My house is quiet right now. Seriously quiet. The only noise I hear is my cat purring. #introvertsdream #2kidsnapping. Ahhh, sweet sweet bliss!
I have blue nail polish on my toes right now. I love it. Yay summer.
I am absolutely obsessed with having a baby girl in my house. I mean, seriously. DYING over the pink, and bows, and headbands. Aside from the sheer cuteness of this baby. LOVE!
Speaking of which, there is no news on Chicky Baby. Still in the waiting period for the courts. She is definitely a part of our family. Yesterday Jon and Caleb went to church before Chicky and I. I was feeding Chicky on the couch and Caleb brought her some of his toys and said, "I am leaving now, but I will let you have my toys. Don't be sad."
Again. I die.
And today, they were laying on a blanket together. I got my camera out and started snapping pics. Caleb said, "Ok good. Take a picture of us, because we are best friends." He gave her a big kiss and said, "Isn't that right girl? We are best friends."
I am so glad that Caleb is having lots of cute moments, because this season of life is pretty hard right now. He picked up a lot of behavioral issues from G, our 9 year old foster son that was with us. It has been hard undoing those things. We have been back and forth on wondering what is going on. Are we bad parents? Is he stubborn? Is he harder than normal kids? Is this whole stage normal? The more we looked at it, and observed him, the more we could see how he is mirroring G. G would get physically and verbally violent when he was angry. And so does Caleb.
So, in the mean time, mom is coping by taking naps. Seriously. If you know me at all, you know I like sleep. And if you really know me, you know that my main coping mechanism is sleep. Sooooo......I took 2-3 naps last week, and I can guarantee I will have a nap today.
I started running. Again. I hate the starting/stopping. I love running, just don't have the discipline to do it everyday. And I don't have a two kid jogging stroller, and C isn't great on a bike. That leaves going when Jon gets home, and well, sometimes I have stuff to do then.
Last week, the InterVaristy students that I work with went to camp without me. I stayed home and cared for Chicky baby. It was one of the hardest decisions. I am still not sure I made the right decision. It was hard. I LOVE camp week. It is such a great week to be right on the front lines of God working in the lives of college students. I love that there are hours of teaching that I get to be a part of. I love the exposition times. And I missed it this week.
And there you have it friends....a very random update:)