Wednesday, December 3, 2008
All Campus Christmas Worship Service
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving 08
-My husband. I will forever be thankful for the love that he gives me. He is the love of my life and never ever want to do life without my best friend.
-Ending my first year on staff at Albion well. It was a hard year, but God was faithful.
-Affordable housing, the ability to pay our bills, give to the expansion of the Gospel, and even splurge our ourselves
-a great new friendship with Melissa, and a new nephew :)
-the mere thought that Jon and I would be able to buy a house
-my cats, yes, I know that I am cheesy, but I love cuddling with them
-pumpkin spice creamer
-experiencing the healing of the Lord as I deal with anxiety and depression, and waiting in great expectancy of the Lord's renewal and healing
-a great Compelling conference with InterVarsity students from the state of Michigan. It was a great time to have the Lord move and work in the lives of students. It was so encouraging to see them catch the vision and to care about kingdom values.
-Sweet staff team during SLT. Seriously, best staff ever! Let's do it again.....
-God being faithful, answering prayers and sustaining me during SLT that will love and support us, make us laugh, come to Albion to look at possible houses
-cell phones....makes it great to talk to my family on a daily basis. What? I love them. Deal with it.
-FACEBOOK! Seriously, what else could be so great in stalking all of your friends and keeping tabs on them!
-God's word. My love for God's word has been renewed. I love studying scripture. I love teaching scripture. I love learning more about scripture. EVERYTHING. LOVE IT.
-My bed. I love my down mattress, and down blankets, it makes it so nice to stay in bed all day.
-The peace I feel with my journal, and the ability to process all of my feelings on the pages of a simple journal
-The Meyer's Briggs Personality Inventory, it is so helpful in dealing with people, learning that we are all different, and have different ways of viewing things, and making decisions.
-Finding a home church. It has been such a process and a hard road, but God has led us to First Baptist, and we absolutely love it and feel at home.
-My students this year. I have had so much fun getting to know them and see their potentional.
-The Lord keeping me safe while my van was totaled by a UPS truck.
-A husband who walks through life with me, helps me, stands by me, gives me selfless love.
-The people who continue to support me in ministry through prayer and financial support. I want you all to know that you are part of my team. I love you dearly and could not do ministry without you.
-Coffee Tumblers
-Ice Cream
-A visit from Krista when she came back to the motherland :)
-God's forgiveness, redemption and reconcilation
-God allows me to feel how I need to feel. I am able to come before Him in complete brokeness and He brings reconciliation.
-The Holy Spirit's leading and guiding.
-A kitchen table that expands so that we can have people over and eat.
-A husband that cooks so we can have people over and eat.
-A good glass of wine.
-I am thankful that I can sing a joyful noise unto the Lord, even if it isn't joyful to anyone else.
-My camera and the joy that it brings me to take pictures
-The amazing training that InterVarsity gives its staff
-A great breakfast chat with Amber today.....cheers to a new friend
-God's provision
-The love that I have for my students
-Guilty pleasure tv shows
-Enjoying time up at the lake this summer, where Jon experienced many firsts with my family...even though he has been a part of the family for about 8 years.
-the power of prayer
-air conditioning
-Cedar Campus.....well, looking at it through a window
-greeting cards
-indoor plumbing
-getting to go shopping with the missions folk at First Baptist. I felt so blessed and cared for
-Getting super cheap copies at Crossroads.....and Sarah......sacrificing her time. Thanks SARILOU!
-Late night conversations
-The way that music ministers to me
Have I missed anything?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Compelling 08 Updated
Grand Valley
Western Michigan University
Hope College
Kalamazoo College
Grand Rapids Community College
Delta College
Central Michigan University
Michigan State University
Albion College
Hillsdale College
UM Flint
UM Dearborn
UM Ann Arbor
Oakland University
Wayne State University
During the conference, I was a part of "Sexy on the Inside" (a seminar). Each student chose a track/seminar that they were to be a part of...
Sexy on the Inside
Windows to the World---learning the Christian Worldview
Philippians--- inductive study of the book of Philippians
Missional Prayer
Leadership Essentials
The Joy of Following Jesus
Finding God
Duing the Sexy on the Inside track, we learned about God's design of human sexuality, and unfortunately it has been broken. Many students had a chance to come before the Lord, and admit past mistakes, and hurts, in their lives, including sexual promiscuity, sexual abuse, temptations, etc. It was a joy to watch them seek the
Picture to the right....a cross. Students had a chance to write down their hurts, sins, things done to them....anything that they needed healing from. They wrote them down, and tacked them to the cross, signifying that Jesus has control of their situation, and they no longer need to hold onto it.
