Thursday, January 31, 2013

I guess it's time.....

Some of my readers (all 2 of you) have been asking about why I haven't been blogging lately. I am actually really shocked, didn't know people actually read this thing. I do enjoy blogging, it is really helpful for me to document life's events and to remember all that we are doing.

A new month is starting tomorrow, and well....I would like to get back into blogging.  I am going to start giving quick bullet points on life.

  • We are stinkin tired at this house. Jon and I are not sleeping. The boys are taking turns staying up all night, as well as home life, work life etc....sleep is so not happening. I am so sick of it. I hit my wall this week. I was up with a crying baby around 1:30am one night and Jon had to take over. I felt bad because he had to wake up at 3am, but I was done. One can only live on no sleep for so long. 
  • I am dying to put some huge effort and time into building this photography business. It is going to take work...and well, I am too tired:) 
  • A new semester has started! I love my job and love my student leaders. 
  • We are praying and seeking adoption again. When we ask Caleb if he wants a brother or a sister, he says he wants a chicken. We have moved on. Now he wants a sister and wants to name her chicken. 
  • I haven't scrap booked in a year, but I did some with a student last weekend and it was amazing. That is definitely going to have to happen again. 
  • Being a foster parent is the single most character shaping thing that I have ever done. I only wish that my character was what I wanted it to be. Lord, change me! 
  • My niece, my beautiful one and only niece is turning one this week. AH! 
  • I want to move. Still not sure what the Lord wants on this, but I want a different house. 
  • We have a new minivan. I LOVE it. I never thought I would love being a minivan mom, but those designers knew what they were doing. Except that my doors don't open sometimes. That makes me crazy insane. I mean, seriously. I have two kids in car seats. Do you know HOW HARD it is to get two kids in car seats through the drivers seat? Man, I need a nap just thinking about it.
  • I have a three year old now. A three year old! 

So my friends and blog readers....what do you want to read about?