outreach!
-In October we want to have a speaker come in from the community to talk about racisim. "The Issue of Racism: The Role of the Local Church." I am very excited for this event!!!
-We want to have some events that we can invite high school students to be a part of. It was brought up this week that it is a high need in the community to have high schools students plugged in with older students.
Here are some pictures of the weekend!

This is Jon, a religion major, a junior, and Elizabeth's boyfriend. I am not sure if he is hiding from the picture, or engrossed in scripture!
This is Kwame (his name means "Saturday") He is a junior from Ghana. He is an amazing man after God's own heart and has been a blessing to me. He is an RA this year, which will be great for us to have someone who knows a lot of freshmen and have connections with Residential Life!
This is William and he is DEFINITLY hiding from this picture!
-That the students would continue to develop a heart for unbelievers and a vision to reach the campus
-A possible pre-med bible study?
-1 more small group leader
-students would grow over the summer in their walk with God
-I am leaving for Madison, WI on Monday the 18th and will be gone for 10 days. Pray for safe travel, good fellowship and that I would retain all that I learn. I am there for New Staff Orientation.
-My continued funding process. I am currently at 35%.
Peace out!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I am finally back at home in Albion! It has been a while and have missed Jon and Kaya, so much (Kaya is our baby---our CAT baby!)
For the past three weeks I have been back at home in St. Clair doing some fund development and then in beautiful Cedar Campus for our Annual "Chapter Focus Week." Fund development has been going fairly well. I trust that God will provide, because He cares for these students and this ministry more than I do. I am currently at 21%.
Chapter Focus Week was very different for me. There were 3 Albion students that came with me and God was really moving. I was able to clearly share the Gospel with one student. We had a great conversation. He is having a hard time grappling with the concept of evangelism. As we talked I had told him that if Jesus is really who we believe He is, the savior of the world, the giver of life, Redeemer, Reconciler and Life Giver, why would we not want to share that with other people? He did not make a desicion to follow Christ, but I believe it was a big step. He is living with a God-fearing Christian this summer and I am excited to see what comes out of their time together. Please pray for his salvation and his growing relationship with the Lord.
Another student has been numb from emotion for years. She hasn't allowed herself to feel feelings, or to be real to herself, or anyone else for that matter. For the first time in a long time, she broke down in tears and was able to share some real emotion. Please pray for her to continue to feel emotion, to be honest with herself and before the Lord as she begins to process some things.
And yet another student is heavily dealing with his past, concerning sexual sin. I valued and appreciated his openness throughout the week.
Throughout the week I was able to talk to several staff that were so encouraging and insightful. I talked staff at small schools, and those who have done chapter plants. When I decided to come to Albion, I thought that I would be building a small chapter up, but i believe that God is leading me to rid the chapter of the things that are dead and to start over. Please pray for me in this process. I need a lot of wisdom!!!!
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