Students had a chance to worship God through artwork
Some of my favorite moments:
-Students are committing to prayer!
-Relationships were built!
-Students began to see the truth in the kingdom of God and were excited about telling people about it on campus.
-Saturday night we had chapter time. I arrived at chapter time late, but only a few minutes, and one of the seniors had started leading it. It was so encouraging to see leadership development work!!! This leader asked students what they would like to see in the chapter back on campus. They all shared and then spent lots of time in prayer. Then, this leader shared his concerns with the chapter, that he feels that students are not committed and therefore we will always lack growth. This leader challenged them to make a commitment to the chapter and being a part of its growth. And then...this leader had us meet in our campus small groups to evaluate how we were doing and what we could do to better reach the campus!!! WHAT???? This made my heart swell with joy, encouragement, as I thought....this is why I do what I do---to help students develop their own leadership. These students are going to be leaders in YOUR churches!
Thank you so much for making this possible. It is because of your prayers and financial support that this is possible. Thank you.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Speaking of commitments, I spoke at Albion's chapel service last night. It is a place where about 40 students come to worship, and hear a message. My message was called "Seeing your campus as a Mission Field." I asked all of the students to commit to a list of things.....many committed to praying for their lost friends, many committed to being a missional Christian on campus and some even said that they wanted to learn more about Jesus! I am hoping to do some great follow up and meet with each of these students. Pray that they would want to meet with me, and that I can start forming a relationship with even more students!
Monday, November 3, 2008
N or S?
You see, I have to give a talk on campus this week, and I have the big picture all planned out, but am having trouble plugging in the details....yes, miss detail is having trouble filling in the details.
Today was spent mostly at home....getting lots of prep work done for Small Group, Compelling (Fall Conference) a talk I am doing on campus, phone calls, emails, etc. A good day with lots of coffee.
And...I still want to buy the house.....please pray that God blesses us!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday Home Cooked Meals
Jon's parents came and visited today. It was great to see them. We took them through the "potential house." The house that we really would like to buy. Pray that we do!
So what would you guys like to hear about this I blog everyday?
UPS drama
I was driving and out of nowhere a UPS truck ran through a stop sign..result a totaled car, but absolutely NO INJURIES! Praise the Lord for protecting, both myself and the UPS driver. I do not take safety lightly at all. It was all God!
It is national blogging month.....that means, I am going to try to post one post each day for the month....and today counts as Nov 1, because I still haven't gone to sleep yet!
Monday, October 6, 2008
"How do we talk to our friends about Jesus?"
We studied Mark 4:1-25, the passage that talks about the 4 Soils. We were talking about good soil bearing fruit and what that would really look like. Somehow, all of the girls started asking similiar questions or making statements like.... "I am not afraid to say I am a christian, but I am afraid to talk about Jesus." "How can I tell someone that Jesus is the only way?" "How can I get into a conversation about Jesus?" "What if I miss the opportunity? Will God bring another one?"
What a treat to a) have real conversation b) to have people who really have a desire to see their friends come to faith but have no idea how to do it c) it gives me a place to start with them as far as discipleship and training.
Ministry Update...
-Meeting new freshmen
-new freshmen in Small Group Bible Studies
-Training leaders, and watching them develop and use their leadership skills
-3 Small Group Bible Studies!
-Starting a Greek ministry
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Weekend of Firsts...
-first time up at the lake in the summer since we have been married
-first time on the waverunner
-first time eating Grandma Watt's homemade chocolate cake and buttercream frosting
-first time eating at Antler's
-first time getting lost on the lake on the boat, in the dark
-first time golfing with dad and jose
-first time at the Highlands golf course
It was a great weekend!
Friday, August 22, 2008
It has been far too long!
NSO (New Student Outreach) has officially started. Today freshmen moved in, and I certainly got my work out helping them! I think that I will be sore in the morning. Freshmen are extremely busy all weekend with orientation seminars and events.
-Making relationships among new students and freshmen.
-Meeting and building relationships with missional christians
-A chance to have spiritual conversations
YEAH!!! I am so excited to be starting off the new year!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Too much cat hair
I spent well over an hour vacuuming every nook and cranny of the house, getting rid of cat hair. Does that mean that having two cats is too many?
As I pack, I am laying everything out on the guest bag, ontop of plastic bags, and then plastic bags over the stuff, so I don't take cat hair up north with me. Stupid cats. But....I love them. To death. They are my children. Yes, I am pathetic.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thankful Thursday #18
-Electricity......we have lost power a lot this week, and I kept going around the house, turning on lights, and the radio and such, and's important and i like it
-FRIENDS.....I am increasingly aware of how bad i am at relationships and i am happy for the people who stand beside me
-a new cell phone that works when I call my husband
-God answering prayers that i have prayed for ministry on campus
-a great time with Kwame, he is such a blessing in my life
-watching albion students slip and slide on the quad on a hot day
-I am thankful that there is nothing good on tv in the summer, and it forces me to do other things to fill my time
-my God is a God of reconciliation
-Jon has been taking some time off this week to spend with me before I leave for SLT, and it has been amazing
-an amazing morning with Doug and PTom. I received a call from another IV staff member who was in town, and wanted to have coffee. There was an area pastor who also wanted to meet with us. It was encouraging to share some things that were happening on campus :)
-a reminder that God keeps his promises
-the power of scripture
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Slip and Slide Ministry
Yesterday, I went to campus, to spend some time praying, and remembering why I love campus ministry, and I saw a bunch of people on slip and slides, and thought... "So this is what Albion students do in the summer? Maybe we should start a slip and slide ministry."
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thankful Thursday #17
-spending time with Brendan and Lois on Friday
-spending time with family this past week
-a great conversation with Mrs. B and Jamie
-good conversations with friends (Sarah, Sharon, Joni, Heather, Joe, Autumn, Jamie, Mrs. B, Ang, )
-Sue's coffee house
-the boardwalk in St. Clair
-Joni Buhler
-an extended time with Jenna this week
-Old Navy gift cards
-graduation party cake
- Joe's surprise party, it was great to catch up with a bunch of people
-Jason's open house.....again, great to catch up with people
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thankful (Thursday) #16
-kids who make Jon and I smile, namely Zach:)
-my husband's love for children, and how I know that he will be a great amazing dad someday!
-books who challenge me even though sometimes I would like to throw them across the room because they challenge me a little too much
-power--as in electricity. It is one of those that you don't know how much you appreciate it until it is gone.
-the sweet feeling of air conditioning
-NOT having gall stones! It was sure a lot of pain, but thankfully it was not as serious as they had thought.
-God reminding me of his promises for me.
-Learning what podcasts are
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thankful Thursday #15
-Krissy's beautiful wedding. I am thankful for the gift of marriage, and being able to celebrate with Krissy on her special day.
-Spending time with Sarah and Autumn, as well as a bunch of other old and new friends this weekend. It was great to catch up and be able to put my guard down.
-Gaucho pants
-InterVarsity staff ....truly men and women that are used by the Lord in ENORMOUS ways! I am grateful for how they respond to the spirit and how I am constantly learning new things in their presence.
-Coffee and creamer....french vanilla to be exact :)
-Beautiful mornings to wake up to
-Carpooling to conferences
-An amazing staff conference on multi-ethnicity
-Learning how God deeply loves all people and all nations
-The word of God coming to life as I spend more and more time studying it
-A great lunch with Rachel---a time to catch up and have fun:)
-Ram's teaching about Abraham
-God's promises to Abraham, Jacob, and myself
-God's provision
-God's plans are not derailed because of my failure
-In the grand scheme of things, I am a mere piece of poop, and yet the Lord uses me and continues to use me
Monday, June 2, 2008
Regional Staff Conference #1
The drive here was much shorter than I had anticipated. We had a lot of introductory stuff today and it was fun to see everyone and get the conference started.
The theme of the week is "Establishing and Building Multi-ethnic Witnessing Communities." We will be talking about different ethnic issues in the hopes of applying what we learn on campus.
Look forward to more updates:)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thankful Thursday #14
Thanking God this week for...
-a renewed love and passion for studying God's word. It is coming alive and I feel like I am looking at it with new eyes.
-InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I LOVE the ministry to college students, I think that the staff are amazing and I am so privileged to be working with these men and women. They inspire me like crazy!
-Jon's arm is healing, and he is not feeling the pain of the burn.
-God's financial provision.
-Nice weather, so I can be out walking and exercising in the community.
-Great conversations, that challenge me
-Time with my family, they are pretty much amazing!
-A job that allows a balance between work and rest in the summer.
-My husband's constant love for me.
-The beauty that I can see through the lens of a camera.
-Chapter Focus Week....students caught the vision of campus ministry. I am sooo sooo excited to hit the ground running in the fall on campus!!
-Things with Jon's job is going really well. I am thankful that he is able to keep his job, grow in his career, and that the owner wants to invest in this place!
A Long Time of Coming!
I have not wrote much in a while, but here is a recap on what has been happening.
-I secretly want to be a runner, but don't run, so I figure I should start out slow and start walking. I have been walking 2-3 miles, 3-4 days a week, working on walking longer and more often, and maybe it will turn into running, and maybe I will be one of those cool "speed walkers." Don't judge me!
-Jon burned his arm really bad at work. He has the worst second degree burn that you can get before it turns into third degree. It is healing really well. He was going to the doctor every single day, and now he is only going 1-2 times a week. He will be able to take his bandages off on Father's Day!
-Spent a week at Cedar Campus for Chapter Focus Week. It was a great week, and I am super excited about doing ministry at Albion next fall! I am sure that God has called me to this school and I am excited to put tons of energy into it. I would love to share more if you are interested!!!
-Spent Memorial Day weekend with my family in Holland, MI. Jalissa had a softball tournament, and then we went to grandma's (on the lake) for memorial day, which of course, consisted of crazy ladder golf tournaments.
-Read another Jodi Piccoult book...LOVE her!!! (My Sister's Keeper--recommend it, of course!)
-drove a smart car....yup, needs no keys to start it, just push a button.
-my love for photography is growing and growing. I am still looking for people to be guinea pigs!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thankful Thursday #13
-new scholarship money in the Albion account, for students to attend chapter focus week
-a new laser toy that makes it soooo fun to play with my cats
-health insurance
-Jon's burn that he got while at work is being treated and hopefully will heal
-ending the semester well
-3 students going to Chapter Focus Week
-God bringing me healing from a feeling a depression and weakness for the past year
-God giving me a vision for next year and making me really excited for the fall
-ice cream
-the satisfaction of a clean house
-new steps, that I hope I won't fall down and sprain my ankle
-the flexibility that I have in my job
-the partnership that fund development brings
-God bringing success to Jon's job
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Taking good training for granted
This week I am preparing for my week at Cedar Campus, for our annual chapter camp, known as Chapter Focus Week. I am a part of the Small Group Leader's Training track, and it is so fun to prep for my bible studies this week, for talks I will lead and just being a part of the track in its entirety.
I, by no means am new to small groups. I grew up in a cell based church and was very involved and received great training on how to lead and multiply cells. I love leading SG's in college and continue to love to lead as a staff member with IV.
BUT....who would have known that the time I take to prep for Chapter Focus Week would actually teach me something new, renew my love and passion for small groups, and get me excited about doing new things, doing better things in the fall? Can you believe it?? Well, I can, because that is just how God seems to work, but I really am enjoying this process of learning.
Anybody want to receive some great small group leader's training...? :)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thankful Thursday #12
-Every two weeks I get reminded how God provides for us, as we receive our paychecks.
-How Albion student organizations get money to use. It is a great blessing, helps us to buy supplies and go to conferences and retreats cheaper than normal.
-Seeing my family this weekend!!! Jenna, Mom, Aunt Denise and Grandma came out to Albion for the weekend to check out Jon's new place, eat some good food and of course see me because they love me!!!
-Receiving free books from IVP. Yeah for InterVarsity reading!
-InterVarsity staff that know far more than I do and can train.
-3 students going to Chapter Focus Week!
-A free upgrade on my next enterprise going to chapter focus week I will have an upgrade.
-Simple necessities like hot water and heat. We have been without hot water all week and I am grateful that we have had it in the past.
-God's mercy.
-I have screwed up so much and God does not kick me in the gut when I deserve it.
-Christian faculty on campus.
-The way God has created us.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday #11
-a great weekend in Mt. Pleasant with friends and family. Jalissa had fun playing her game at the CMU field, great to see Aaron and Kati and Jess :)
-the weather!!
-an amazing walk last night around the park in Jackson with Melissa and zach.....and the ice cream that followed.
-the fun that I have taking pictures, and the joy that it brings me
-a great staff retreat day on MSU's campus. I was able to set aside time to focus on reflection, prayer and simply being with the Lord.
-the way that God speaks to me, and brings gentle rebuke when I deserve lightning bolts.
-Jenna was safe!!!! Despite her SUV flipping 3 times on I-94 and tons of damage to her car, she walked away with a headache and seat belt burn.
-Long car rides with complete silence that allow me to be an introvert.
-Having a great conversation about Greek student ministry at Albion College
-The Lord continuing to call me to full time ministry.
-Caffeine---I realize that I have a small addiction, but it has really helped me stay awake lately.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thankful Thursday #10
-Great weather!
-The book of Acts
-we currently have two cars---and that may not always happen.
-I am wearing sandals out
-Jon's chocolate chip cookies
-The opportunity to meet some influential people at the college
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My Sister (and dad) are famous!
Kari Seddon and Tracy Kaatz will have some extra fans cheering for them Saturday afternoon at the Central Michigan University softball field.
Watching the Chippewas play a Mid-American Conference game against Akron will be the St. Clair Starz, a 12-and-under fast-pitch tournament softball team.
After the contest, the Starz will get the opportunity to play on the field against Back Door of Mount Pleasant.
"It's going to be unbelievable to play on their field," Starz Coach Jon Watt said. "It will be a neat situation for the girls."We were coming up to watch Kari play anyways, and when I talked with Margo (Jonker, CMU coach), she mentioned playing a game.
"I really thought they would stick us out back on one of the intramural fields."
The CMU-Akron game is scheduled for 2 p.m. After the game there is a reception at the field, which will be renamed Margo Jonker Field.
Seddon, a sophomore from St. Clair, pitches and plays first base. Kaatz, a Richmond grad, is a junior centerfielder and is ranked No. 2 nationally in steals per game.
The Starz and Back Door will play a six-inning contest after the reception.
"It would be really cool if Kari pitches," Watt said. "I think in softball they pitch whoever is hot, and she has been pitching very well.
"Before our all-star districts last year, Kari worked with our pitchers. The other girls also got to know her because she worked with many of them one-on-one."
The Starz, who are one of four youth fast-pitch softball teams in St. Clair, will play in six tournaments this summer.
Getting a jump on the outdoor season, the Starz competed in two indoor tournaments this winter. They won the Wixom Tournament with a 3-0 record and lost 4-2 to Middlebury, Ind., in the finals of the Grand Blanc Tournament.
Watt has entered the team in two tournaments in Richmond, one in Lake Orion, Mount Clemens, Plymouth Canton and Holland (Memorial Day weekend).
Rotating in the outfield are Karly Humes, Erin Kenny, Paige McComas, Allie Miller, Taylor Stone and Carlie Thueme of St. Clair. Thueme also plays on the infield.
The infield consists of Bailey Dembinski at catcher, Katie Lawson at first base, Haley Schweiger at second, shortstop Brittany Schweiger and Alex Heythaler at third.
Haley Schweiger attends St. Augustine Catholic School in Richmond.
The pitching staff is made up of Jalissa Watt, Brittany Schweiger and Lawson of Fort Gratiot.
Dean Schweiger and Michelle Lawson assists Watt.
Monday, April 14, 2008
This week is big week for Albion College. It is called "Awaken Week." Awaken Week is an opportunity to pray and bring spiritual awakening to the campus. Here are some of the events happening this week:
I will be leading a training event with InterVarsity students on how to lead a Proxe Station. A proxe station is an interactive way to share the Gospel. We will be asking students "Where Does Evil Invade Your Space" and talking about the Good News of the gospel in the midst of a hurting world. Pray that students would attend the training and be excited to engage in spiritual conversations.
Monday will be a typical day for us. I will be on campus inviting students to Bible study and then we have Bible Study at 9pm. Pray that we would be able to study the word well, and we would apply scripture!
There is a professor from Brown University talking about science and religion. He is a believer, and we are hoping that many skeptics on the campus would come and hear truth. Pray that I would have an opportunity to meet non-Christians and be an influence in their lives.
I have a great opportunity to meet with other members of the faith community here at Albion, as well as faculty members, AND the PRESIDENT of the college. Pray that I would be able to build good relationships with the faculty members and other members of the faith community. Pray that I would be able to prepare for the discussion that we will be having.
InterVarsity students will be engaging in a spiritual dialog with students and faculty with the proxe station.
During the evening, we will be hosting a "Broken Bread Meal." It is a meal that is fed to people with AIDS, a small porridge meal with nutrients. We will be raising awareness for AIDS as well as raising money. We will be talking about how God cares for the afflicted, diseased and orphans.
A night of worship for what the Lord has done!
Thank you so much for praying.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thankful Thursday #9
-the amazing weather!!!
-some significant conversations on campus this week
-The golf course is open, and is doing really good business---and again God is providing for us.
-the way scripture speaks to me, and I know that it is the word of God
-a day with baby Zach yesterday...even though he is getting to be less and less of baby. He made my day, and it was so fun spending time with him
-my dad has seriously injured his leg while on vacation in Fl....the good thing...he is in Fl, therefore he has spend a lot of time in the pool and hot tub because it feels good on his leg, and he drives for a living (as a drug sales rep) so luckily he is on vacation and has time to rest
-generous people giving to the Albion scholarship account
-my husband's talent and passion for cooking
-the books that Melissa gave me to read last night, now I just have to read them.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, Monday
#1- I met with a student to help her plan Bible Study. Each week I am trying to have a student lead, and phase myself out. We were supposed to plan Bible Study, pray and leave. We ended up talking for over 3 hours, or something like that. It was crazy. I asked her how I could pray for her, and she ended up in tears, and we talked about racial reconciliation, the plight of Albion the town, and the role of Christians in bringing community renewal and hope of the Gospel to people who live here. I felt like God was using me to bring healing to her and to motivate her to continue to live out the Gospel in this community. I am also really excited to see what will happen in our chapter as a result of this conversation. It has been my heart and prayer since I have started here at Albion, that students would experience what this town offers, a front row seat to homelessness, poverty, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, racism, etc. Not that the students would be observers, but that they would have an opportunity to change this community and when they graduate go and change the world.
#2- Bible Study. To be completely honest, was hard for me. It was hard to not throw students across the room and wring their necks. Ok, ok. I guess that it wasn't THAT bad. We have been studying the book of Acts, so as an application, I was talking about actually doing evangelism. Actually spending time on campus doing evangelism. The response I got : "I think that we should just love people, and not offend them by talking to them." WHAT!!!!!! I have spent time investing in these students and feel like they haven't learned anything, or haven't even really studied scripture. So what am I supposed to do with this? My prayer and focus has been, "how do I finish this semester well?" It is hard to feel that I have made an impact at all, when they no longer believe in sharing the Gospel.
#3- After Bible study...AMAZING conversation. I told a man, that I really appreciated his spiritually maturity and was grateful for how he added to the Bible Study. I said something along the lines of, "I can really tell that you are a man of God." and to this he responded: "Yah, a man of God struggling." And as you can imagine......conversation ensued. A great conversation of finding out some of his struggles as a believer. He was great! I was encouraged and reminded of why I love staff work. It was a great way to end my evening.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Thankful Thursday #8
Thanking God this week for:
-An opportunity to spend time with family and friends in spite of a family member's death. It was a great time to catch up with people.
-Starbucks caramel machiatto. I am thinking that I should not be thankful for it, because it has become an addiction, but it has kept me awake and given me an extra jolt when I needed it.
-A sweet night out with Matt and Angie, even though I was exhausted!
-A great night at Chili's with Joe and Kim.
-People in my life who realize I need alone time, and non-touchy time.
-A husband who let me spend most of Sunday and some of Monday all by myself, because I was completely overstimulated with seeing Jon's family all week.
-A chance to worship at Crossroads this past weekend.
-Seeing Grandma, my parents, sisters, aunt, uncle and cousins.
-Laughing so hard my stomach hurt at my aunt's high school play that she directed. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. "We're all in this together..." Jenna...are you reading this?
-JOURNALING!!! What a great way to help me process.
-The book, "Irresistible Revolution." It has changed my thinking and given Jon and I great conversations. I know I posted about this last time, but this week Jon is reading it.
-Encouragement from students.
-Fund Development training
-God's call on my life
-Knowing that I am where I am supposed to be
-Great leadership in InterVarsity that encourage prayer and fasting. Nothing can be done without seeking the Lord and aligning our will up to His.
-A Mark Schultz song.
-Beautiful weather!!!
-Phone calls from my family, even if it is 5 times a day. I love them....a lot.
-A chance to borrow a second car, until we can afford to get one ourselves.
Monday, March 31, 2008
This blog has been a long time coming :)
Despite, having to go through a death, it was so great to be with family. We don't spend a whole lot of time with the Sausser's and it was great to build better relationships.
It is officially April. Goals for this month:
1. Start working out again
2. Work on fund raising, with greater fervor and passion.
3. Find a place to call home, for a church.
4. Get students to go to Chapter Focus Week
5. Hang out with students on weekends.
6. End the semester well.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Miracle of the Body
It was amazing to me to see how the body was interconnected. When one thing went wrong, several things went wrong, and when one thing was getting better, many things were looking up. God really knew what he was doing when he was creating us. Praising the Lord as creator today!
Thankful Thursday #7
Thanking God this week for:
-Getting home safely in the snow. What was supposed to be an hour and a half drive, took over 5 hours, but the Lord kept us safe and on the road, even as we saw several, several cars spinning out and in ditches.
-Sleeping in my own bed, and having a fan as a noise maker.
-Autumn, Jade and Joe coming to campus to pray for the students and campus life here. It was a blessing to be held up by other believers.
-Authors like Shane Claiborne that challenge me in my thinking and in my walk with the Lord.
-Starbucks in the lobby of Crittendon Hospital, helped us stay awake and enjoy the hospital a little more.
-Panera Bread being right next to Crittendon Hospital, allowed Jon and I to take several trips to get family meals so they don't have to leave the hospital.
-Doctors and nurses who are passionate about their jobs and know what they are doing.
-Jon's grandpa improving greatly.
-A good time with Jon's family, despite meeting in the hospital.
-An amazing, amazing husband, who encourages me and loves me all the time.
-Jon's co-workers were very understanding when we got the call to come to the hospital, and encouraged him to do what he needed. During our time at the hospital, he felt like he could be with his family and not focus or worry about work all the time.
-God's constant provision.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Let the people of God pray!
Thank you to those who came and walked around campus and prayed today. It was amazing and exciting. I know that God wants to move on this campus and I feel like we are on the verge of something great. If you are ever in Albion, or want to stop by and pray, I would feel so blessed and I know that God will meet us.
I can't wait to see what God does. Stay posted, and wait in expectancy!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thankful Thursday #6
-God's grace and mercy. Time and time again I find myself failing in ministry and yet God still calls me to transform lives, renew the campus and develop world changers.
-A great weekend at home with friends and family
-A time to see beautiful babies!
-YAY for lunch and a great talk with Autumn
-Spring Break, a time of rest and work
-For my donors and people who are in prayer for the ministry here at Albion. I am reminded that I would not be able to do it without them.
-A fun dinner with Melissa and Zach at Outback
-A gut laugh, lots of gut laughs from Zach when he threw a golfball at Jon ( a 16 mo old)
-Jon's new employees are a great addition. They are good at their job and want to work hard.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Everyone should be super proud of my husband. He has lost 20 pounds, and is looking great!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday #5
-being able to talk to my husband about Everything!
-God's FREEDOM!!!! I have experienced freedom this week that I haven't had in 24 years. His grace was lavished on me, and he reminded me that he gives freedom to my fears
-My amazing sister, and how I can tell her anything :)
-A great vision casting night this week with students!!!!
-Students are excited to be a part of the mission on campus!
-An encouraging email from my pastor
-the satisfaction from a clean house
-perfume, especially JLO and Desperate Housewives (yes I know, lame, but at least I smell good)
-a generous surprise gift from a donor!
-God providing for us financially in crazy ways all the time!!!!
-Building relationships with the point where I can be sarcastic, myself, be real, and lead them all at the same time.
-that my computer has lasted even when I think it should have died by now.
Casting Lasting Visions
On Monday as I prepared and prayed for Bible Study, I felt that the Lord was leading me in a different direction. He ended up leading me to casting a great vision for reaching the campus in the next four years. I explained what God was calling me to, asked them to join and they are sooo excited!!!! Many students asked if they could receive training from me, and have asked to go to chapter focus week.
PRAISE THE LORD!!! For the first time I am truly happy to be in Albion. I am truly excited that I am called here. I met with a student last night and told her that I hope that I am here in 10 years and I can tell the students then, that the students now have left a legacy for them.
Spring Break starts next week. I will be spending most of it planning the rest of the semester and praying for a great thing to happen!!!
Please pray:
-that God would raise up leaders
-that I would know how to train students
-that I would have wisdom and discernment in how to lead
-that I would be fully funded, so I can focus on ministry
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thankful Thursday #4
-Enterprise Rent a Car
-Great Funding appointments
-10 people coming to the prayer room on Saturday
-great conversations with people
-a great week for funding (thanks for all who continue to support this ministry)
-seeing my family this weekend
-Jon's desire to help me keep a healthy lifestyle
-Jodi Piccoult books
-my camera....again, even though I need to learn how to use it better
-Turkey burgers
-My pseudo office---Panera Bread
-thankful that my sister was not in an accident, just the first on the scene
-God led Jon to make the right decision as far as switching jobs go
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thankful Thursday #3
-reuniting with friends that Jon and I lost touch with
-new coworker for Jon that will hopefully bring great business to the golf club
-a new camera!!!! I have loved playing with it and am looking forward to a great sabbath of taking pics and learning how to be a better photographer
-a car that works and gets me safely from point a to point b
-a husband that is patient as we learn how to live life with one car when we are both going in different directions
-meeting Albion Alum
-a family that is so excited for Jon and I to have kids
-a chance to sleep 8 hours of sleep
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I have a new toy!
So....any ideas of what I should start taking pictures of.....or anyone wanna be a model? I will take everyone ideas and post them on my flickr site.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thankful Thursday #2
- a time of good rest
-a husband that has grace with me, gives great advice and allows me to vent
-Jon agreeing to bi uy me a new camera
-iv students joining greek life at Albion for the sake of ministry
-God's grace, when I deserve punishment, when I don't measure up, He still calls me to ministry and life of following Him
-answer to prayer
-How far this country has come with racism (not to say that we are done in this process, but we have made great advances through God's grace)
-The African American Museum in Detroit, that gave me a compelling visual of racism in the past
-Working for an organization that values multi-ethnicity and racial reconciliation, not only holds it as a value, but actually practices it
-Albion students wanting to have a weekly prayer meeting.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Thankful Thursday #1
Thankful this week for:
-good test results back for Jon's health
-my cats (crazy I know, but I love them)
-some great appointments with students
-a very informational adoption meeting
-safety on the roads for Jon as he travels on ice, snow and fog
-heat on these bitterly cold days
-an amazing understanding husband who supports me in everything!
-great conversation with my oregonian friend
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Join us in this journey...
The next few steps:
1) Finish application
2) Save up $600 to send in application.
Please join us in prayer as we save money and start the journey. Pray for our new child and the birth mother! She needs prayers as she wrestles with the decision and chooses to give her child life!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
It's days like today...
I had some amazing conversations with students. With one student, I really feel like God was using me to bring healing to her life. I could not believe that God was using me to help with her along in her healing process. We are all hurting, broken and need healing...and she gets to begin that process!
GIGs......GIG's are groups investigating God. It is a time for a believer to meet with their seeker friends and share with them the truth of Jesus. I met with two students today that want to co-lead a GIG together and have 3 friends in mind that they want to invite! Praise Jesus that His word will be studied among seekers! Pray that these students would turn to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
There is a freshmen that is would like to co-lead Bible Study with me! Woot, woot!!! I can't wait to train her up in this. She will be great!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
On Seminars
-The biggest thing that I walked away from this seminar is to have an evangelistic attitude in every conversation. see conversations and everyday life as an opportunity to go deeper. Most of what happens is my own mindset before I even begin a conversation.
-Whether I was at Central or at Albion, it has been a struggle to have men in our fellowships. During this seminar, we heard from 4 staff from across the country and heard ways that they have recruited men. there are several great ideas! Let me know if you want them and I will pass those ideas on!
-During the past few months the Lord has brought me to a place of deeper prayer and intercession and I have been sensing that He is calling me into healing prayer. This seminar was great!!!!! It was some "How to's" on healing prayer, as well as actually praying. It was amazing to see how God really does answer prayer and I am encouraged how powerful the Gospel is!
THIS to the Regional Staff Training Institute (RSTI). We will be focusing on evangelism and doing some evangelism at U of M. Please pray for our encounters with students there, that we would be bold in sharing and that students would make commitments to follow the Lord.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Staff Conference '08
First things firsts, the beds we stayed in were pretty amazing, pretty hard to believe, but it was great!
The theme was "I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL." In God's great grace, He revealed to me that I am often ashamed of the power of the Gospel. It was soo encouraging to hear how God is using InterVarsity around the world to make an amazing difference in the lives of students and faculty.
I am so grateful to be working with this organization. The leadership is amazing.
I have tons of things that I could post about Staff Conference, what would you guys like to hear?